
submit SAS code or macro from Toolbar

Is it possible to allocate a SAS script or macro to a Toolbar button in Base SAS? ie can you 'dm' a macro or sas script? ...

Using Toolbar to submit SAS code from Editor

When submitting SAS code via the SAS Toolbar (eg cmjohns response) the compiler knows that the code is being "DM'd" and will not run certain code (eg %window). Is there a way to trick SAS into believing that code submitted from the Toolbar is coming from the Editor, therefore allowing interfaces (using %window) to be triggered via poi...

How do you make SAS toolbar available to ALL windows?

I am using SAS 9.1 and wish to make my toolbar available regardless of which window is in 'focus' (eg log, editor, output). My code looks like this: libname temp678 "\\MyDrive\Team Autoexec"; dm "toolload bar temp678.profile.MycustomToolbar"; libname temp678 clear; However when I run it, it only gets applied to the Log window! I'v...

SAS Display Manager commands

The SAS display manager is a comamnd line interface to the SAS system, which remains in Base SAS as a legacy facility. However the online documentation on how to use this facility is sparse at best, and google searches are less than fruitful. A common DM command would be: CLEAR LOG; CLEAR OUTPUT; WPGM; My question is - What other DM...

SAS DM 'close table'

to open a table in SAS we can use the DM "VT {tablename}" command. What is the equivalent command to CLOSE the viewtable window??? ...

display list management in actionscript 3 applications

Does anyone have suggestions for a good method to manage the display list in an actionscript 3 project? I'm building an application at the moment and keeping track of all the modules which need to be displayed and reordering them has become unwieldy. I have loaded swfs and instantiated classes that also load in swfs, images and video.....

SAS Command Line shortcut

Is there a shortcut in Base SAS to provide focus to the command-line / display manager bar? ...