
jQuery - Can someone help stitching jQuery code with .ajaxComplete()?

Hi, so I've got this content loader that replaces content within a div with content from a separate page. But the content that arrives contains a menu that uses jQuery and this is not working. Someone told me I need to reinitialize the code. But how do I do that? I've looked into .ajaxComplete(), but I don't really get how I'm supposed t...

Asp.net multiple modalpopupextender in the same page

I have a asp.net page that have 2 modalpopupextender. the problem is this: When i open the firste modal popup from the code behind the second modal popup is automaticly open. Any ideas????? ...

Best "Loading" feedback for ASP.Net?

So, we have an ASP.Net application - fairly standard - and in there are lots of updatepanels, and postbacks. On some pages we have <ajax:UpdatePanelAnimationExtender ID="ae" runat="server" TargetControlID="updatePanel" BehaviorID="UpdateAnimation"> <Animations> <OnUpdating> <FadeOut Duration="0.1" minimumOpacit...

asp.net firewalll isue?

I am getting following error in asp.net. I am using following pages UserControl having drodown list and grid view, gv is filled according to dropdown selection master page using above control aspx page using ,aster page with script manager. Above code running fine in my WITHIN NETWORK. BUT when i check link at outside proxy following...

Change image of a button whithout going into the server with Jquery

Hello, I have a button that has a image and uses a MVC Ajax Form(Not Jquery) but I want change the button image to a loading element via Jquery, how can I do this using a element img that is already loaded in the page (if load from server it lost the purpose of immediatly show a loading element). ...

Server side aggregation using Spring MVC Controllers

Hi! We have a web site with multiple pages each with lot of AJAX calls. All the Ajax calls go to a data proxy layer written in Spring 3 MVC application. In order to reduce the load on the server we are planning to aggregate calls on the client and send to the proxy layer. For ex: we have two calls /controller1/action1 and /controlle...

javascript ajax help

I have the following code. var d3_ad = 1; function displayD3Ad(){ var query_string = '?d3_ad='+d3_ad; query_string += '&location='+escape(location); //document.write('<iframe src="index.php'+query_string+'"></iframe>'); var data = httpRequest('http://localhost/test/index.php','GET',query_string); d...

jquery fade an element in when a link is clicked and then swap the element when another link is clicked

I have worked out how to fade an element in: Click here to view the page If you click on the heading Posture 1 : Standing Deep Breathing : you will notice the element fades in as it should. If you now click on posture 2 you will see the element fades in below posture 1. I need to be able to swap posture 1 with posture 2. I have a total...

GLOBAL loading inside each single button with Jquery in ajax calls of asp.net mvc

I have the following scenario: I have a button\link with a image inside like this: <button type="submit" id="myButton" class="button"><img src="../../Content/images/check.png" id="defaultImage" /> SaveData!!!</button> We are OK here! Now what I need to do is: I want on the click that the image change for a loading element that is pr...

Subscribe to the 'complete' event of a .load() on a specific DOM element?

Hi all, I already use both .live() and .bind('ajaxComplete') to accomplish certain related tasks, but I have found myself wanting to be able to listen for the 'complete' event of a specific DOM element which will call jQuery's .load() at various times. In this situation I don't want to listen for ALL complete events globally (unless so...

Ampersand in GET, PHP

I have a simple form that generates a new photo gallery, sending the title and a description to MySQL and redirecting the user to a page where they can upload photos. Everything worked fine until the ampersand entered the equation. The information is sent from a jQuery modal dialog to a PHP page which then submits the entry to the datab...

How to use xml response as XMLObject outside of ajax callback function

Hopefully I've just made a dumb oversight, but I can't figure out why the following doesn't work: $(function() { var xml; $.get( "somexml.xml", function(data){ xml = data; }, "xml"); alert(xml); }); If I put the alert inside of the callback function, I get back object XMLdocument but...

How to build Graceful Degradation AJAX web page?

I want to build web page with "Graceful Degradation". That is, the web page functions even javascript is disabled. Now I have to make design decision on the format of AJAX response. If javascript is disabled, each HTTP request to server will generate HTML as response. The browser refreshes with the returned HTML. That's fine. If javasc...

How do I efficiently write a "toggle database value" function in AJAX?

Say I have a website which shows the user ten images and asks them to categorise each image by clicking on buttons. A button for "funny", a button for "scary", a button for "pretty" and so on. These buttons aren't exclusive. A picture can be both funny and scary. The user clicks the "funny" button. An AJAX request is sent off to the dat...

My ASP.NET Accordion will not animate panel changes when triggered by check boxes.

My accordion panel in markup: <ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="MyAccordion" runat="server" SelectedIndex="0" HeaderCssClass="accordionHeader" HeaderSelectedCssClass="accordionHeaderSelected" ContentCssClass="accordionContent" AutoSize="None" FadeTransitions="true" TransitionDuration="250" FramesPerSecond="40" RequireOpenedPane="false" Suppre...

Jquery fade and swap an element when clicked which will also relate to an accordian menu

You will notice when you click posture 1 the description drops down and images appear on the right. Now when you click posture 2 or posture 3 the images and description change as they should. view website What I need to do now is - If posture 1 has been clicked and then posture 2 is clicked the posture 1 menu needs to close so that th...

Why does jQuery.ajax() add a parameter to the url?

Hi, I have a data fetching method that uses jQuery.ajax() to fetch xml files. /* */data: function() { ...

Ajax PageMethods troubles

Hi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2709245/ajax-without-updatepanel/2709262#2709262 I tried to use these methodologies to remove UpdatePanel from application, I have a page with search keyword which call the PageMethods and I load the user control manually and render it then place rendering output to the page, but something strange ...

Get Chinese Romanization from Google Translate API

The Google language translate API works cleanly to translate into Chinese: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script> google.load('language','1'); function googletrans(text) { google.language.translate(text,'en','zh',function(result) { alert(result.translation); }); }...

jquery $.ajax call succeeds but returns nothing. (jsonp)

$(document).ready(function() { $('#button').click(function() { try { var json = $.ajax({url : 'http://www.example.com/experimental/service.php', type : 'jsonp', success : function() {alert('success')}}); alert(json); } catch(err) { alert(err.description) } var sjson = JSO...