
Dynamically Change Fusion Chart Value with Slider Event in flex

I am having a set of slider for each bar in the graph. I have bindded all the sliders with their corresponding bars. When i change the value of slider the value in the ArrayCollection changes and i have also used singleData.refresh(); but the values in the chart remains unchanged. How can i update the values in the chart with the...

Drupal 6 FusionChart PHP database data display

Hello, I am trying to get a pie chart display correctly but have found there to be not much documentation / guidance for drupal 6 and fusioncharts. anyways im aiming to query the database with this: $query = mysql_query("select * from content_type_engage"); Then i want to loop through the results and retrieve one specific value wi...

Fusion Chart Free Time Line graph

I need a graph exactly like the above figure using Multi-series line graph with time gap of one hour from 9am till 11pm for a singe day. Please help me. ...

Need to write XML using PHP - how?

ive got this basic code. <chart lowerLimit='0' upperLimit='100' caption='Revenue' subcaption='US $ (1,000s)' numberPrefix='$' numberSuffix='K' showValue='1' > <colorRange> <color minValue='0' maxValue='50' color='A6A6A6'/> <color minValue='50' maxValue='75' color='CCCCCC'/> <color minValue='75' maxValue='100' color...

Fusion Charts Server side upload

Trying Server-side exporting using fusion charts.. works well with FF. however internet explorer says Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later. " Help appreciated in advance... thanks ...

Fusion Charts Formatting data values

I am wondering whether there is a way to format the fonts for my datavalues. I have two sets of data that I want to plot on the same graph but I want to format the data values differently. ...

Overlapping with Fusion Chart

While I drag an element (DIV or SPAN or any ), over the FusionChart control, the draggable element disappears. Sometimes the elements comes under the FusionChart. I need to drag the element over the Fusion Chart control. Here I am using Drag and Drop using jQuery. And i am dragging a text. What is the solution ? ...

Drill down in graph using FusionCharts Free for axis

Hi All, I have the following input xml file: <Company > <shareprice> <timeStamp> 12:00:00.01</timeStamp> <Price> 25.02</Price> </shareprice> <shareprice> <timeStamp> 12:00:00.02</timeStamp> <Price> 15</Price> </shareprice> <shareprice> <timeStamp> 12:00:01.025</timeSta...

PHP: Fusion chart tutorial

After researching into various charting solutions fusion charts looks like it will be most suited to my needs. I'm finding it difficult to get a good detailed tutorial on how to create a chart that lets the user can click on different data to open a new window. For example a pie chart of backup statistics (successful, failed, missing)...

PHP: creating an XML string for fusioncharts help

hi, I'm using fusioncharts with PHP but I'm getting a No data to display error. I'm adding data to the chart via xml generated from an array. the data exists as when I dump the array I can see it all fine. I think it's the xml that is wrong. Maybe someone can have a look and help me out, the xml var dump is being wierd. Creating the ar...

FusionCharts: Using PHP class chart doesn't show, just see 'Chart' text.

Hi I'm using fusioncharts with PHP. I'm generating the chart from an array like i've shown. I don't get any errors but all I get is no chart but the word "Chart" displayed. include ('classes/FusionCharts_Gen.php'); $ticketobj = new SupportTickets(); $types = $ticketobj->getIssueTypes(); $FC = new FusionCharts("Column3...

JSP not detecting the javascript file

From a servlet, I'm forwarding the request to a JSP page which renders a FusionChart. But I've a problem in loading the chart. The JSP file is not detecting the JavaScript file. The folder structure is: axis | WebContent | WEB-INF | classes |_ com |_FusionCharts.js |_MyChartJsp.jsp...

FusionCharts Printing Problem

I've been using FusionCharts v3.1 for a few years now. For a long time we have had problems printing charts in Firefox but recently we've had problems printing charts in IE. In IE, the charts print really, really small. v3.2 was recently released and they have introduced the PrintManager that finally fixes the Firefox printing bug b...

How do I encode a single quote so it shows up in the label of a Fusion Chart's value?

I'm getting an 'Invalid XML Data' error for any Fusion Chart which contains a ' (ie. single quote) in the label name for data. This happens even when I encode/escape the single quote. Try the following Chart Data: Obviously when unescaped (as such) we should see an error <chart shownames='1' caption='Registrant Types'> <set value...

Python sample programs for FusionCharts to integrate with MySQL.

I want to integrate Python with FusionCharts and MySQL. I have python programs to create/access MySQL DB. The same data which resides in the MySQL DB has to be projected to the user in the FusionCharts using Python scripts. Please help me out on this. ...