
AJAX.Net - UpdatePanel doesn't delete old content

I'm using AJAX.Net (3.5) inside a usercontrol. The usercontrol contains an UpdatePanel, and inside the UpdatePanelthere is a MultiView. The ScriptManager is included in the page that act as container for the usercontrol. To switch between views the usercontrol contains a simple button. When I click it, the View is changed so the old co...

does Ajax controls works if the allowjavascript option turned off in browser

Hi, If user turned off the javascript in the browser ,does the Ajax controls work? If it works how is it possible since ajax is using javascript. Thanks SC ...

$get() and $find() with AJAX.NET

I'm trying to follow the PageMethods example found here. However, I get an error when trying to call $get('Label1'). Since, Label1 is an asp:Label, it works if I call $get() with the ClientID. Yet, the example is using the actual ID. Is there a way to use $get() with the actual ID? ...

Call a javascript function from outside its object

I have some simple javascript that as far as i can tell should work but doesn't. The code is below var presenter = new Practicum.Web.TEI.StudentPlacement2009.CreateLetter_class(); //this is a class generated by Ajax.Net function GetLetters() { var GetLettersParams = new Object(); GetLettersParams.TemplateType = $('#LetterTypes...

Generics in asp.net ajax?

I've seen someone use a Sys.StringBuilder in asp.net ajax, is it possible to use generics as well? I essentially have a List of comment objects (That contains a datetime, a string (Title), and another string (content)) and am trying to work out the best way to handle the data when it is returned to the javascript from a web service. Am I...

dynamic updating of a web page

I need to change a part of my web page content dynamically without refreshing the entire page. Like Myspace or Facebook users gallery. Does anybody know of any useful scripts with a working back button and changing address URL accordingly? ...

problem with ajax on update .net Framework 2.0 to .net framework 3.5 from VS 2008

I get a java script error on Internet Explorer when changing the index of a drop down list control inside a form. the error is: __EVENTTARGET is null or is not an object The code is auto generated by the framework library ...

Applying selected styles to a tab control after asynchronous postback occurrs

I have been going crazy over a problem with my tab control. It has to do with something messing up during ajax requests in ASP.NET and it's driving me crazy because I think I've gone through at least 50 different possible solutions to try to fix this problem. Let me explain. I have a Tab control (a TabStrip). Its simply a table (genera...

Runtime error codes on AsyncPostback from AJAX toolkit

I'm interested in the meaning of the runtime error codes come from asp.net ajax like. 110|error|500|d:\ *PATH* \SomeControl.ascx(5): error CS1026: ) expected| Does anybody knows where are can i find list of error codes with the meanings or has someone a collection? Maybe it's a very general error i will figure out nothing from it but...

Is there a way to test if a return object JSON length exceeds max length before it throws exception in AJAX.NET?

I am using ajax.net to return an array of records. Some request can be very large and need to be sent with several requests. Is the a way to determine if the json length of an object exceeds the max length before it throws an exception so I can divide the records into smaller returns? ...

CascadingDropDownList and Control-Click

I have two CascadingDropDownLists in a search form, and I would like to give the user the ability to "control-click" an item to eliminate the selected item from the search results. Here's an example: I have application, service and location DropDownLists on my search form. If the user selects an application, then only those application...

ExtenderControlProperty two-way binding?

I am creating a AJAX Extender Control and would like to pass a value back to the server on post-back. Are ExtenderControlProperties two-way? If not, is there any way of making them two way? ...

AJAX/Javascript PageMethod.FunctionName, Trying to made this code reusable in ASP.NET

I have implemented AJAX for calling server side function using client side function call i.e Calling server side function using javascript tag by using PageMethod in javascript. I have few question regarding the same implementation. function OnBlurCall() { chk(ControlId, SpanMsgId, FunctionName)// where all these pa...

Ajax.BeginForm working but not reloading the partial view in the update target id

Everything works as expected and the action returns a partial view (called Features to the features div with the correct Model which is a dataset). In other situations where I faced the same problem (the partial view not being reloaded), the cause was that I was using the BeginForm with the correct parameters in the wrong place, but in ...

Ajax.net update panels not working on mozilla firefox

Don't know why, but when making the postback for the control to update the ajax updatePanel it actually does the full postback of the page, it works fine on IE however with mozilla it reloads the whole page. <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ScriptManager> <asp:Panel ID="userLogin" Visible=false runat=...

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: .... The status code returned from the server was: 404

Hi All, I have seen a few posts regarding this issue but not one specific to my problem and I have no ideas as to what I need to do to debug this. I have some combo boxes on an aspx pages, when I select a value from the first one, it fills the second with value and so on with the third and fourth. This works with no problems until I wr...

ValidationAttribute + Ajax trouble

I tried to make ValidationAttribute which would check the database whether such an object. And it even works only if you do not include <% Html.EnableClientValidation ();%> Can Someone tells how to get to work through Ajax public class UsernameBaseCheckAttribute : ValidationAttribute { SimplebdLinqDataContext db = new SimplebdLin...

How to prevent button click 2 times in update panel ?

I have a button which is in update panel. When I click on button then it click event run two times. How can I prevent second time click event? ...

Can somebody explain the differences, status and future of the various ASP.NET AJAX libraries and toolkits?

I'm confused about the differences and relationships between the various Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX components/libraries/toolkits and particularly the naming of them. It starts off relatively simple with ASP.NET AJAX itself: ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 (available for ASP.NET 2.0 in a separate package called ASP.NET 1.0 Extensions) ASP.NET AJAX 3.5 (...

Which is best Ajax Framework?

I am going to use the ajax for simply refresh the multiple element on the page based on synchronous or asynchronous . I want to refresh the page When the ajax request in completed. Is there any ajax framework that has ajax utility function ? I did not use any javascript framework. Now I am developing page based on J2EE. ...