
How do you find a functions virtual call address in assembly?

I've googled around but i'm not sure i am asking the right question or not and i couldn't find much regardless, perhaps a link would be helpful. I made a c++ program that shows a message box, then I opened it up with Ollydbg and went to the part where it calls MessageBoxW. The call address of MessageBoxW changes each time i run the ap...

WCF RESTful client endpoint address problem

I'm creating my first RESTful web service with Visual Studio/WCF and found a problem on the client site. On the web service I have an interface with this function definition: [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/test/academias/{hashAcademia}", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] Academia GetAcademiaByHash(string hashAcademi...

Mysql-how to update the "" in "[email protected]"

Hi there, In my database I have a lot of users who've misspelled their e-mail address. This in turn causes my postfix to bounce a lot of mails when sending the newsletter. Forms include (but are not limited to) "", "yahho .com" etc. Very annoying! So i have been trying to update those record to the correct value. After executin...

PHP/mysqli: Inserting IP address with mysqli_stmt_bind_param()

Hello! I have a database table which contains an unsigned integer field to store the visitor's IP address: `user_ip` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, Here's the snippet of PHP code which tries to store the IP address: $ipaddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbconn, 'INSERT INTO visitors(user_email, user_ip) VALU...

Help needed regarding Address jquery plugin.

I am not able to use the address plugin for the below code to work. Need help writting the js. Pls help. Objective: click on each link, the <div id='load'> will be populated with corresponding data and this should be back button enabled. <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <bod...

How do game trainers change an address in memory that's dynamic?

Lets assume I am a game and I have a global int* that contains my health. A game trainer's job is to modify this value to whatever in order to achieve god mode. I've looked up tutorials on game trainers to understand how they work, and the general idea is to use a memory scanner to try and find the address of a certain value. Then modify...

Rewrite document.location without loading

I am developing a system which is 100% ajax, except of course, the first request. I am interested in changing the address in document.location, using javascript. But I don't want the browser to load the page on that "new" location. Does anyone know how I can do this? miro ...

iPhone Address Book - Actual Addresses

I'm trying to retrieve all the addresses from the address book and display them in a tableview, but I am having trouble understanding the structure of the dictionary for which street addresses are returned. Does anyone know of a tutorial or relevant code snippet for extracting the street address(es) of contacts in the AddressBook? ...

remote_addr problem

I am using xampp on localhost and when I use _SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] it returns ::1 (also does this in phpinfo()). Why does it do this? I want it to return a normal ip address like My operating system is windows vista. ...

Assembly instruction address...

Why every time when I disassembly the same .exe file the same instruction is in the same address? And what address is that(RAM? HDD? Virtual?)? ...

how to get ip address from sock structure in c ?

I'm writing simple server/client and trying to get client ip address and save it on server side to decide which client should get into critical section. I googled it several times but couldn't find proper way to get ip address from sock structure. I believe this is a way to get ip from sock struct after server accept request from client...

when returning by address, doesnt this go out of scope? ( SDL question)

Hi there, this is a code example from lazyfoo's SDL tutorials. SDL_Surface *load_image( std::string filename ) { //Temporary storage for the image that's loaded SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL; //The optimized image that will be used SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL; //Load the image loadedImage = SDL_LoadBMP( filename.c_str()...

How to use the jquery address plug-in with jquery ui tabs

I'd like to have my last selected jquery ui (non-AJAX) tab stay open when I refresh the page with the browser, and the back button should go back to the last opened tab. As this is currently not supported (yet) in the jquery ui tabs, I installed the address plug-in as mentioned in this stackoverflow question. Now when I apply the .addre...

Same webpage on different URLs

What are the implications (SEO-wise) of having the same resource at many different URLs? I've seen some websites that practically never show a 404 page. Any wrong URL path will simply render the homepage. Other sites, for example, redirect to - (no trailing slash) or vice versa in order to...

.NET: Show the storage location or address of an object?

Is there a way to get the "address" of an object? This is for demonstration purposes, I know this is a bad idea in general and if it works at all then as unsafe code. The project is tuned to allow unsafe code. However my tries were unsuccessful. The code I have so far is not compiling: unsafe static String AddressOf(Object o) { ...

Using Flash/SWF applications to retrieve a user's "real" IP address

I'm almost certain this is possible, but am not sure how to go about it. Basic idea: User visits a website using a HTTP/socks proxy. Hidden .swf file is embedded on the site which, when loaded by the client, sends data back to the web server, and that allows the IP to be logged along with a corresponding session ID of some sort which ti...

Getting MAC Address C#

Hey, I have found this code to get a MAC address, but it returns a long string and doesn't include ':'. Is it possible to add in the ':' or split up the string and add it it myself? here is the code: private object GetMACAddress() { string macAddresses = ""; foreach (NetworkInterface nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInter...

Magento : call a variable from customer’s shipping address in Onepage checkout, step 3 shipping method

Hi, I need to call a variable that is a customer’s shipping address attribute, in Onepage checkout, step 3 shipping method In file app/design/frontend/default/default/template/deliverydate/onepage/deliverydate.phtml I already made successful tests in calling this variable with : $numero_point_relais = $this->getCustomer()...

Android: Insert.POSTAL String format

How do I format Insert.POSTAL so that the add contact dialog populates with city state and zip also? ...

jQuery address plugin -- Not working when content is replaced

I've been using the jQuery address plugin to enable back-button support, which has been working except for when the link is in the AJAX content area. For example <div id="content"> <a href="example.html" rel="address:example.html" onclick="ajaxLoad(this);">link</a> </div> where ajaxLoad replaces content with the content of example....