
Adobe air log capturing tools?

What is a good tool for capturing the logs from adobe air application? I'm looking for something that can capture the log from an air application when it runs (and ideally when it crashes). I'm looking for something like Bugsplat ( for c/c++ as for adobe air/actionscript. Thanks! ...

Java or Coldfusion?

Im not trying to debate which language is better, I'm just hitting a brick wall. I'm building an Adobe Air desktop app for several companies. I came to the conclusion that ColdFusion was better than PHP for this (I need the 'push' feature). But now I have hit a brick wall. In order to use ColdFusion, I must learn it first. When I look...

How to work out a small Adobe AIR Application?

Hi, I would like to know how is it possible, or what knowledge do I need to acquire to create a small Adobe AIR application, probably like a employee directory search that will search and show a list of employee names, from a application based on php/mysql? Thanks. ...

Air Flex Uploads URLRequest maximum simultaneous

Hi I'm trying to upload to amazon s3 using FileStream and UrlRequest. But it seems I can only upload 2 files simultaneously. Is there a reason for this? How can I work around this? Also would this affect web service calls to a SOAP web service on the same domain? Thanks, ...

How to avoid native authentication popup in AIR on Mac?

In AIR on Mac, when I send login creds to a service and they're incorrect, AIR displays a native popup window to try logging in again without dispatching an error event. Twitter provides a header (suppress_response_codes=true), which returns any error as a status 200 with the error message. I'm using HTTPService to connect to a service w...

Adobe Air/Flex filtering large datasets

Hi I have an Air app that downloads a data set of around 100`000 objects and puts the objects in an ArrayCollection. I would like to apply various filters to the data set in numerous screens throughout the app. I am a little worried about possible performance issues if I make multiple copies of the collection. However, if I don't copy t...

Is there away to Modify AIR file or make it include in process configuration file ?

Hello all i hope i will be clear in what i want to do can i build in AIR some generic application that will contain options that will effect this generic application appearance and behavior , this will be controlled from outside the AIR file . then can i merge this to files ( the configuration file and the generic AIR file ) to single...

Adobe Air: draw vector graphics

Does Air supports SVG and if it not possible is there another way to event sensitive graphics draw via JavaScript. ...

Flex and AIR: Open and Close Window Without Re-creating

I would like to open and close a window in Flex(AIR). I would really like to do something like: var myWindow:Window = new Window();; // open after creating(this works) myWindow.close(); // now hide the window;// reappear(this doesn't work after a close) I'm probably missing something simple, ...

SQL Date and Flash Date problem

I am using the local database feature in AIR 1.5. I have a table which is created by: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (timeAdded Date, name STRING)" Now lets say that I want every employee added between date1:Date and date2:Date, I would do that by using: "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE " + date1 + "<timeAdded AND timeAdded<" + ...

Serial port access in Adobe-Air

I am looking to use Adobe Air to visualize information coming from the Serial port. Is there a way to do this naively in Air? I'm assuming not. If this is the case, would my best route be to create a native application that makes the serial port available via a TCP/IP connection then connect to it locally? or would a different socket t...

Can I pass a parameter to an Adobe Air app installer and use it at first startup?

I need to offer the opportunity to install a personalized Adobe Air application from a website. Every user should be able to download an individual version of the app out of their user profile. Therefore i need to pass an id (e.g. the user id) to the installer which should be available at the first startup of the app, so that i can store...

Adobe Air drops Events silently??

Hi There! In my Adobe Air application I have a change event handler attached to a mx:DataGrid. When I'm debugging the application in FlashBuilder 4 the handler is executed, everything works fine. But as soon as I install the application the handler stops being executed! I've added plenty of logging to the application, no errors are thr...

Adobe air - add context menu on right click of tree node

I am using Adobe Air to create a desktop application. In that application I have a tree and i want to add menu to a node when it right clicked. I followed the way they are saying for flex tree, but not working. Any How-to ? ~Umesh ...

Adobe AIR drag and drop directory

Hi, Please let me know how can I drag and drop a directory from windows onto Adobe AIR panel. The folder has subFolders inside. The subFolders have many files. I want to drag the parent folder and drop it so that the whole structure has to get uploaded. Please help. ...

how to manipulate child control in flex

Hi I am trying to manipulate (move up and down, enable/disable and launch a form) child controls inside a panel control. However I am unable to get the id of the child control on which the click event occurs. To illustrate, I am trying to create similar functionality as is available. I am trying to create the up-down buttons that you ...

What version of WebKit does Adobe Air use?

In the most recent release of Adobe Air, what version of the WebKit rendering engine does it use? ...

Possible: use Flex/Air to build a chromeless CD autorun app

We'd like to have an app autorun when our clients put in our info CD. Is it possible to do this using Adobe AIR... We were thinking of using the Flash Projector cause it compiles to an .exe which is easily launched, but there's no way to get rid of the ugly window chrome is there? AIR Apps have to be installed right? Thanks ...

Calling a Java class from Adobe Air app

I have to develope a simple desktop application. I have to call my Jar behind it. I am thinking that I should have Adobe Air interface that will call my Jar. Is it possible in Air. If yes, then I am going to learn Adobe Air, otherwise I will develope it in Swing. Thanks. ...

How to get an OpenStreetMap image in adobe air?

I try to load an image from openstreetmap into an air application using javascript and html but the image doesnt appear. I've no problems getting images from flickr. This is the image url: Map image from OSM ...