
How do you submit a dropdownlist in asp.net mvc from an Ajax form

How do you submit from a dropdownlist "onchange" event from inside of an ajax form? From the following question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/364505/how-do-you-submit-a-dropdownlist-in-aspnet-mvc, from inside of an Html.BeginFrom you can set onchange="this.form.submit" and changing the dropdown posts back. However, using the...

Ajax.BeginForm does not work in firefox

When I use Ajax.BeginForm with updateTargetId, it works fine in IE - replacing the html inside updateTargetId's tag. The same thing redirects the page to form's action. Does Ajax.BeginForm work in firefox? ...

Ajax.BeginForm - Displaying Validation Errors

Using the MVC project template in VS2008 (out of the box) I noticed the following: Here is how the Register.aspx form is specified. <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> .... Selecting the Register button without supplying any account info shows this. Account creation was unsuccessful. Please correct the errors and try again. •You mu...

Ajax.ActionLink lost my JavaScript !

Here's my situation. I have a div on my home page that I use to do a Html.RenderPartial(PartialView). Initially PartialView1 is rendered in this div properly and I can access javascript in the PartialView1.ascx file. So far so good. I also have an Ajax.ActionLink that has the InsertionMode=InsertionMode.Replace. When the Ajax.ActionLi...

Ajax.BeginForm UpdateTargetId doesn't work with DropDownList

Code: <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("GetResourcesByProject", "CreateRequest", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ResourceListDiv"})) { Response.Write(Html.DropDownList("SelectProject", Model.ProjectList, "Select Project", new { onchange = "this.form.submit();" })); } %> When I run the page I get the correct controller action to trigger w...

Ajax.BeginForm show loadingElementId when OnBegin return false

Hello I'm having the same problem from this post: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164251/ajax-beginform-not-hiding-loading-element-when-onbegin-fails but I have not found how to solve it yet. Basically when I use Ajax.BeginForm with a OnBegin function and this function returns false, the loading elementID is still shown and it nev...

Dynamically Generated Ajax.BeginForm

Hello, I have a problem with ASP.NET MVC Ajax forms. I generate several Ajax forms in a table, like this: <% foreach (var item in Model) { var statefulItem = item as StatefulEffectiveItem; %> <tr> <td> <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("ShowAddActivity", "EffectiveItems", new { id = item.Id }, new Ajax...

How do I prevent Ajax.BeginForm from loading a new page?

I have an Ajax form with a single input and a button. On submit, the form should only post the entered value to an action method. My form is correctly posting to the User controller's Log method but when done, the page redirects to /User/Log. How can I avoid this? <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Log", "User", null, new AjaxOptions {HttpMe...

asp.net mvc Ajax.BeginForm

Hello, I'm having some difficulties with Ajax.BeginForm I have something like this in a view <% using (Ajax.BeginForm("ActionName", null , null, new { id = "FormName" })) {%> <input type="hidden" value = '<%= Html.Encode( Model.id) %>' name="id"/> <textarea id="message" name=message rows="4" style="width: 90%"> ...

Ajax comments form in ASP.NET MVC2, howto?

I've been playing around with different aspects of MVC for some time now, and I've reached a situation where I'm not sure what would be the best way to solve a problem. I'm hoping that the SO community will help me out here :P I've seen a number of examples of Ajax.BeginForm on the internet, and it seems like a very nifty idea. E.g. you...

Fire post on Ajax.BeginForm with JQuery

Hey, I have this MVC form with 2 dropdownlist where selection on the first dropdown should update the second one through an AJAX call. Form looks as follows: <%using (Ajax.BeginForm("GetChildren", "Home", null, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "result" }, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "someForm" } })) { %> <%= Html.DropDo...

Return int from MVC Action with Ajax.BeginForm

Whats the simplest way of just returning an int from an Ajax MVC Action call? I am currently trying: public ContentResult Create(MyModel model) { return Content("1"); } using (Ajax.BeginForm("Create", new AjaxOptions { OnComplete = "function(data) { alert(data); }" })) I get alert [object Object]. How...

ajax.beginform onsucess updatetargetid hidden input

I am trying to call a jquery ui dialog by attaching the function to the onsuccess property of the ajaxoptions on a ajax.beginform.. <script type="text/javascript"> // Dialog $(document).ready(function () { $('#dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, width: 600, modal: true, butt...

hidden field not updating Ajax.BeginForm Html.Hidden

When I submit my form using Ajax.BeginFrom everything seems to work and update fine but the ID. The ID is calculated in the server and send back to the partial page but the page is not updating the hidden field ID. I know the ajax works because the messages generated in the server get displayed in the page so there's something I can't un...

Syntax Error using dynamic linq with MVC 2.0's Ajax.BeginForm

Hey Guys, I got some problem with dynamic linq (link) and Ajax.BeginForm. Serverside I got the following Controller Action: [HttpPost] public ActionResult Ajax(String filter) { var count = (from e in context.Elements where(filter) select e).Count(); return Json(new { ElementCount = count }); } ...

Ajax.Beginform : Error: 'id' is null or not an object on form submit

I have a popup where a user is asked to act on something (accept or decline). My goal is that in this case they can have more than one of these pending items, so after they act on one, it refreshes the popup data with the next pending item. It works, except there is one error. Error: 'id' is null or not an object on form submit. The ...

ajax call inside a function

i have a function which does some task.inside the function i have an ajax call. if the response obtained from ajaxcall is true the function should continue with the rest of the task.else it should stop at that point itself. But the above said thing is not happening instead the function is executed independent of ajax call. please help m...