
Synchronize data between frontend and backend

Hi all: We're developing a browser based social game, and it is a MMORPG game. We are using html/javascript/css as the frontend tech(comparing with flash). when the user loads our game for the first time, a bunch of files will be downloaded(external js/css) and several ajax call will be requested. The whole page won't be loaded again un...

Ajax Push Engine

Hi, I'm researching methods to find ways for an event driven web application where a server can push data to the web page. Can I use APE ?? If so how can I use it and some resources please?? Thank You!! ...

AJAX Push Engine: Can’t contact APE Server.

I'm trying to set up the AJAX Push Engine (APE) on my Mac, running Mac OS X 10.6.4 and Apache 2.2.14 When I run the APE server, this is the output: Hristo$ sudo ./aped Password: _ ___ ___ /_\ | _ \ __| / _ \| _/ _| /_/ \_\_| |___| AJAX Push Engine Bind on port 6969 Version : 1.00 Build : Dec 7 2009 23:05:18 Author : We...

Ajax Push Engine (Comet) and persistent chat - how to implement?

We are developing an online real-time web browser game and we have chosen to use APE Server. We have an in-game chat system from our previous project and we would like to port it to APE. As we are a bit new to APE we are not sure about which scenario would work better or maybe would not work at all. Now the chat works the following way:...

Looking for a free Comet (AJAX push) server

(OFFTOPIC: It seems, I got it wrong with my previous question about APE and chat. The problem is elsewhere) We are looking for a free Comet server which is also free for commercial use. The server must support the following: basic publish/subscribe functionality, no fancy features needed; supports publishing messages from any type of ...