
mysql fulltext against()

I am trying to create a search page with MySQL fulltext. I have a search page with a textbox: < FORM NAME ="form1" METHOD ="POST" ACTION ="catalog.php?action="> I pass the user's input to another webpage (catalog.php) which runs the query: "SELECT * FROM books WHERE MATCH (title) AGAINST (???)" What do I place in the against() functi...

Mysql match against alternative

I need a search with a relevance algorithm and the database is mysql. I have to sort the results by date, if keyword is in title or not, number of apparitions of the keyword in the text and so on. Match against doesn't give me that much control. ...

Benchmarking tool

I'm unable to decide which is a better benchmarking tool-Is it apachebench tool or httperf? Please help me to decide which one would be the most appropriate tool to be chosen for benchmarking the web application. ...

mysql query against wildcard

I have a mysql query in php, using match / against to filter results. Im trying to get a wildcard after $string so the next character can be anything. Help? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE MATCH (message) AGAINST('$string%' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" ...

Using an overall WHERE clause when using UNIONS in sql

Hi, I am trying to return the MATCH() AGAINST() results against several tables using UNIONS, the only problem is some rows return a relevance of 0, I want to exclude these. After the unions is there a way to use 'WHERE relevance > 0' Below is a bit of my SQL SELECT pages.content AS search, page_info.url AS link, MATCH(pages.content) AG...


I need to find the following string: 'c++' My sql query look like this: SELECT * FROM shop_product WHERE MATCH(, shop_product.product_model, shop_product.keywords, shop_product.part_number, shop_product.upc, shop_product.brand_name) AGAINST ('c++' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) GROUP BY `product_id` LIMIT 0, 25 This script ...

MySQL MATCH AGAINST query with long WHERE AND OR syntax?

The following query is not working the way I expect: SELECT DISTINCT * FROM mytable WHERE MATCH (StrNum, StrName, StrType, TownName, Zip) AGAINST ('elm') AND Color = 'RED' OR Color = 'WHITE' OR Color = 'BLUE' This is returning more results than I expect - it's not limiting my results to those on 'elm'. If I remove the last line (A...