I've set up a Rails form roughly following the instructions in this Railscast.
Here's the code for the form:
<% form_tag complete_todos_path, :method => :put do %>
<div id="incomplete_todos">
<% @incomplete_todos.each do |todo| %>
<%= render :partial => todo %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag...
Can someone tell me why this:
works fine on its own page all by iself, but when I try to load it inside my current site using ajax and jquery, which is,
On the portfolio page, i get this error:
this.loader = new GalleryLoader(...
My problem is the folowing:
The string I give back with the ajaxcall and subsequently let it fadein
is not fading in completely.
The inner span tag with class="message" get's dropped at once. and the first is doing what it is supposed to.
I need the inner spantag to ajust the position next to the image
so for clarity:
The st...
I'm trying to make some ajax-functionality in my web application, but I cannot get all puzzle pieces to fit:
I want to add a link that, when clicked upon, will open a new input (text) field that can be filled by the user. In the back-end, I want to do some administration that the link is clicked.
I want to do according to the Zend Fram...
I am writing a pure actionscript 3 application in Adobe Flex. I want my application to be exposed to scripting in a browser. It seems that there are two options: Adobe's Ajax Bridge (typically used with a Flex application that uses mxml?) and Adobe's External Interface class (flash.external.ExternalInterface). Is there any reason to u...
Please someone help me out with this:
I have the gallery html page loaded and getting called in correctly to my mainContent div in my page. if you go here:
click on portfolio, you will see that the gallery loads, but, the image thumbnails and display is way off. its supp...
I have a WCF service (XML+JSON) running on http://servicehost:8080/myService.
My ASP.NET application with jQuery is running on http://webapp/Login.aspx
I want jQuery to use Ajax and call the URL http://servicehost:8080/myService. The browser does not allow this cross-host call, which is expected.
Some of the posts on stackoverflow...
I have a variable in javascript containing a string of XML data that I want to upload to a server running ASP.NET MVC.
It works just fine using jQuery.post method. My problem is that the data weights about 5 megabytes so this process could be rather long depending on the bandwidth available between the client and the server. As...
I need help with this code because for some reason I don't get the data back
It is probably something that got mixed up, because I never used xml with an ajaxcall
Could someone check if they see something going wrong here
function updateGebruikersonline(){
//voor het fade effect
loading2.fadeIn(2000, ...
Okay, this scenario is a little complicated, but I will try to explain it as best I can.
I am using the Google Ajax Libraries API to get jquery and jqueryui onto the page, so the top of my page looks like this.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_css/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="tex...
I have a Python script that is doing some manipulation on a JPEG image. I pass some parameters to this script and call it from my HTML page. The script returns an img src="newimage.jpg tag.
I know how to wait for the reply from the script but I don't know how to tell when the image is fully loaded (when it is, I want to display it). Wha...
I'm trying to show the title of my latest stumbleupon item using their RSS feed and jquery.
The function I have is:
function get_stumbleupon() {
$.get("http://rss.stumbleupon.com/user/fredkelly/", function(data) {
}, "xml");
Which returns nothing... I just simply want to get a few bits of info about the single...
I was going to have a left navigation panel which uses an ajax request to change the contents of the center panel of the HTML.
Should I use HTML frames or simply a "sidebar" DIV? Does it matter?
I am trying to develop a application that has quite a bit of client side based scripts. The page has sections that interact with each other based on different inputs. The problem is when you get alot of content on the page the page slows down DRAMATICALLY in IE7 due to the poor javascript engine integrated with this browswer and also pa...
I am using the AJAX autocomplete add-on to the control. I have everything working with a around the .
I set the following CSS class:
margin: 0px;
background-color: White;
cursor: default;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
text-align: left;
What I got here is a Ajax.Updater prototype js function. It's working perfectly this way:
new Ajax.Updater('feedback', 'contact.php', {
method: 'post',
parameters: Form.serialize($('contactForm')),
onFailure: reportError
But I want to delay the process a bit. I asked around on the prototype irc channel and this...
I am using same asp.net page to edit and add data, only with some fields disabled and enabled accordingly. Now when I call webmethod from the add page, it's working fine, but when I call it from edit page, it is not. Though I am using the same javascript function to call the server side method. Please see the code:
function KeyCh...
I'm trying to get some better logic behind this before I start writing code.
I have a model that collects new messages via a background process. (So the database gets updated every 2-3 mins with any new messages).
When the user comes to their inbox, they're presented with all their current messages. This is easy for me:
@user = User...
I have dynamicaly added input fields like this one:
<input id="person__1_badge_number" class="number" type="text" size="12" name="person[][1][badge][number]"/>
And when I add this field I call fallowing function:
function please_rebind() {
$('.number').bind("change", function() {
$.post('/registration/sell/check_badge_number', ...
I am trying to use the following code to get a reference to a modalpopupextender, but when I check the value of the javascript variable 'modal' it is always null. What is the proper way to get a reference to the AJAX control using javascript?
Dim myStringBuilder As New StringBuilder(246)