
jQuery Ajax success not being invoked

Hi, Here is my code, $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: action, data: params, success: function() { alert("Success"); }, error: function() { alert("error occurred"); } }); I have a form inside a modal dialog window, on submission i would like to stay inside the dialog rather than return to origi...

Submitting a jQuery ajax form with two submit buttons

I have a form that looks like this: <form action="/vote/" method="post" class="vote_form"> <input type="hidden" name="question_id" value="10" /> <input type="image" src="vote_down.png" class="vote_down" name="submit" value="down" /> <input type="image" src="vote_up.png" class="vote_up" name="submit" value="up" /> </form> W...

Ajax Push Engine

Hi all, are there anyone hear about APE (Ajax Push Engine) before ? I'm building Rails application and trying to create group chat with this APE realtime engine, the problem is how to make Rails communicate with APE Server ? Are there any tutorial or reference on working APE with Rails ? ...

Can XMPP be used like Comet's http long wait?

Can XMPP be applied in a similar way to the reverse Ajax pattern? Can it be used to implement http long wait like Comet? Is there an example of using such a technique with XMPP? ...

problem in panel when using with ajax modal popup control

hi i have 2 panel and and using ajax modalpopup control ...

How to browse every 10 records using MYSQL and jquery ajax calls

Hi i want to browse every 10 records on a click. The AJAX call should fetch next 10 records each from SQL QUERY when clicked on next or previous. At the initial page i have a SQL QUERY which fetches 10 records SELECT VENUENAME FROM VENUES LIMIT 10 <a style="float:right" id="next-nav" href="#">Next</a> $("#next-nav").click(function(){...

Livevalidation and group of checkbox, radio, select

Hi, Livevalidation script is great to validate forms but how you 're suppose to do with group of checkbox, radio, and select. see website : http://www.livevalidation.com/ Thanks. ...

Best way to handle expired .NET Forms authentication coookie in an ajax call?

I'm developing a ASP.NET MVC app and I'm wondering which is the best way to handle an expired .NET Forms authentication cookie detected during an ajax call. Do you think that packing the ajax response into a JsonResult containing info about the cookie validity is the best solution? ...

Datagrid in Modalpopup

Hi, i want to use datagrid in modalpopup.I have 2 problems.First when user clicks a button,modalpopup shows and then in modalpopup there is a button which lists some records.If user clicks this list button,modalpopup closes and also list button's code doesnt execute.Is it possible to create some postbacks events in asp.net ajax modalpo...

asp.net fileupload Vanishes on postback without AJAX

I m using asp.net 2.0 without AJAX. The file path in the fileupload control gets vanished once the postback take places. i do some validations for other controls in code behind. i need to upload the file again for further processing. can any one suggest me how to hold the filepath in the fileupload control even after postback. ...

jQuery Modal not showing <script> tags with AJAX page request

I use a plug-in called nyroModal to call a page via AJAX and display it in a modal window. When the AJAX gets the page, it creates a div on the current page, when nyroModal then styles and creates the modal page for you. Problem is, it seems to strip off all the tags out of the requested page. Using firebug I can see the tags in the re...

JavaScript Code Signing

How can a user, using one of the major modern browsers, know for sure that he is running my unmodified javascript code even over an untrusted network? Here is some more info about my situation: I have a web application that deals with private information. The login process is an implementation of a password-authenticated key agreemen...

How do you invoke a file download with link_to_remote in rails?

Hi All, I'd like to be able to invoke a file download from rails using link to remote. I have the link working okay,it looks like this : link_to_remote image_tag("icons/ppt_48.png"), :url => formatted_element_path(@element, :ppt), :method => :get, :with => "'stoplight=' + $F('stoplight')" The response contains the proper fi...

Ajax refresh messes up jqModal functionality

I am trying to use jqModal in my .net/mvc app to do simple jquery modal popups. I have a table where I list out records and have an "edit" button to popup a modal dialog to do the edits. When I submit, I hide the modal popup and refresh the table listing below using the .ajax() method. However, now when I click on the "edit" page, jqM...

Updating a Javascript Variable with AJAX

I am working on a project with FusionCharts that requires me to update a javascript variable with an AJAX request. The FusionChart populates itself with the xml within the 'chart1.setDataXML()' tag as seen below. <div id="barGraph"> Bar Graph </div> <script language="JavaScript"> var chart1= new FusionCharts("/charts/C...

How to get scripts to fire that are embedded in content retrieved via the jquery load() method?

I have found several other questions here on S.O. (and the web in general) that ask roughly this same question, but the answers always seem to suggest other ways of structuring code that avoid the need for addressing this underlying issue. For example, many people suggest (and a good suggestion, I agree) to put your code in the jquery l...

How to limit characters per message and make anti-spam?

Hi, i have this shouwbox script. I would like to know how to limit the characters for each message like 70 characters. And i would also like to know how to do so you have to wait 3 seconds between each message you post. Here is my script. Index.html <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-...

How do I find the my version Number of MS ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit ?

I know I am not running the most up-to-date version of ACT on my server. (I tried to update it recently and it broke a bunch of things.) So I want to use a control that I have never used before and I need to look at the reference for the control to be sure I'm using it correctly. But I dont know the exact version I am running. Where ca...

jQuery AJAX fires error callback on window unload?

If I navigate away from a page in the middle of an $.ajax() request it fires the error callback. I've tested in Safari and FF with both GET and POST requests. It has been suggested that one could abort all AJAX requests on page unload but the error handler is actually called first so it doesn't seem possible nor practical. This is pro...

what is this effect called and does C# have it somewhere?

Hello. I am making a web application and I want for when the user clicks a certain button for there to be a "pop up." Not really a pop up, but rather a little window in the browser is created and the rest of the screen is unable to be edited and is darker. Face book has such an effect, but I can't recall where. Also, this http://demo.atm...