
ASP.NET - Prevent Page Refresh with ModalPopupExtender

Hello, I have an ASP.NET page with 10 dynamically generated LinkButton elements. When a user clicks one of these LinkButton elements, I want to display its Text in a modal dialog. The user can then change the Text by entering a value into a TextBox. My code for this looks like the following: <asp:ScriptManager ID="theScriptManager" run...

GridView paging always shows first page

I´m having a weird experience with paging on a GridView. I´m trying to lazy load data into my griview by using an updatepanel with a timer and updateprogress attached to it. So basicly what I´m trying to do is when the page with the grid loads I start the timer by enabling it. In the timer_tick event I´m fetching the data and load that i...

Programmatically submitting a Microsoft AJAX form

I'm using ASP.NET MVC and Microsoft AJAX to create an AJAX form using this following syntax: using (Ajax.BeginForm()) { ... } This works fine if the user clicks a submit button. However, I also need to programmatically submit the form. The problem is, the way MS AJAX works (for reasons that escape me) is that it puts the submit acti...

Simple AJAX with GWT... I don't need widgets

Can GWT be used just for simple AJAX? I dont want the widgets, I just want to avoid coding javascipt. What I need is simple ajax, like clicking on a link and updating the contents of a div with data retrieved from the server, or things like that. Can GWT be used for that purpouse? if so, where can I get some help? All I find on the web i...

In my ASP.NET app, registering a script from code-behind before a page has loaded throws an "operation aborted" error in IE

I understand that in IE 5.5, 6, and 7, when you modify a DOM element before it is 'closed', it throws an "operation aborted" error (this article has more information: http://www.clientcide.com/code-snippets/manipulating-the-dom/ie-and-operation-aborted/) In my ASP.Net application, I am registering a client script block on the page durin...

Gallery CSS into JQuery / Ajax page div2

Please someone help me out with this: I have the gallery html page loaded and getting called in correctly to my mainContent div in my page. if you go here: http://dageniusmarketer.com/DigitalWonderland/index-jquery.html click on portfolio, you will see that the gallery loads, but, the image thumbnails and display is way off. its suppo...

Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer with AJAXy input form

Background: This is a request for something that may not exist yet, but I've been meaning to build one for a long time. First I will ask if anyone has seen anything like it yet. Suppose you have an arbitrary JSON structure like the following: { 'str_title':'My Employee List' ,'str_lastmod': '2009-June-15' ,'arr_list':[ ...

What is the easiest way to return server based error messages to a web based modal panel.

I've been tasked with adding a modal based UI feature to an internal application. The quick summary is that I am posting a form via a modal panel, and I'm wondering the best way to cleanly provide feedback. Firefox permits changing the page showing within the modal panel via a normal post, but IE opens it in a new window which seems ...

Invoke coldfusion function using AJAX

Hi I need to invoke a coldfusion function(present in a .cfm file) when the user clicks on a link. And I would like to do it using jQuery. I have a jQuery snippet which looks like- <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("td.ViewLink a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); )} I am ne...

Firefox not displaying the form

Hi, I'm using AJAX inside my JSF portlet. When the session expires, We are suppose to get the following message(this is the response of AJAX request when session expires) This page is used to hold your data while you are being authorized for your request. You will be forwarded to continue the authorization process. If this does not hap...

How to implement HandleError Filter on an Ajax Request?

When an exception occurs in an action called from an Ajax Request, the default HandleError filter can not work correctly. Can someone help me solve it? ...

(Ruby, Rails, AJAX) TemplateError for second-level partial during AJAX update.

Hi All, Could someone please explain to me why I'm getting an ActionView::TemplateError when I try to use AJAX to update the interface while using the following code: CODE I have the following structure: Site -> Building -> Control. Each loops through it's collection of items and renders a partial for each. From Site to Building wo...

Is there an equivalent of JavaScript Generators in ASP.NET MVC?

I am migrating a MonoRail application to ASP.NET MVC and I was wondering if there's an equivalent to brailjs and njs. There's similar concept in Ruby on Rails. Currently I use ASPX view engine but maybe switching to Brail Views could bring a solution. Any suggestions? ...

ASP.net Page Loading popup

Hey guys, I was wondering if it is possible to have a modalpopup show up on page load, saying that the page is loading. I have a page that gets a lot of data from an external source which means it takes a bit before any of the controls are actually filled. I would like to have a popup or something similar that tells the user the page is...

Time refreshment in the HTML via AJAX

Hi, I have one html page with links of chart whenever i refresh HTML paget the chart refreshs. I heard from my friend that with the help of AJAX that chart will refresh automatically with given time interval without refreshing that html page. please help me with the html code for the same. Regards, Raj ...

Using own callback methods for AJAX request in Prototype

I have refactored working code to use proper objects and now I can't get Prototype's AJAX.Request to work properly. The code is following, it's working in context of YUI's DataTable: SearchTable.prototype.setTableColumns = function (transport) { this.dataTableColumns = transport.responseText.evalJSON(); this.dataTableCallbac...

How to play a sound when <div> is updated

Hi, I'm writing a simple chat module that will be embedded in a website. It will allow website visitors to chat with the website owner. The website is ruby/rails and I'm using AJAX. One thing I can't figure out how to do is how to play a 'bling' sound when a new message arrives (don't worry, this sound is switchable, and the default ...

making an ajax request from javascript onclick

I am used to use the helper methods link_to_remote and friends to create links or buttons that will send Ajax request under the hood and update some data of the webpage. I have some which background images are buttons. I want them to send Ajax request to my rails server. I guess a javascript onClick + sending Ajax request should do t...

ASP.NET AJAX and UserControls: handling client side scripting

I have a UserControl that I want to include in a page multiple times programatically based on some business rules. Currently the control has a JavaScript function that must be called on the ASP.NET AJAX pageLoad event. I'm using a pattern where the Master page has a pageLoad function that calls a contentPageLoad function on any Content...

jQuery ajax (jsonp) ignores a timeout and doesn't fire the error event

Hey fellow jQuery lovers, To add some basic error handling, I wanted to rewrite a piece of code that used jQuery's $.getJSON to pull in some photo's from Flickr. The reason for doing this is that $.getJSON doesn't provide error handling or work with timeouts. Since $.getJSON is just a wrapper around $.ajax I decided to rewrite the thin...