
Do I need to change anything programmatically to leverage the integrated pipeline in IIS7?

Do I need to change anything programmatically to leverage the integrated pipeline in IIS7? If so, what's the best way to degrade gracefully and remain functional on IIS6? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET Masters: What are the advantages / disadvantages of using Session variables?

I've done a search on this subject already, and have found the same data over and over-- a review of the three different types of sessions. (InProc, Sql, StateServer) However, my question is of a different nature. Specifically, what is the advantages/disadvantages of using the built in .NET session in the first place? Here is why I am ...

Advantages and disadvantages between sql 2005 and sql 2008?

Exact duplicate: Advantages of MS SQL Server 2008 over MS SQL Server 2005? i am a sql developer and i use sql 2005. i want to now to pass to 2008 but i am a little affraid. can anyone gives me some advices about this. should i still continue using sql 2005 or is better pass all my projects to 2008 due to better performace? ...

Advantage 8.1 vs 7.1

I am in the process of upgrading a few in-house applications from ADS7.1 to 8.1. I was told a while back that there are changes in return values of the avg() function as well as some division calculations, but I cannot find any documentation on these changes. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or have a link that explains the detail...

Am I stupid for not using custom packages in Flex 3 (flash)?

When I create a new class file in Flex 3 it warns me that I should not use the default package. I personally never used packages before, but think that packages won't make things any more easier since I just want to be able to use all my classes everywhere without importing all kinds of packages which I would have to remember the names ...

Advantages and disadvantages of using Ajax update panels in ASP.NET application

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Ajax update panels in ASP.NET application. Is there any alternatives available to avoid the use of Ajax update panel? ...

What are the advantages of using Prolog over other languages?

Every language that is being used is being used for its advantages, generally. What are the advantages of Prolog? What are the general situations/ category of problems where one can use Prolog more efficiently than any other language? ...

Advantage of data type id vs NSString in Objective C?

This code... NSString * s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello, World"]; s = s.lowercaseString; NSLog(@"%@", s); ...allows the use of dot notation but is strongly typed. This code... id s = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"Hello, World"]; s = [s lowercaseString]; NSLog(@"%@", s); ... is weakly typed and requires use of sq...

What is the advantages an interpreted language has over a compiled language?

Possible Duplicate: Whats with the love of dynamic Languages I have already read this, but I do not get it. What use is making your own interpreter. Also, it says platform independence. After all the degree of platform independence is limited by what all platforms your interpreter can run on. So, I don't see any advantage. Als...

C++/CLI : Advantages over C#

Is there any major advantage of managed C++/CLI over C#. Definitely not the syntax I suppose as the following code in C++/CLI is real ugly, C++/CLI code: [Out]List<SomeObject^>^% someVariable Compare above with C# Code: out List<SomeObject> someVariable Just out of curiosity, is there an even uglier syntax in C++/CLI as compared t...

What are the advantages of doing 100% managed development using C++/CLI?

What are the advantages (the list of possible disadvantages is lenghtly) of doing 100% managed development using C++/CLI (that is, compile with /clr:safe which "generates ... assemblies, like those written in ... C#")? Especially when compard to C# (note C++/CLI : Advantages over C# and Is there any advantage to using C++/CLI over eithe...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Go programming language?

Not so long ago Google came out with this new programming language, which was said to be fast as C and intuitive and simple as python. I will not judge this assertions, but instead ask you: What do you think are Go's advantages and disadvantages? Can you tell us about a real use you have given to this programming language? Thanks! Man...

what are the advantages of C# over Python

I like Python mostly for the great portability and the ease of coding, but I was wondering, what are some of the advantages that C# has over Python? The reason I ask is that one of my friends runs a private server for an online game (UO), and he offered to make me a dev if I wanted, but the software for the server is all written in C#. ...

difference between #define and enum{} in C

Possible Duplicate: Difference between Enum and Define Statements when should one use enum {BUFFER = 1234}; over #define BUFFER 1234 ? what are the advantages enum brings compared to #define? i know, that #define is just simple text substitution and enum names the constant somehow. but why would one need that at al...

What are the advantages of MVC over 3-Layer Architecture in web applications?

Please note that I'm referring to 3-layer (logical layering) and not 3-tier (physical). Also don't get it wrong I'm not obsessed with design patterns. I'm a computer science student and they've asked me this trick question so I'm trying to find a smart answer. Thanks for you answers in advance! ...

Advantages/Disadvantages of using Access Applications

I was wondering what the advantages/disadvantages of using Microsoft Access would be compared to just creating a custom C# application. Is the execution time the same? Has its time already passed? ...

Possible locations for the ads.ini file using Windows Terminal Server 2008 R2

Good morning, Can the ads.ini file be located in other directory ? C:\%SystemRoot% C:\Users\%UserProfile%\WINDOWS C:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Windows I checked all of them and when I start Data Architect, I see my db aliases but the specified path is not the good one ?! I changed it using the interface and the ...