
get id of a cell in a table inside a div (JS and HTML)

Hi I have a php script that draws a table subject to certain conditions. When the table is drawn it is inside a div called ‘window’ and the table is called ‘visi’ I then want to use the code below to get the id’s of each cell in the table. I can get the class name no problem but get absolutely nothing from the id. Can anyone give me an ...

change image after timeout

i have following code <div class="caption" style=" position:absolute; margin-top:0px"> <img src="caption/img1.png" /> </div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ setTimeout(function() { $('div.caption').fadeOut('slow'); $('div.caption').fadeIn(); }, 1000); }); but this work only once, what i want to do is after e...

jquery not working IE7

i am using http://malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ with jquery my code is <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("div.hide1").fadeTo("slow", 0.13); $("div.hide1").fadeTo("slow", 1); $('.caption').cycle({ fx: 'fade', speedIn: 2500, speedOut: 500, sync: ...

mySQL - One large query vs Ajax indivdual queries

Hi guys, I guess no one will have a definative answer to this but considered predictions would be appriciated. I am in the process of developing a mySQL database for a web application and my question is: Is it more efficient to make a single query that returns a single row using AJAX or To request 100 - 700 rows when the user will l...

Google Analytics pageTracker function doesn't work when loaded via AJAX

I posted on this a while ago, and have since done more research and advanced the problem, but I still don't have a solution... I have a site (www.seatgeek.com) where a lot of links are loaded via AJAX. When a user clicks on one of these links I want to count it as a goal, so I've tried attaching pageTracker._trackPageview() to the link...

AJAX - when user leaves page - good or bad practice/implementation?

I was just reading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1619930/how-to-check-users-leave-a-page earlier on when suddenly I thought of performing AJAX when user leaves the page to send analytical data back to the server. Is performing AJAX on the onunload event a good or bad practice/implementation? ...

jquery selection

I have the following code : $(document).ready(function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substr(1); var href = $('#nav li a').each(function(){ var href = $(this).attr('href'); if(hash==href.substr(0,href.length-5)){ var toLoad = hash+'.html #content'; $('#content').load(toLoad) } }); $('#nav li a').click(f...

Javascript does not load in initial page load

Hi, Im having issues with having to load my javascript, when I visit my website (php) for the first time(cookies cleared) and I click on a link (which calls a javascript method), it does not work , however if I reload the page and then click on the link, it works(the link does not refresh the page but calls another php page and makes c...

jquery ajax error!

SOLVED in the last answer im getting following error, dunno where and why? cause code works fine and i dont know what is wrong, please suggest something :$ uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: # Line 0 why code and functionality works totally fine, even when this error show.. but it dont work in ie, so i need t...

Ajax Chatting - JMS

Is there a decent open source spring-JMS (or else) messaging project? Objective: to be used on a website for a facebook-like chatting functionality ...

JavaScript / jQuery - Make an AJAX request when a user is typing in a textarea

I have a textarea where people enter some text (naturally), and I want to make it so that an AJAX request is made every now and then to get some suggestions regarding what the textarea is about (like stack overflow's Related Questions, but for a textarea, not a text input). The problem is that I can't do an AJAX request at every keypress...

How do I display real-time python script output on a website?

I have a Python script that outputs something every second or two, but takes a long while to finish completely. I want to set up a website such that someone can directly invoke the script, and the output is sent to the screen while the script is running. I don't want the user to wait until the script finishes completely, because then a...

jquery ajax online support chat

Is there any FREE script available for online customer support in AJAX, JQUERY , php like person have own window to chat ... Thanks ...

Cappuccino, Django, AJAX, and fitting it all together - review my architecture!

I'm trying to get my head around Cappuccino. I'd like my StackOverview peers to review the architecture below and see if it makes sense - the aim is to utilize the unique benefits of Django and Cappuccino without doubling up where the technologies overlap... When the web browser requests a 'friendly' URL (eg, /, /articles, etc): DJang...

JQuery not loading on first page visit

Hi all, Im having an issue loading the JQuery library when I visit my webpage for the first time.. therefore none of its functions work...If i visit another page on my site, or reload it , the script works and continues to from there on... and to recreate the issue, I have to clear my cookies....I have checked my code and it seems fine...

browser autocomplete/saved form not work in ajax request

Hi, Its really hard to search the any combination of keywords in search engine about this because it used by most popular developer wanted a custom autocomplete by ajax. Most developer search about the custom autocomplete to get result from db by ajax or about how to disable browser autocomplete due to security reason or they wantted t...

forms called by ajax

how can i get a form to work properly when it is loaded in the html injected by ajax? im using jquery if its any help... ...

How to ignore \n\t when AJAX reading a text file?

I can use the AJAX call to read a text file, but the problem is it read the \n\t, and the symbol '\' (Backslash), it is not necessary for me, How can I ignore it to pure text msg....? ...

how do i set a specific domain which can use a ASMX service?

I want to set my default Domain name for my site to be given access only by the webservices. I'm using the webservices in JQuery Ajax ...

jquery json ajax function not successful

I have this part in my jquery ready function: $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: '../lib/strapper.php', data:p, //where p is an object = {...} dataType:'json', success:function(result){ alert('test'); }, failure:function(){ alert('failed'); } }); and in my str...