
Why don’t CLR stored procedures and ADOConnect play nice?

I have an unmanaged C++ application that uses the COM ADOConnection object. The application makes use of the BeginTrans/CommitTrans methods on the object to control transaction behavior. I recently added a CLR stored procedure to do some Regex stuff (and got some wicked fast processing, much better than pulling the data back to C++, pr...

Is Delphi's TADOConnection thread-safe?

I'm writing a Delphi 7 application which needs to access the same SQL Server database from many different threads simultaneously. Can I use a single shared TADOConnection, or must each thread create their own? ...

What's wrong with this ASP connection string?

I'm at the end of my rope on this. It should be so simple. I just need to know what's wrong with this connection string: ("Driver={SQL Server}; Data Source = ServerName; Initial Catalog = InitialDB; " "User ID = Username; Password = Password;") I get this error when running that line: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Da...

Adoconnection asks for userid and password when opened Delphi

I am trying to open an ADOConnection component. The database is in MDB format. I use JET to access it. Whenever I use AdoConnection.Open in my code the window pops up and asks for userid and pass. I enter "Admin" for userid and leave password empty, and it works, but I don't want this window to pop up. I tried using AdoConnection.Open('A...

Ok to use TADOConnection in threads

I have created an TCPip server application. The application has one global TADOConnection. This global ado connection is used both for main thread queries and also within threaded processes. Is this ok? Does the ADOConnection have built in mechanisms to handle multiple queries at the same time? My application works find in testing...

Insert Unicode chars to MySQL with Delphi 2010

Trying to insert values with Unicode Chars into a MySQL-database using Delphi 2010 and TADOConnection with no luck. Connection with ODBC Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=mysrc;Initial Catalog=mydb The SQL command: INSERT INTO myTable (aCol) VALUES('Russian: русский язык') Tried inserting it directly with...

delphi adoconnection econvert error

hi, I have the following code wich is raising an EConvertError - "can not assign TAdoConnection to TAdoConnection" var wTmpADOConn : TADOConnection; begin // Result := nil; try Result := TADOConnection.Create(nil); wTmpADOConn := afunc(aNameConn);//aFunc-Function which returns a pointer to a TADOConnection objec...