
Can Adobe Air do this?

I've written a lot of JavaScript before, and adobe air looks really interesting, my question is can Adobe Air: Access ICC profiles stored on a users computer Detect which ICC profile the monitor is currently using Use the SDK for specialist USB hardware Do all this one both Windows and Mac computers Thanks for any information. If no...

Which is efficient: Switch, If or function?

I will need to handle a piano key that can respond as fast as possible without high CPU load with repetitive key press and release on virtual piano in Flex application. Is calling function much effective or Switch? Example: switch(keyNote) case 'c4': keypress.button=down; case 'c4': keypress.button=down; case 'c4': keypress.button=do...

AIR - Different behaviour when the app is installed and when it runs inside the builder

Hi, we are developing an Adobe AIR app using Flex4. We are facing lot of bugs that didn't show up when we run the application inside Flash Builder (both debug mode and run mode), but when we install the app and run it, the app shows a different behaviour. Any idea ? what does it change between running the installed application in the bui...

Adobe Air SQLite synchronous busy timeout / SQLite concurrent access / avoid busy loop

Hello there, this is my first post here. I'm asking because I ran out of clues and I was unable to find anything about this specific issue. My question is: In Adobe AIR, is there a way to do a synchronous usleep() equivalent (delay execution of 200ms), alternatively is there a way to specify the SQLite busy timeout somewhere? I have ...

Flash, Flash Builder, AIR. Three simple questions.

I have 3 questions to clarify my workflow of AIR apps: Can I use Spark components when I'm making a game with Flash CS5? Can I import SWC (created in Flash) in my AIR for Android projects when I'm using Flash Builder? Can I load a full SWF game (created in Flash) in an AIR for Android app (example: Main menu of the game written in MXML...

actionscript dictionary contain function

I want to initial all states such as c4.currentState='down' so that I could call dictionary key to execute the function, is it possible? private var keyMap:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); private var c4v1:Object = new Object(); private var c4v0:Object = new Object(); private function initial_keyEvent():void { keyMap[c4v1] = "c4.cur...

openWithDefaultApplication fails on files in application folder

Hello I'll ONLY recieve an "Error #3000: Illegal path name" if I try to open a file which is placed inside the app-folder of the air. If the file is somewhere else outside of the app-folder it works. private var file:File = File.documentsDirectory; public function download():void{ var pdfFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter...

How to run an EXE file from Flash/Flex/AIR?

Hi I want to run an .exe file from my Flash/Flex/AIR Application, How is it possible? What I need is to build an Interface to open a xls file and convert it into swf, I have the converter file which is an exe file, when I run convert.exe infile.xls outFile.swf. once the conversion is done, I need to show all swfs inside my Application...

How to create Android Options Menu in Adobe AIR? (not Java)

Hello, I would like to create an Options Menu in my Flash AIR application for Android. I've figured out already, that this ActionScript code could be used for capturing the hardware Menu button press event: stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onKeyDown); function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void { if(event.keyCode ...

How to download to an sd card in AIR

I have a download function that I got from Andy Matthews, and an sd Card function that I got from Christian Cantrell. Now I need to download to the sd Card. Q: How do I specify that storage = e.storageVolume.rootDirectory.nativePath? var remoteFile = ''; jQuery(function($){ air.StorageVolu...

How To Access a SOAP WebService From a Flex Library Project

I would like to access a soap webservice from a class in a Flex (AIR) Library Project. How can I instantiate a WebService and get data from a SOAP WebService. ...

AIR – Google Maps API Security Sandbox Violation?

i've just started using the Google Maps API for Flash (map_1_20.swc) for an AIR 2.5 application i'm building with Flash CS5. everything loads and display fine in the ADL except that i'm receiving security sandbox violations: *** Security Sandbox Violation *** SecurityDomain ' file=flashapi&u...

AIR nativeprocess performance

Is AIR nativeprocess able to receive message from Java program and process every line of message as fast as possible in milliseconds? Does it has a miss read or delay? ...

How to pass "" symbol to Nativeprocess argument?

var arg3:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>; var rescJar:String = File.applicationDirectory.nativePath + "/java/test.jar"; arg3.push("-jar",rescJar,"-n "a string""); "a string" contain 2 separate words. ...