
IndexOutOfRangeException in the Ajax.Net extensions framework

Hey guys For some reason when I attempt to make a request to an Ajax.net web service with the ScriptService attribute set, an exception occurs deep inside the protocol class which I have no control over. Anyone seen this before? Here is the exact msg: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Sys...

AJAX.NET Subscribe to Reorderlist ItemCommand or DeleteCommand?

I would like to subscribe to the ItemCommand event of a Reorderlist I have on my page. The front end looks like this... <cc1:ReorderList id="ReorderList1" runat="server" CssClass="Sortables" Width="400" OnItemReorder="ReorderList1_ItemReorder" OnItemCommand="ReorderList1_ItemCommand"> ... <asp:ImageButton ID="btnDelete" runat="server"...

What is the best free, Ajax.NET (System.Web.Extensions 3.5) compatible Rich Text Box control?

I'm looking for a good ASP.NET RichTextBox component that integrates fairly easily with .NET Framework 3.5 Ajax, specifically one that can easily provide its values from inside an UpdatePanel. I got burned by RicherComponents RichTextBox which still does not reference the Framework 3.5. thanks! ...

ASP.NET Ajax Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException

My website has been giving me intermittent errors when trying to perform any Ajax activities. The message I get is Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, ...

Check if page is in partial rendering mode ASP.NET 2.0 + AJAX.NET

Hi, I need to determine in the page is loading in a partial rendering mode (when posting back from within an UpdatePanel). Any suggestions? ...

UpdatePanel doesn't Refresh

I have got a simple page with a HtmlInputHidden field. I use Javascript to update that value and, when posting back the page, I want to read the value of that HtmlInputHidden field. The Value property of that HtmlInputHidden field is on postback the default value (the value it had when the page was created, not the value reflected throug...

Ajax POST method

Hello, I am new to Ajax.Net. I want to know how to access data send from Ajax POST method. (ie)AjaxObject.send("Some Data") How to access that "Some Data" in form? I can access same when i used GET method and passed data in Querystring. like Request.Querystring("name") in ASP. ...

Yet another About ajax.net update panels performance thread

Good day, we just moved from asp.net 1.1 to asp.net 2.0. We are using ajax update panels. In an Apress book (Pro asp.net 2008) , I've read that when you use the updatepanel, you don't reduce the acount of bandwidth sent, because the entire page is still sent. That in mind, I've also read on many websites that it is better to use mult...

Can I use UpdatePanel in MasterPage to wrap nested pages?

Can I use Update panel in masterpage to wrap nested pages so that when browsing from one page to the other client only gets a partial refresh (MasterPage doesn't get reloaded). If so - how? Do I Just put an update panel around the ContentPlaceholder in the Master Page? Any help appreciated! ...

How do I add a Microsoft AJAX auto complete textbox to an existing ASP.NET 3.5 SP1 web application project?

I played with this years ago when it was "atlas". Now I want to use it I assumed it would be a in the VS toolbox. Now all I can find on the web is total confusion! Thanks. ...

AjaxUploader.dll works with Anonymous authentication, fails with Integrated Windows

Administering an IIS6 host for client who is new to an Ajax Upload tool obtained from here: http://ajaxuploader.com/ http://cutesoft.net When Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled, a single file upload works fine, multi-file upload attempts don't appear to progress (but don't log any errors, that I've found yet..?). Modifying Au...

How can I register nested listview

There is nested listviews and I want to register a button in the second listview to scriptmanager for updateing the updatepanel inside the masterpage? ...

collection of system properties using web browser

hi i am doing distributed computing environment........For the applications need to get distributed to different clients connected to the server in the network,i prefered to collect the client's system properties like free memory available in the client's system,so that i could distribute d application according to that efficiently.........


I saw code like this: if (this.Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"] == "Flag") //DoSomthing... Whats __EVENTARGUMENT means and is there some parameters like it to access? ...

ValidatorEnable is not defined when rolled with AJAX

I have some webforms which have been working fine with various static and dynamically generated validators. For some reason now that I have implemented UpdatePanels on the forms, when I manually call the ValidatorEnable() method on one of them (when I click a checkbox) I get the "ValidatorEnable is not defined" error message. I am pass...

How to: Back button support "Ajax"

I have an asp.net ajax website, it full of things happen on the same page without page reload, such as sorting records, paging,... When the user go to another page in the same site and press the browser back button, how can i make the browser save the page state to return to it with the preselected options such as sorting option, page nu...

JQuery Ui or AjaxControlToolkit ?

I´m building an asp.net app, which technology I should use to get AJAX capabilities? And why ? By now I only need to use a Confirmation button into a gridview, but possible more features will be needed. I can use both, right? Thanks. ...

Ajax on Mono

Do you guys know about an ajax toolkit (or something similar to the m$-ajaxtoolkit) for mono?? ...

Ajax.net but no script

I want use ajax.net to do some js. like below: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Submit, typeof(Button), "alert", "location.href='test.aspx';", true); If user turn off the javascript, it will not redirect to another page. I want to know how to set <noscript></noscript>. Thanks a lot!! ...

Ajax and checking actions in Ispostback

Is there any relationship between Ajax and checking actions in Ispostback,,though both are doing server checking without loading page ...