What is dynamic programming algorithm for finding a Hamiltonian cycle in a undirected graph?
I have seen somewhere that there exists a algorithm with O(n*2^n) time complextity
Hi, I am trying to implement an adjacency matrix in java that will produce an output for a Hamiltonian cycle, which can then be solved with different algorithms such as kruskurals, djikstras and the 2opt approach. i know that i need a 2d array but i dont know where to start. i need to be able to store the matrix and apply it to the graph...
The title says it all. I have relatively small (40-80 nodes) cubic (3-regular) planar graphs, and I have to decide their Hamiltonicity. I am aware of the fact that this task is NP-complete, but I hope for asymptotically exponential time algorithms that are nevertheless very fast for the graph size I am interested in.
This is related to travelling salesman problem. First all permutations need to be generated and then the destination (same as origin) attached. I.e.:
I have all the distances and only need an algorithm to sum them up. I wonder if there is an algorithm (C preferable) I can use for this or if there ...