
Problem with request.request_uri when forwarding from AJAX partial - Rails

Hi, In my Rails logging in functionality I use session[:return_to] = request.request_uri and then in the logging functionality I use: redirect_to session[:return_to] Which works fine except when I render a partial with AJAX. What happens is that the request.uri is for the AJAX request which screws up and doesn't render what's exp...

AJAX Testing Tools

I am looking for Ajax testing tools . is there any free tools avilable for testing ajax Edit 2 : apart from firebug is there any other tools ;) ...

Ajax.dll causing problem?

Hi all, I am using Ajax.dll.I have registered the class using Ajax.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax(typeof(Default)) in page load. I have written a function in the server side to return "Name",like [Ajax.AjaxMethod(HttpSessionStateRequirement.ReadWrite)] public string GetName() { return "Test"; } and i accessed from the page like Defa...

how to assign a value to textbox which is outside of the updatePanel

i am having a Page.in that page button inside a UpdatePanel.when a user click on the button. i need to assign a value to textbox which is outside of the updatepanel. how to achieve this ? any suggestion it will be there ? Thanks & Regards Ravikumar ...

jQuery load question

I'm using jquery load function to scroll between pages of a calender in my page. I'm using this function $(document).ready(function(){ $('a.cal').bind('click', function(e) { var url = $(this).attr('href'); $('div#calender').load(url); e.preventDefault(); }); }); to assign the behavior to an...

Passing XML data in jQuery ajax

How can i send an XML dom from my javascript code to server page(an asp.net page ) using jQuery ajax /post function ? ...

DRYing up routes and javascript responses

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm missing a known design pattern, but I keep coming up against the following problem with RESTful routes Rails. In my example, I have a users controller that can respond in javascript (:js) format. The default response populates a page element with a list of the paginated users: # /app/controllers/users_controlle...

How to hook json response to html form via jquery?

I'm sure I'm just missing something, but it would be really helpful if someone knows of a way to do this without calling a jquery plugin. Let's suppose I have a simple html form like the following: <form id="mainform" action="form.php" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Main Form</legend> <label for="input1">First Input<...

ASP.NET MVC - How to page ajax search results?

Hi There, I am struggling to get to grips with a particular form setup in my asp.net MVC application. Currently I have a page which displays a chunk of data. On this page is a simple form that calls into an action method that returns a partialview when posted (through ajax - jform). This is all very well until I try and add paging suppo...

How could I post an XML file in a web context

We have a local database of our products without the price. To get the price, we need to POST an XML file containing the product ID and the credential of our company to the manufacturer. The manufacturer will send back the same XML file and will add the price in a new tag. I need to parse that file to get the price. Here is a part of t...

[DOJO] xhrPost : from an http view to an https url

Hi, using Dojo, is it possible to make an Ajax call using xhrPost from an HTTP view to a HTTPS url ? The url must be HTTPS (as defined in Struts). If I simply set "MyCommand" as the 'url' parameter of the xhrGet, I get a 302 error code. If I transform "MyCommand" using javascript to something like "https://......./servlet/MyCommand"...

Help, I lost the JSON tab in Firebug console

Hello all. From some time (a week before installing the last 1.4.3 update for Firebug) the tab with the JSON contents has disappeared from my Firebug console. I used to open the GET reply from AJAX in the console, then three tabs appear, which are labelled "URL Parameters", "Headers" and "Reply". When I clicked on "Reply" another heade...

simple jQuery doesn't work on server (but locally)

I've got a simple HTML page !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"&gt; <head> <title>Home </title> <script type="text/javascript" src="_includes/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="_includ...

Could someone recommend video tutorial websites for beginners?

I'm not sure what it is about me but I seem to learn and retain information better through a classroom setting where what's being shown is explained clearly and easy to understand examples are presented. I rarely do my own reading or research, but I do occasionally stumble upon some neat things. Maybe I'm just used to the classroom set...

Pass arrays as paramters with jQuery AJAX?

I have an AJAX call in the following format: $.get('/controller/method/', { parameter1: value1, parameter2: value2 }, function(data) { if (data) { } else { } }); Is it possible to pass an array as a parameter? parameter3: new Array(1, 2, 3) parameter4: new Array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3) ...

close long poll connection, jQuery-ajax

Background I use a Tornado-like server with support for long-polls. Each web pages a user clicks around to sets up a long poll to the server like this: $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: "/mylongpollurl/", dataType: 'application/json', success: function(json) { // I do stuff here }, error: function(xhr, errText, ...

Rails 2.3.4 and jquery form plugin works on development, not in production?

Hello, i'm trying to build a contact form in Rails 2.3.4. I'm using the jQuery Form plugin along with this (http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) for validations. Everything works in my development environment (mac os x snow leopard), the loading gif appears and on my log the email gets sent and the "request co...

Asp.net chat application using database for message queue

Hello, I have developed a chat web application which uses a SqlServer database for exchaning messages. all clients poll every x seconds to check for new messages. it is obvious that this approach consumes many resources, and I was wondering if there is a "cheaper" way of doing that. I use the same approach for "presence": checking wh...

How to execute two functions when a URL is clicked...

I have the following two event happening when my "export" url is clicked. No matter how I try, I can't combine the two without receiving a "hey, you're missing a comma or semicolon somewhere"-error. Can anybody suggest a way to combine the two, or should I just leave them separate as they are now? $('#export').click(function() { $....

User.Identity.Name returning empty string.

Hello guys, User.Identity.Name returning empty string in Firefox. In IE it's working fine. I have an ajax call to controller and used the Identity to fetched data from DB. Problem is it will always return an empty string in Firefox. I already assigned cookie name in my webconfig under . Your reply is greatly appreciated Very Best, ...