
Does the VFW (Video For Windows) API support Alpha Channel Transparency?

Does the VFW (Video For Windows) API support Alpha Channel Transparency? I want to be able to export video with Alpha channel information. How can I do this in VC6? ...

how to read and write data and accepting connection using socket channel

I have created a simple server client application using java NIO. I used a single selector there for accepting connection, reading data and writing. But I want an application where 1 selector will be busy in accepting the connection while the 2nd selector will read the data and the 3rd selector will write the data. Means I donot want to...

Retlang input prioritization

What is the preferred way, if any, to handle channel input in a prioritized fashion? Is there anything equivalent to Scala's "reactWithin(0) { ... case TIMEOUT }" construct? ...

How to send a file over a network using socket channel in java

I want to write a socket channel program using which I can send a file from the client program to the server program. I want to create this program using Java. Is there any other on-line help is available So how to overcome this problem. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

Flex Channel Security Error while logging into two different domains from single app

hi there i need to connect to two different domains from a single flex application. the problem is the domain other than the current hosted domain is unable to login. letz say i hosted the application at LOCAL server. im able to login to the local server . From the existing application i need a login to the MAIN server too. The problem...

how to send an image file over network using socket channel

I have created server program which will send an image file to the client. My program works fine if the image is of 512 byte. But it does nit work fine for large file. In this case i am not getting the exact image that i am supposed to get. means my recovered image is in some improper manner. So how to solve this problem I am using jav...

How to calculate the average rgb color values of a bitmap

In my C# (3.5) application I need to get the average color values for the red, green and blue channels of a bitmap. Preferably without using an external library. Can this be done? If so, how? Thanks in advance. Trying to make things a little more precise: Each pixel in the bitmap has a certain RGB color value. I'd like to get the averag...

How can I check that a WCF host is available before I use a channel from a client?

I am creating a windows service that starts a number of slave processes. In each of these slave process I start listening on a named pipe for message from the master process. I currently have the situation where the master process calls a slave via a named pipe before the slave is fully started and starts listening on the named pipe. ...

Antlr hidden channel whitespace problem

Hello, I have the following Antlr grammar: grammar MyGrammar; doc : intro planet; intro : 'hi'; planet : 'world'; MLCOMMENT : '/*' ( options {greedy=false;} : . )* '*/' { $channel = HIDDEN; }; WHITESPACE : ( (' ' | '\t' | '\f')+ | // handle newlines ( '\r\n' // DOS/Windows | '\r' // Macintosh | '\...

Recovering from a CommunicationObjectFaultedException in WCF

I have a client app that tries every 10 seconds to send a message over a WCF web service. This client app will be on a computer on board a ship, which we know will have spotty internet connectivity. I would like for the app to try to send data via the service, and if it can't, to queue up the messages until it can send them through the...

How can I tell if another app has registered an IPC Remoting channel?

So I have an application which has a .NET API available. Their API library communicates with their main application through .NET remoting calls. In order to use the API, the application must be up and running already. So, I have an instance where I need to programmatically start the application and then instantiate one of the API object...

WCF Callback channel faulted

Hi, I'm trying to implement a reconnect logic for a wcf client. I'm aware that you have to create a new channel after the current channel entered the faulted state. I did this in a channel faulted event handler: internal class ServiceClient : DuplexClientBase, IServiceClient { public ServiceClient(ICallback callback, EndpointAddress...

Play single midi woodblock note on Java?

I'm planning to create my own metronome (woodblock instrument) using Java that could set its bpm, volume, etc. And I have tried over 16 channels (MIDI 1.0 specification) obtained from getChannels() but there is no woodblock heard at all. Here's the code taken from /* * Turn the note on on MIDI channel 1...

WCF client proxy initialization

I am consuming a WCF service and created its proxy using the VS 2008 service reference. I am looking for the best pattern to call WCF service method Should I create the client proxy instance every time I call the service method and close the client as soon as I am done with that? When I profiled my client application, I could see tha...

WCF Maximum Message Size Quota

I'm trying to call a WCF service (hosted in a Windows Service, not IIS) and am getting the following error: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages has been exceeded for the remote channel. See the server logs for more details. I have tried increasing the MaxReceivedMessageSize and the ReaderQuotas to their maxi...

WCF duplex channel gets closed when using callbacks

My WCF service uses netTcpBinding, and has a callback object. I need to service multiple concurrent clients, and mantain sessions, so the service is decorated with [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession, ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple] To avoid thread deadlocks, the callback class is decorated...

WCF ChannelFactory and Channel caching in ASP.NET client application

Hi All, I´m building a series of WCF Services that are going to be used by more than one application. Because of that I´m trying to define a common library to access WCF services. Knowing that each service request made by different users should use a different Channel I´m thinking in cache the Channel per-request (HttpContext.Current.I...

How to prevent that a channel exception make a WCF service stop working?

I created a WCF singleton service with netNamedPipeBinding. When a channel exception occurs, it leaves a channel in a faulty state, and all subsequent operations throws exceptions. How can I prevent this? I want that a TimeoutException, or any of the other common exceptions, to make only one operation fail, and not to make the service un...

MOTD for channels

Is there a way to display a file/string of text to a user's channel output when a user joins a channel? Would this have to happen serverside in the irc config or could a bot do the same? ...

WCF channel lifetime with repeat calls

Maybe this is an obvious question, maybe it isn't. Imagine a GUI control application where every button push calls a different function on a remote WCF service. Button usage is frequent at approximately every few seconds. In general is it best to open and close the WCF channel every function call or hold the channel open for the lifetime...