
How can I specify a special character in PHP

I am trying to output a sigma character () in a label in a FusionChart graph. How can I specify that character in a PHP string? I have tried the htmlentity σ, but it is not interpreted correctly by the graph. Is there any way to specify the character in PHP using some sort of character code? ...

Render the square wave form graph using PHP

I would like to render the square wave form of graph using the only values of zero and one on certain time intervals. I used fusion chart line graph to render the chart but when the values changes from zero to one the line goes very slanting but i would like to show it straight. For example check out the attached image it shows the s...

how do i get accented characters to display in Fusion Charts graphs?

im using fusion charts to map data. the labels for the data are country names which we localise into languages that have accents, for ex österreich being german for austria. the data and labels are set in an xml file. for some graphs the accents show by using the decimal equivalent, so ö shows an ö. on other graphs the decimal, ent...

FusionCharts multi-series line chart in php

I am looking for an example of a FusionCharts multi-series line chart created using the PHPClass API. I can't find an example anywhere in FusionCharts online documentation. The closest they have is a multi-series chart using MSColumn3D, but I am struggling to convert this into a line chart. The line chart I want to make should look so...

Updating a Javascript Variable with AJAX

I am working on a project with FusionCharts that requires me to update a javascript variable with an AJAX request. The FusionChart populates itself with the xml within the 'chart1.setDataXML()' tag as seen below. <div id="barGraph"> Bar Graph </div> <script language="JavaScript"> var chart1= new FusionCharts("/charts/C...

Word wrap in FusionCharts Free data labels

I use FusionCharts Free to plot some column charts. Some of the data labels (the texts under each column on the x-axis) are long, and end up overlapping with the labels of other columns. Is it possible to make the text wrap? (I know it is possible to rotate labels, but that is not an option for me because it strips out any non-ASCII c...

Send XML in a js variable to FusionCharts

Hi I have this php code which ends up with xml data in a string, I then use onClick to send it to a js function $strXML = "<chart><set label='B' value='12' /><set label='C' value='10'/></chart>" <td align='right' onClick='drawchart($strXML)' >&pound $totalcost </td> However when it gets to my js function it does not work and the dat...

Send XML in a js variable

Hi , I have this php code and the variable is XML data $strXML = "<chart caption='ADI Chart Test ' xAxisName='Month' yAxisName='Units'" $strXML.= "showValues='0'formatNumberScale='0' showBorder='1'>"; echo "<td align='right' onClick='drawchart($strXML)' > $totalcost </td> " ;` this is passed to a javascript function function drawc...

populate FusionCharts with XML data AJAX

Hi I have a js file that uses ajax to get a XML doc from a php script . The XML file forms the data to draw a Fusion Chart. I know I am getting the XML data ok but FusionCharts will not draw it . I would really appreciate any help , thanks (FusionCharts.js is included earlier in my script) if(XMLHttpRequestObject) { XMLHttpRequestOb...

Best practices when generating XML web services data for PHP

I'm currently using Fusioncharts Free in my project which requires XML to be in a specific format, both for the display of data and for the appearance of the chart. I have a PHP file called webservice.php which has many similar repetitions of the below: $address = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ... if ($address == 'webService.php/fcf/last5pr...

fusion charts features

hi i've got a few issues with my charts that i didnt find documentation about I have a 3d pie chart that can be transformed in animation to 2d, when picking "view 2d" option from the pop-up menu. can I trigger this action through JS code? the onlinr documentation only refers "MSCombi3D.swf" chart type. I tryed applying the code in the...

Updating FusionChart component with JavaScript

An html page contains FusionCharts component. Below this component are a couple of html controls supposed to filter date for this component. Initially, there was a problem updating the chart component, upon clicking "Filter" button I used the following code: currentChart.setDataURL(url); currentChart.render("ChartDiv"); It didn't work...

fusion charts drill down integration in drupal

How can i implement a drill down fusion charts in drupal. I have gont through the fusioncharts_test.module but i got no idea. My question is I want to implement fusion charts based on user logins and posts.I implemented charts for rendering userlogins and posts for year,month,week seperately. How can i implement when i click on year rend...

FusionCharts Sharepoint And dataUrl param.

Hi, everyone. I have problem with fusioncharts evaluation in the ASP .NET(Sharepoint Portal). I am customizing survey list for providing new view. I added to scheme.xml the next code. <View BaseViewID="4" Type="HTML" WebPartZoneID="Main" DefaultView="TRUE" DisplayName="Charts" SetupPath="pages\viewpage.aspx" ImageUrl="/_layouts/images...

Write XML using best way(Linq To XML or other)

Hello All I want to write my xml with following format. How can i do it?I am using c# <map borderColor='c5e5b8' fillColor='6a9057' numberSuffix=' Mill.' includeValueInLabels='0' labelSepChar=': ' baseFontSize='9' showFCMenuItem='0' hoverColor='c2bc23' showTitle='0' type='0' showCanvasBorder='0' bgAlpha='0,0' hoveronEmpty='1' includeNa...

FusionCharts rendered in Javascript not printing...

I'm using fusioncharts free and creating some 3d pie charts like so... <div style="margin:0 auto;" id="chart1Adiv">FusionCharts</div> <script language="JavaScript"> var chart1A = new FusionCharts("./fusion_charts/FCF_Pie3D.swf","chart1Adiv","300","200"); chart1A.setDataXML("<graph caption='1A' bgColor='ffffff' decimalPrecision='0' s...

Fusion Charts Y axis interval

Hi, I am using Fusion charts with javascript and I have a small issue. if the datarange for the chart is 100 for example, and one element has 98, but the other 5 elements have values ranging from 1 to 10. These five elements are going to display very small. Is there any way that I can control the Y axis intervals, so that one interva...

Show label on the top of bar2d by fusioncharts

Hi, everyone. How can I show label on the top of the line in the bar2d graphic? For example: |------------------------- | This is line! |================= 70% | | This is line 2! |====== 30% |------------------------- Thanks. ...

Fusion charts free on Ruby on Rails

Hi i am using Fusion charts free with Rail 2.3.5 I tried to simulate the single_array example provided in the documentation but instead of graph it is showing me the following message The method used is setDataXML.The XML is #Creates xml with values for sales data of products #along with their names. #The values required for building t...

Fusion charts not showing up with Rails 2.3.5

Hi i am not able to show up Fusion charts using RoR 2.3.5, just trying to showup the single_series array method for 3d bar graph Anybody has similar issue ? please help ...