
Best way to implement a Web 2.0 navigation system

Now here is my situation: I'm making a CMS. When links are clicked, i would like the pages to load dynamically using Ajax. The problem in the links! The only way to change the address in the address bar real-time is to use anchor tags. But PHP doesn't get the anchor tags, thus I can't load page content on site load using PHP. And if i w...

Shall I put contact information in a separate table?

I'm planning a database who has a couple of tables who contain plenty of address information, city, zip code, email address, phone #, fax #, and so on (about 11 columns worth of it), a table is an organizations table containing (up to) 2 addresses (legal contacts and contacts they should actually be used), plus every user has the same in...

MMU and TLB miss

Suppose the following. I have a system with virtual memory with one lever paging, I have a MMU and the TLB thing is controled by software. Ok.. so imagine I'm a process, and I want to read a word in RAM of virtual address vaddr. So, the CPU gives the MMU vaddr, the MMU checks in the TLB if there's an entry with the (suppose) 5 most sig...

asual jqueryAddress - double url update

hey guys, I'm using asual's jqueryAddress for history support in a wordpress site where I'm loading content without refreshing the page. when i navigate through the site, for some reason the address is updated twice: siteurl/#about-us siteurl/#/about-us (had to modify the urls above because I don't have enough 'reputation points' t...

Get IP address for request into web.xml

Hi Guys, The server machine has a internal IP address of x.x.x.x and external IP address of y.y.y.y If the form action in JSP has the value x.x.x.x:9080 my code works properly But when it has the value y.y.y.y I am getting a bug. The code requires an internal IP address. Is there a way that I can intercept all requests made using exte...

phonebook iphone webapp

Hi, is it possible get all phonebook of iphone with a web application?? Best regards Samantha ...

ABContact setImage, thumbnail problem?

I have setup addressbook contact's images using a code, it works well and the image is there when I browse the Addressbook, But when a call comes, it only shows a thumbnail? I want to show the full image instead the thumbnail? Is it a bug? NSData *dataRef = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(entry.recIcon,1.0); CFDataRef cf...

Is it possible to retrieve a list of all addresses within a certain region in Google Maps API?

Say I want to retrieve a list of all addresses of Rome. How do I achieve this programmatically in Google Maps API, or any other web service? I don't want the actual location of the addresses, just a list of the names of the addresses. ...

[MAGENTO] Force customer to fullfill the address form again

Hi! I created a new attribute to the address form and it is working fine, my problem is with older customers. How can I make force them to have to edit their address? WHen they go to the checkout page, they choose the old address without knowing about the new attribute, and it is really important for us that they fill it properly any ...

Problem with Chrome Extensions

Hi, I'm trying to write a chrome extension that will take the URL of the page the user is on and send it to a server for a response back. So far I have been trying to use 'chrome.tabs.getCurrent()', but I get uncaught TypeError on the getCurrent object. Is there an easy way for doing this? ...

what will be the addressing mode in assembly code generated by the compiler here ?

Suppose we've got two integer and character variables: int adad=12345; char character; Assuming we're discussing a platform in which, length of an integer variable is longer than or equal to three bytes, I want to access third byte of this integer and put it in the character variable, with that said I'd write it like this: character=...

Common Markup Language for Address/Location

I'm looking for a standard markup language to transmit addresses (locations). I really need nothing more complicated than a list of addresses with some metadata, each requiring a name, address, state, phone, email, geocoordinates, and some other metadata. I don't want to have to parse these addresses into their constituent parts; I nee...

Banning MAC address from accessing certain port - C++

Hello, I want to stop someone with a certain MAC address from accessing a certain port on my server, I'm using this as a sort of hardware ban for a private server a friend of mine runs. I am looking to do this in C++, and would like to know what I would need to research in order to do it. The server runs Windows. Also, how would I fin...

How do I get a value from an address using Java?

For an obfuscation program I am writing in Java, I need to find a way to get a value at a specific address. For example, in a program I opened in a hex editor, at the address 0000001F is the hex value "00". Furthermore, is it possible to write to a specific memory address? For example writing to 0000001F and changing it from "00" to for ...

Strategy/Example for Parsing Loosely Formatted Addresses?

We have a field in our application that needs to support US city/zip inputs along the following lines: Boston, MA MA 02114 Zone 0 That last input, "Zone 0" is specific to our industry, but can be anything matching "Zone #". There are of course, variations about these themes: Boston MA 02114 grand rapids mi ai oh I'm curious if an...

mail address validation in python/django

We are developing our website in django framework and with python. currently we are looking for an api/a tool to validate the physical addres the user enters. It doesn't need to be vey sophisticated. We just need to avoid spam registrations. For this step, we need to verify if country, state, city, and zipcode are belong to each other. F...

How to return the name of a variable stored at a particular memory address in C++

Hey StackOverflow, first time posting here after having so many of my Google results come up from this wonderful site. Basically, I'd like to find the name of the variable stored at a particular memory address. I have a memory editing application I wrote that edits a single value, the problem being that every time the application holdin...

How to specify endpoint address that is different from service location in Java Web service client constructed with SAAJ?

I am constructing web service client in Java using SAAJ to consume Windows asmx service. I cannot use other high level tools because applying Java tools (Axis or Jax-ws) to WSDL results in WSDL errors It works good for http services but for https services I got the problem because in WSDL address location ( ...

Ways to prevent cheating caused by dynamic ip addresses tampering with PHP-driven web contests

Hey all, Let's say you have a website contest programmed in PHP, and the user must click their favorite picture. Now from what I hear, there are ways to dynamically change your ip address, such as with the iphone, so it looks like you are someone else and therefore you can continuously click the same picture over and over in a matter o...

C: memory address literal

Given a literal memory address in hexadecimal format, how can I create a pointer in C that addresses this memory location? Memory addresses on my platform (IBM iSeries) are 128bits. C type long long is also 128bits. Imagine I have a memory address to a string (char array) that is: C622D0129B0129F0 I assume the correct C syntax to dir...