
PHP AJAX proxy not returning body for POST requests

Hello, I am using this AJAX proxy for cross-domain AJAX requests: http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet494.html. It works great when I use GET. But when I try to use POST, the body seems to get lost and is never printed out. I tried printing the log and studied the code but I cannot figure out what is going wrong. Thanks, Isaac Waller E...

AJAX requests Synchronous Vs Asynchronous

Is there any difference in performance ( speed wise ) between a synchronize request and and asynchronous request? What all are the reasons for using an asynchronous request?? ...

Star rating in AJAX with Ruby On Rails

I think that acts_as_rateable seems to be quite obsolete and doesn't support AJAX. I'm looking for a simple "5 star" rating system: is there any plugin or tutorial that can help? ...

error handling for AJAX div

Hello. I've been using a very helpful AJAX-based script called AJAXTwits to load multiple Twitter timelines for a sports team into a div. The nice thing about the script is that it (1) combines multiple timelines into one chronological timeline and (2) caches the xml for faster loading. Every so often, though, Twitter's feeds go down,...

Get multiple values through an AJAX query

Hey guys, I am very new to AJAX and and working on a rating script, but I want to be able to pass multiple values back into my ajax function : Right now it runs a to a php script called ratings, where it takes the total value of votes / votes and multiplies it by the width of each start to get an accurate current rating. What I'd like t...

Beginner RegEx Question - PHP RegEx to allow only relative paths (not URL's)

Does anyone know a PHP RegEx to allow only relative paths, not absolute? For example, I have an AJAX function that submits this value to my PHP script "some-directory/another-directory/some-file.php". My PHP script then includes that file.... include($some-php-document); I don't want a hacker to be able to use my AJAX function to subm...

Ajax problem in Zend Framework

I want to make a edit profile form for my website. My idea is getting JSON object and after user updates the data, I will use Ajax to send the request to update the database. Here is the question. I want to use the Zend validator to validate the form. How can I use it when I use ajax to submit data? ...

Ajax AutoCompleteExtender with more parameters

I want to use Ajax AutoCompleteExtender for asp.net. I have some expamles but those examples use only two parameters. I want to use three parameters. Some example used a context property. I also checked but it did not work. Can anybody help me. ...

Alternative to innerHTML

I kind of feel like I'm abusing the DOM with my code... for(var i=0; i<json.length; ++i){ var newobj = document.createElement("div"); var inner = "<img src='"+json[i].picture+"' alt='Item preview' class='icon' />"; inner += "<p>"+json[i].id+"<br />qty:"+json[i].qty; inner += "<a href=\"javascript:clearProduct('"+jso...

Up to date asp.net page

I have a page in my website which view life information(like bourse info) from database What I want is : refresh a part of the page through the AJAX technics When a new row is added to one of the tables in the database. ...

How to get XML structure with jquery?

Is it possibble to map the structure of an xml file with jquery? After an ajax call the client gets an xml file, but it doesn't know the file's node structure, how could we reach all of its content? Thanks edited: For examlpe this xml has changing node structure. How could I reconstruct the exact node structure with jquery? <?xml versi...

How can I make a web progress bar in Ajax and Perl?

Hello Everybody, We use an ajax call for sending the data to the server. The server-side programming is done using Perl to save data into the database. As we have files which are huge in size we want to display a progress bar which tells the user the percent data posted to the server. How can this be achieved using Ajax and Perl? Tha...

AJAX calling a PHP code and getting a response every few minutes

Hi, I'm trying to create a very simple message board (author, text, and date written) that will auto-update every few moments to see if a new message has arrived, and if it has, auto load the latest message(s). I'm proficient in PHP, but my knowledge in AJAX is lacking. The way I see it, I would have to create a PHP file called get_me...

unable to refer to a server control in netsed lisview control

I have a markup for generating a list of clients and contacts info for each client. So, I am using nested list view control controls for displaying this. The outer listview control item template has a Image button, when clicked should open a popup extender so that I can attach new contacts to the client. The problem is, in popup extend...

Ajax/Flash file uploads with a progress bar?

I'm looking for a simple solution that will be: Easy to integrate Allow multiple file uploads Show a progress bar while the file is being uploaded Any ideas? I've tried Swfupload and its a real pain to integrate. ...

Jquery Image Gallery with categories

I am going to use the Galleriffic jquery plugin to display my images (please look at demo here: http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/advanced.html I want to include categories above the gallery, but when each category is clicked I want the image gallery to change dynamically. That meaning, I don't want the page to reload each time a catego...

Using Ajax, is it better to generate aditional markup in the server or the client side?

Which is better in AJAX request, Response with ready HTML or response with just data and write HTML using JavaScript, and this JavaScript will use a predefined HTML template to put the coming data inside and show on the page. Creating the HTML on the server and send to the page, will decrease the client side JS code, but will increase t...

ajax requests when navigating in browser

Hi. I have a web page which perform several ajax request and is modified, all ajax request are cached on the page. Then user clicks some link and performs the synchronous request to another page. Then user clicks "back" button of the browser. All data which was previously loaded via ajax is lost. Is it possible to restore the page state ...

Watir does not trigger Jquery event handler

I am testing a JQuery Web application. I have a JQuery popup that I simply cannot get the submit button to fire in Watir. The same pattern is used thought the application. I have verified the button exists and have tried click, fireEvent you name it and am out of methods to call. Has anyone solved this? ...

Ajax Paging in php

Hi friend, I just want the paging like the google adsense. Means paging using the ajax.. How could i do this.? Please send me reference if any Thanks. ...