
Creating an adjacency Matrix from a JUNG Graph.

Graph < Integer, Integer> g = new SparseMultigraph<Integer, Integer>(); g.addVertex(1);g.addVertex(2);g.addVertex(3); g.addEdge(0,1,2 ,EdgeType.DIRECTED);g.addEdge(1,2,3 ,EdgeType.DIRECTED);g.addEdge(2,3,1 ,EdgeType.DIRECTED);g.addEdge(3,1,3 ,EdgeType.DIRECTED); How can I convert this graph into an adjacency matrix taking into ...

How to implement an adjacency matrix in java producing hamilton cycles

Hi, I am trying to implement an adjacency matrix in java that will produce an output for a Hamiltonian cycle, which can then be solved with different algorithms such as kruskurals, djikstras and the 2opt approach. i know that i need a 2d array but i dont know where to start. i need to be able to store the matrix and apply it to the graph...

Graph representation

Given graph, how could i represent it using adj matrix?. I have read lots of tutorials, post, slides, etc but i cant get my head round it, i just need that little push. ...

Graph representation benchmarking

Currently am developing a program that solves (if possible) any given labyrinth of dimensions from 3X4 to 26x30. I represent the graph using both adj matrix (sparse) and adj list. I would like to know how to output the total time taken by the DFS to find the solution using one and then the other method. Programatically, how could i produ...