
AJAX.NET Reorderlist Control - "It does not a DataSource and does not implement IList."

I keep getting this error when trying to re-order items in my ReorderList control. "Reorder failed, see details below. Can't access data source. It does not a DataSource and does not implement IList." I'm setting the datasource to a DataTable right now, and am currently trying to use an ArrayList datasource instead, but am discourage...

AJAX.NET Subscribe to Reorderlist ItemCommand or DeleteCommand?

I would like to subscribe to the ItemCommand event of a Reorderlist I have on my page. The front end looks like this... <cc1:ReorderList id="ReorderList1" runat="server" CssClass="Sortables" Width="400" OnItemReorder="ReorderList1_ItemReorder" OnItemCommand="ReorderList1_ItemCommand"> ... <asp:ImageButton ID="btnDelete" runat="server"...

Programatic Access to DragHandleTemplate in ASP.NET AJAX ReorderList

Is there a way to programatically access the DragHandleTemplate of a ReorderList (ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit) ... Specifically during ItemDataBound for the ReorderList, in order to change its appearance at the per item level? ...

Ajax Toolkit ReorderList Two components with the same id 'componentid' can't be added to the applicaiton

Line 3655 Char 59 Ajax Toolkit ReorderList Two components with the same id 'componentid' can't be added to the applicaiton. When using with a database to update a simple list it works fine until it is being used very fast dragging multiple things reasonably fast. This occurs in IE, Firefox and Chrome. It appears to be something that all...

reorder items algorithm

I've got an html table thus: up | dn [ ] Item 1 [x] Item 2 [ ] Item 3 [ ] Item 4 [x] Item 5 [ ] Item 6 [ ] Item 7 If 2 & 5 are checked and I click up, the result is: up | dn [x] Item 2 [x] Item 5 [ ] Item 1 [ ] Item 3 [ ] Item 4 [ ] Item 6 [ ] Item 7 If I click dn, the result is: up | dn [ ] Item 1 [ ] Item 3 [ ] ...

ASP.NET ReorderList - Update Fails

I have an AjaxControlToolkit ReorderList bound by a SQLDataSource to a table with the following schema: OrgID MilestoneID Name Priority The Priority field is attached to the ReorderList as its SortOrderField. OrgID is specific to each user that logs in. The idea is that there is a different list of Milestones for each Org. I...

Disable drag and drop between two diferent ReorderLists from AjaxControlToolkit

I have several ReorderLists on a page. Each list has items added to it via a postback, which updates the list. PostBackOnReorder is true, and we have an event handler hooked up on OnItemReorder. The problem is that the drag and drop seems to allow for an item to be dragged from one list to another (which is something we do not want), ...

display list management in actionscript 3 applications

Does anyone have suggestions for a good method to manage the display list in an actionscript 3 project? I'm building an application at the moment and keeping track of all the modules which need to be displayed and reordering them has become unwieldy. I have loaded swfs and instantiated classes that also load in swfs, images and video.....

Ajax reorder list not draggable

I have been trying to get a basic reorderlist working following this guide -> I have tried a demo version and in my browser so it's not a browser problem. I am on 2.0 and have installed the AjaxControlToolkit and the DLL file is in the Bin folder. However when I...

Why can't I find the AjaxControlToolkit Html Editor Control using FindControl when it's inside an AjaxControlToolkit ReorderList?

I have the latest release of the AjaxControlToolkit, and am using an AjaxControlToolkit Html Editor control inside an AjaxControlToolkit ReorderList. I need to be able to access the "content" property so I can write the value to the database but FindControl doesn't find it. for instance, I can find a TextBox control inside the ItemComm...

ASP.NET Ajax ReOrderList - Any way to disable specific items from being dragged and dropped?

I have an ajax controltoolkit reorderlist within an application. I need to disable certain specific steps from being reordered. This has to be done dynamically. All steps are consecutive and start from the beginning, but it's not known until runtime how many need to be disabled from being reordered any further. I tried the e....

AJAX ReorderList's DataKeyField

I am trying to do the following exercise: But how do I access the DataKeyField of the reorderlist for each of the list items programatically... so that I can update them one at a time in the DB - with their new sort order? ...

Cancelling or Preventing an Item from being reordered in a AjaxControlToolkit ReorderList

I have this ReorderList: How do you prevent users from moving the 'Home' item? I would like either to prevent them from moving that item all together, or reversing their action after they drop it into the new spot. I wish there was a AllowReorder property on the ReorderListItem object, but there isn't. ...

<ajaxToolkit:ReorderList> is not draggable in IE8 and chrome.

ajaxtoolkit ReorderList is not working in IE 8.Can not drag it in IE 8.But It is working in IE 7 and Fire fox.Please help me.I want to make it to work in IE 8.That is my client requirement.I have done lot of developments on this an it is not possible to turn to another one. ...

The Value of viewstate is not refelected on the OnItemReorder event of AjaxToolkit:ReorderList Control

Hi Guys, I am using AjaxToolkit:ReorderList Control in an page(C#) and changing value of a viewstate[""] on OnItemReorder event, when I click on any button on the same page the value of viewState is not founded. Please provide me appropriate solutions. Thanks... ...

Serialize all id's in a div using jquery

Hi, I am trying to create a re-ordering of the page drag and drop feature on my CMS. As some of the pages have sub pages, we have a lot of lists nested within lists. An example of the code: $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { $('#contentLeft ul').sortable({ update: function() { va...

Ajax reorder list not dragable.

I have the same problem as Simon in this post. He found out some sort of a solution, but it does not work for me. Please, could someone explain me what is going on in this answer or advice me something else. PS: there is an example on the site which doesn't work exactly the same way as my reorder list... (click view a demo) Th...