
Is it possiable send request to Google and Yahoo API at the same time?

In my project I used Google adwords API and also Yahoo API. I want to send request to two API at same time by using flex. Is it possible to send request to same time. If not how can I do ? ...

Custom Context Menu WITH selectable enabled in AS3

Hi All, I have a Label in AS3 that I want to be selectable (.selectable = true) AND I want the clipboardMenu to show up on right-click ALONG with custom menu items. If I do THIS: var label:Label = new Label(); label.text = "test"; label.selectable = false; var contextMenu = new ContextMenu(); contextMenu.clipboardMenu = true; context...

Storing plain text passwords

Hi, I'm working on an AIR application with a web back end. I need to store passwords for other websites (like how some websites do). What is the best way to store those passwords and transfer them between the PHP back end and the AIR application? Thanks, ...

Authentication without a username and a password

Hi, I'm working on an AIR application that connects to facebook. After the user connects to his facebook account he should be able to do stuff to the account linked to the facebook account he's logged into. Typically, you'd have a login() function that accepts a username and a password, authenticates them and sets a cookie. In my case,...

ActionScript Project to AIR Application?

I'm not using the Flex libraries or anything from Flash. I'm developing a pure AS3 project in Flexbuilder which I would like to deploy as an AIR application. What are my options? What's easiest? I'm having trouble finding a straight answer here. ...

What's the point of Adobe AIR?

I am a little confused. I keep seeing articles of how Adobe AIR can let you download apps that run on the desktop. Don't we have this already? How is this different from any WinForms or WPF application? Just the fact that you can download it from the web? Am I missing something? ...

Using Flex/Air with J2EE

Hi All, I work on a large financial system which is hosted on WebSphere and currently has an applet front end. I am just playing around with Flex for the first time and I am really impressed with the quality of the framework. I am interested to see if there is anyway I can integrate Flex into my J2EE application in a simple type safe ...

Animation in Adobe AIR using jQuery.animate

In my AIR application, I want to animate an HTML element using jQuery. When I attempt the animation in the global HTMLLoader, there is no problem. However, I'm having a problem when attempting to animate elements in a 'secondary' HTMLLoader (i.e. one opened by the original document). The animation isn't smooth - it only 'steps' when I m...

Is there a built in method to merge the properties of two objects into a single object?

I'm looking for a built-in method that combines two associative arrays or objects into one. Using webkit in Adobe Air if that makes a difference. But basically I have two objects or associative arrays if you will: var obj1 = { prop1: "something", prop2 "anotherthing" }; var obj2 = { prop3: "somethingelse" }; and I want to do merge the...

Installing Air App for all users

I am making an AIR app that is launched from the browser. When the user is changed the browser cannot launch the AIR app. Is there a way to set some param in the application.xml file or somewhere else to have the app be installed so that all users have access to it? ...

<mx:HTML/> link trouble

I create a AD area as a in my Fx app. But link not work when it was clicked. What is my wrong? ...

File Protection in Adobe AIR (Flex)

Is it possible download a file in an AIR application, store it on the user's system, and prohibit access to the files by applications other than the one with which it was downloaded? ...

Adobe Air Questions/Resources

I recently became quite interested in developing an adobe air application, and just had a few questions that maybe some more experienced air developers could answer. Firstly, what is the average time-frame required for an air project. Mainly I'm planning a somewhat ambitious project of porting a specific forum framework over to an air a...

to create Whiteboard component

How do I create a simple drawing board/whiteboard functionality in Flex ? ...

Access variables in a iFrame, or Vice Versa

I have a html page with an iFrame, from which i want to read a few variable. Its basically a map, from which i want to retrieve the Latitude and Longitude values. I've been working on Adobe AIR, and I've tried retrieving values from innerHTML, contentWindow, but still been unable to get this working. Any good ways to get this done? ...

Flex zoom and scroll problem

Hi All, i am required to zoom a canvas through Hslider. The problem is after zooming the canvas i cannot scroll to the extreme left and top of the canvas i.e some part of left and top canvas are not visible. i cannot find the reason. The source code for the example is given below. " import; private functio...

What restrictions/workarounds are needed for third parties external swf

We are loading external swf content into an adobe air application. Content is provided by an increasing number of third parties. Being third party content, it will be loaded in a separate security domain (trustContent=false) and a sibling app domain (loadForCompatibility=true). We are doing this using the Loader class. What are the fea...

flex keyboard insert mode overtype or insert

Hi, In my flex application, I would like to know the edit mode of insert key programmatically. In the status bar of the application there should be an indicator for the mode in which currently working. As the insert key is toggle key, how can i know the mode of it? Thanks in advance. ...

Accessing iframe using Adobe AIR

Hi Dude! Can you send me the code you used to get this right? Because I tried and I am not getting it to work. Thanks in advance! ...

Flex applications for iPhone

Is it possible to make applications for iPhone using Adobe Flex/AIR? Any tutorials, pointers? ...