
Advice on GUI layout for security product

We've developed a security product which identifies certain types of unauthorized traffic on a network. The interface for displaying the messages is a Java Servlet generated page. At this point, the page is a glorified console log. There is a big text box with lines of text added as warnings and messages are generated. A couple of cool...

Where's my json data in my incoming django request?

It seems like a simple question, but I've been looking for a couple of hours. I'm trying to process incoming JSON/Ajax requests with Django/Python. request.is_ajax() is True on the request, but I have no idea where the payload is with the JSON data request.POST.dir contains this ['__class__', '__cmp__', '__contains__', '__copy__', '_...

Autocomplete + Hidden Field in jquery?

I am trying to do an autocomplete that will display something and then put something else in an hidden field on selection. Example: In my database I have {[1, 'john'], [2, 'bob'], [3, 'john']} If the user type 'jo' and clicks on the first 'john', I have no way of knowing on what entry he clicked. So I need some kind of associated hidd...

Problem with triggering an Ajax POST on the onblur() event

I have an Ajax problem. There is an input field and I want to submit the changed value on the onblur() event. It all works fine except that there is an irritating flicker. I type in the new value and click away. The old value then flashes back before the value changes to the new value... This is how I am doing it. I attach an onblur f...

ASP.Net Ajax Collapsible Extender ViewState Issue.

I am currently working on an advanced web application that contains a number of Dynamically Rendered pages. The pages are standard pages which contain a place holder into which the main content is rendered from a combination of Xml and Xslt. I have recently been attempting to add a ASP.Net Ajax Toolkit collapsible entender to allow the...

jQuery find() only working once on AJAX result?

Hi, all I'm new to jQuery and I'm having a bit of a problem manipulating AJAX results with jQuery methods. I use an AJAX get and execute the find method on the resulting output. But this seems to work only once. Subsequent attempts using the same selector in the find() argument don't work. Different selectors will work, but again, on...

ASP.NET MVC $.ajax POST doesn't submit correctly

In javascript I have the following: $.ajax({ url: "/ajax/test", type: "POST", dataType: "html", data: '{"keyword" : "' + $('#tbxBrand').val() + '", "projectguid" : "<%= thisProject.ProjectGuid.ToString() %>", "userguid" : "<%= thisUser.UserGuid.ToString() %>"}', beforeSend: function() { }, ...

How to implement a Client-side Ajax Login on Asp.Net MVC (A link to the solution for Asp.Net Webforms is in here)

Hi, I'm trying to implement a client-side ajax login on Asp.Net MVC. I used to have this set up just fine on WebForms, but now that I've moved to MVC it's giving me some troubles. If you'd like a tutorial on Client-side Ajax Login for Asp.Net Webforms, it can be found here -- Easy, A++ Now... for some reason it's not working for Asp.N...

Submitting a Form using PHP and AJAX via jQuery

So I am using "load" functions of jQuery to use ajax on my pages. Can anyone write a small snippet of code using jquery load (or any ajax function which you think is the best) ? What I do is make a form, onsubmit pass to js, further using GET pass values into the load function and return false; though this works I am sure this is not th...

need to auto fill in textbox using autocomplete tag of ajax tag library

Hi frnds, I m new to ajax. I have implemented autocomplete functionality by using autocomplete tag of Ajax Tag Library. It is working alright,but i need that when the autocomplete list populates,and down key is pressed to select the value in list, it should auto fill the attached textbox accordingly. Please reply to this... I would be...

ASP.NET AJAX application extremely slow over VPN

I have a ASP.NET AJAX intranet application that has been running for a few months. It runs reasonably fast on the LAN. However when going over a VPN it slows down dramatically. Even taking line speed into account its takes like 60 seconds to change a page. I eventually got a vmware up and running to test the VPN speed, so the connection...

Order of evaluation in JavaScript code using Ajax

It seems (to me) like javascript statements do not always run one after another. I know they do that way but sometimes it seems like a show() func tion fires at the same time with hide() so the logic fails. There are callback functions to use, like jQuery.load("some.html",thenrunthis) .. I need to understand the working logic. any help/...

AJAX not "capturing" event without refresh

I'm kind of new to this so please bear with me... Let's say I have this javascript code $(document).ready(function() { $("a").click(function() { alert("Hello world!"); }); }); The way I understand it, this code will "capture" any link selection and post an alert box. Normally this works fine. Now, on the same page I...

Writing a search-with-suggestions field. Javascript focus problem.

So I'm scripting up a search field for my website. As the user types, a box appears below the field with search suggestions. The suggestions are keyboard navigable and clickable. However, I'm having trouble getting the suggestions to disappear when the user click's elsewhere on the page. I've added an onBlur() handler to the search fiel...

How can I use jQuery AJAX to update my Gridview?

I have a gridview with rows that can be edited, inserted etc. I wrapped it in an updatepanel to give it an AJAX effect and update the system without reloading the page. I recently got into using jQuery and webservices for my AJAX calls and I absolutely love how it works and how fast it is. I would like to know if it is possible, and i...

DOMContentLoaded/load (event), how to increase the speed.

I'm trying to do everything I can to increase the load speed of my pages, and in particular the ajax loaded components. In firebug, my out put looks like this I'm not entirely sure if I'm reading this correctly, but it is either +2.19s for DOMContentLoaded (or it mayonly be .8 if we are supposed to subtrack that from the waiting respo...

Newbie: What does jQuery.ajaxSetup 'beforeSend' do?

I'm using this in a Rails app. and I have some code that changes the response type to javascript. jQuery.ajaxSetup({ 'beforeSend': function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript") } }) This works fine when submitting a form, but it doesn't seem to be called when submitting the javascript form generated...

How to call Java web service (JAX-WS) from AJAX?

Hi I am developing java web services (JAX-WS) to insert data into mysql DB and retrieve it. This web service has two methods i.e. fetchFromDB and insertIntoDB. Services seems to be running fine when I test them using netbeans IDE. Address: /CalculatorWSService WSDL: /CalculatorWSService?wsdl but when I try to access it using AJAX'...

How does Facebook keep that toolbar on the bottom of the page?

I like how Facebook keeps that toolbar on the bottom of the page. Does that require cross-browser ninja skills? Their JavaScript/CSS files are huge so I am having a hard time narrowing down the implementation (for learning purposes). ...

Any feeback on the lib Ajax-Cross-Domain and the Jquery patch ?

Looking for a way to get non JSON data from foreign domain using Ajax, we found the http://www.ajax-cross-domain.com/ lib and the http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/3342 Jquery patch. Did anybody try them ? ...