
Air XmlHttpRequest time out if remote server is offline?

I'm writing an AIR application that communicates with a server via XmlHttpRequest. The problem that I'm having is that if the server is unreachable, my asynchronous XmlHttpRequest never seems to fail. My onreadystatechange handler detects the OPENED state, but nothing else. Is there a way to make the XmlHttpRequest time out? Do I h...

Adobe Air Jquery loaded html with load() problem

Hello, I have a index.html file which loads html files. $('#content').load(url,function() {}); Inside those html files there is jquery code which works fine on all browsers but when i convert it to adobe air it doesn't work at all. Any ideas? ...

AIR: Security Sandbox Violation when using remote images

The code below is simplified for example I'm developing an AIR application (using Flex) which loads several of its images from a remote web server. The images display fine, however, whenever I'm manipulating the containers which hold the remotely-loaded images, I get errors in my console: *** Security Sandbox Violation *** SecurityDom...

What material did you use to learn Flex/Air, and with ColdFusion + BlazeDS/LCDS?

What material did you use to learn Flex/Air itself, and with ColdFusion + BlazeDS/LCDS? ...

No LCDS with CF9? should I still use LCDS with CF8?

I've heard somewhere that LCDS is no longer baked in into CF9, and LCDS Express will be phased out, is that true? If I were to start a new CF8.01 + LCDS Express 2.6 project, what are the risks? Should I abandon that plan and go for BlazeDS instead? Thanks. ...

Remoting with AIR

Hi I am trying to set up remoting in an AIR app. Does anyone know if I need to define a context-root in the compiler settings. Can't seem to find any articles about setting it up, only in flex. Thanks ...

flex auto update script showing error

I want to enable auto update script in flex3. i am using below code to do this but flex editor showing red mark on line 39 and editor show error when i hover my mouse on red mark is: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UpdateEvent. how can i remove this error. please guide me. // Instantiate t...

FLEX: dialog not display immediately

In an AIR application I have the following code: theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass; theDialog.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, cpuIntensiveCalc); At the end of cpuIntensiveCalc the dialog is removed. The dialog informs the user that "something is going on, please s...

Setting AIR Application backgroundcolor strips child styles

I set the following style properties to my flex/AIR application to achieve a transparent background so I could create a non-square/rectangle shape. Application { /* make app window transparent */ backgroundColor:""; background-image:""; padding: 0px; margin-top: 0; margin-right: 0; ...

air flash comparison core

What are the differences in developing for AIR versus flash? why should i choose one over the other in a given situation? ...

Air app rendering under windows bottom gap ?

Greetings, Hi have this super simple Air app code Winxp Flexbuilder Flex 3.4 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute"> <mx:ViewStack id="viewStates" height="100%" width="100%" borderStyle="solid" borderThickness="2" borderColor="red"> <mx:Canva...

no contextMenu.customItems with AIR?

Have some code that's been in use for quite some time - always compile with mxmlc. Just compiled it with amxmlc and it gave me errors over the presence of "customItems" - nothing else at all in the entire 1500+ line AS3/flex program. I took out the customItems reference and it compiles with amxmlc just fine. Nothing about that featu...

Start air/flex application with windows

Hello everybody, I want to provides an option in my air/flex application. A user can check an option and the application starts when windows starts. I don't find with google how to do this, someone knows do that ? Thanks. ...

Can I "embed" a Python back-end in an AIR application?

I'm trying to find out if there is a way I could embed a Python back-end into an AIR application? I'm looking to employ an approach similar to the one outlined here to implement the business logic for my application, but additionally, I would like to provide the user with a single binary which they can load. I don't want the user to ha...

How to work out a small Adobe AIR Application?

Hi, I would like to know how is it possible, or what knowledge do I need to acquire to create a small Adobe AIR application, probably like a employee directory search that will search and show a list of employee names, from a application based on php/mysql? Thanks. ...

Why does adobe air command-line tool adl keep saying "Connection failure:xxx"

Every time I ran an AIR application, even the simplest "Hello World" sample, with adl, it says: Connection failure: Connection refused I didn't try to establish a connection to any website or server. adl complains all the time and it's annoying. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

How to get adobe air air.navigateToURL(urlReq) to bring default bowser to focus

I'm working with adobe air and I have this code.. var urlReq = new air.URLRequest(''); air.navigateToURL(urlReq); It's working correctly in that it is loading the page in the browser, but the issue is that adobe air is staying in the front and the browser is not being brought to the front... Perhaps it's because I'm...

Air Flex Uploads URLRequest maximum simultaneous

Hi I'm trying to upload to amazon s3 using FileStream and UrlRequest. But it seems I can only upload 2 files simultaneously. Is there a reason for this? How can I work around this? Also would this affect web service calls to a SOAP web service on the same domain? Thanks, ...

I need to load multiple swf in HorizontalList, Flex3 Air application

I need to load multiple swf in a list like control so that I can load all the swf from the folder and show them to the user, then the user can select any one and view it. How can I load swf in HorizontalList in Flex3, please send me any example or link regarding this requirement. Thanks in advance. ...

How to avoid native authentication popup in AIR on Mac?

In AIR on Mac, when I send login creds to a service and they're incorrect, AIR displays a native popup window to try logging in again without dispatching an error event. Twitter provides a header (suppress_response_codes=true), which returns any error as a status 200 with the error message. I'm using HTTPService to connect to a service w...