
JQuery + Page Methods: Method is Never Called

I am just starting to mess around with Page Methods and jQuery together with not much success. Below is my sample code... Default.aspx.cs [WebMethod] public static string test() { return "testing 123"; } test.js $(document).ready(function() { $("#Result").click(function() { $.ajax({ type: "POST", ...

Problem getting MVC AJAX partial load to work

I was following the example laid out here for implementing AJAX panels in MVC. I'm using VB.NET, but the conversion is pretty straightforward. However, I can't seem to get it to work, and I'm running out of ideas as to why. Here is my code: HomeController: Function Index() As ActionResult Return View() End Function Function Archiv...

How to update multiple elements with one MooTools Request.HTML call

Does anyone know if, using one Request.HTML call from MooTools, it is possible to somehow update more than one element in a webpage? The current call I have is: var req = new Request.HTML({update: $('content')}).get('../latest_events'); This updates the content div in my page with the "../latest_events" page. Is there a way to updat...

Creating PDFs on the fly using AJAX & C#

I have a web page.There is a link to generate pdf reports.When the user clicks on the link the pdf generation process should start.Since the file size of the generated pdf is huge(>15Mb) the user cannot wait & thus has to proceed ahead with his other activities.That means the following simultaneous things would be happening now The PDF...

Order of an item in MySQL query result

Is there a way to know the order of an specific item in a query result with traversing the whole set? I have a web application that show user comments in Ajaxified way, I would like to send the user a link to their comments like this: http://my.web/post/12345#comment%5F45 and using the hash value "comment_45" load the comment page wit...

Attaching event on the fly with prototype

Hi, I've been scratching my head over this for an hour... I have a list of todo which has done button on each item. Every time a user clicks on that, it's supposed to do an Ajax call to the server, calling the marking function then updates the whole list. The problem I'm facing is that the new list has done buttons as well on each ite...

How to make an Ajax loader follow mouse?

I want to have something on my site that follows the mouse around, sort of like how Windows 7 does it. Like in Windows 7 when something is loading up a little circle comes and follows the mouse. I am using the jQuery library so I know I can use Ajax Start and Stop to make it appear but am not sure how to make it follow the mouse around...

Ruby on rails: Remote Upload A File Using AJAX

I've successfully uploaded a file using PUT and html, but is there a way to upload a file in a ajax remote_form_for ? I've tried this to no success: <% remote_form_for @song,:html => { :multipart => true }, :url => { :action => 'upload' } do |f| %> ...

how to disable submit button with ajax based on ajax response

iam trying to use something like this in my code but hsving no luck... function captcha(data) { var httpxml; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari httpxml=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer try { httpxml=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { httpxml=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } cat...

Ajax use on website design

Hi, I just want to ask for your experience. I'm designing a public website, using jQuery Ajax in most of operations. I'm having some timeouts, and I think it should be for hosting provider cause. Any of you have expirience in this case and may advise me on some hints (especially on timeouts handling)? Thanks in advance to all. Esteve ...

Any free ajax poll script?

Hello, do you guys know any free php ajax poll script with an admin panel? i cant find one, i have googled for ages. ...

jQuery Bookmarklet with $.post() or $.get()

Hi. I've built a Bookmarklet based on Ben Almans jQuery enabled Bookmarklet. The bookmarklet creates a an fills it with some data from a $.get('http://mydomain.com/request/') Request. It works as long as I am on the same domain, but if I try to run it on another site, e.g. google the $.get() does not work. I've also tried $.getJSON()...

AJAX document.getElementById().innerHTML problem with IE?

Before someone said that I did not read I may say that I read almost everything linked with my question. But I couldn't find my answer. So, I have a simple AJAX script that loads my external file inside predefined div. This is the code of those script: function loadTwitter() { var xmlHttp; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+,...

How to provide AJAX status messages in a standard layout location with Rails

Hi folks, I'm looking for some advice on the best way to provide a single place where ajax status/error messages are displayed for a rails app. This is similar to the rails flash subsystem, but for ajax requests. Google Reader and gmail are good examples that have this functionality. Any chance there is a simple plugin that provides ...

How do you add scripts to custom buttons on rows in jqgrid?

I am trying to handle the click of custom button in a jqgrid. I have the buttons showing up, but when they are clicked, my function does not run. If I click a button outside the jqgrid, the script runs. Does jqgrid consume the button click? Not sure what I am missing or not understanding. Here is the grid. The reason I am not reloading t...

How can i call a javascript function to run when innerHtml changes with Ajax?

I am using Ajax to change the innerHtml of a div by using onclick on a link. I need to call a javascript function after the file is retrieved from the server and replaces the content of the div. How can i do this? <div id="thisDiv"> <a href="this.php" onclick="ajaxfunction('thisfile.php','thisDiv');return false;">link</a> ... </div> T...

How to dynamically fetch some html file and use it to create content of a DIV with jQuery?

Say,how to implement these three steps: 1.fetch a html source from server side 2.use the above source to create a DIV 3.append it to <body> Element ...

Problem with IE7 link over jquery

Hi, I'm testing a website using Jquery. I have a plugin that when you hover over it, it slides down revealing another banner thus sliding the banner below down. I've overlayed a link in using z-index on the bottom banner, but whilst it works in other browsers I can't see it in IE7. Any ideas why? Would moving the styles up help? Or m...

Ajax callback simultaneously triggered

Hi Guys, I have buttons defined in the following manner: <input id="405,23272-200,233" class="addbutton" type="submit" value="Add"/> and some javascript to update parts of the page on a button being clicked: document.observe('dom:loaded', function () { $$('.addbutton').each(function(item) { Event.observe(item, 'click'...

AJAX and/or JQUERY form POST?

Hi Masters Of Web Programming, here I come with another stupid question, hoping someone will answer me. I'm not very good in AJAX programming but due some situations I must build a completely non-refreshable site. Next question is how to make this form to send a request and return the result, WITHOUT reload of current page? <?PHP f...