How to deny ajax PHP files from browser
There is AJAX script on my WS. Is there a method to deny straight access to ajax php backend? And to access to it only if it is run from my ajax code ...
There is AJAX script on my WS. Is there a method to deny straight access to ajax php backend? And to access to it only if it is run from my ajax code ...
Is there a tool to convert Flex code to Html/Ajax code. My Flex code primarily consists of datagrids/buttons/text labels.. ...
The last minimized code is, I hope it will help someone: $("#menu").find("a").hover(function(){ $(this).addClass("active"); },function(){ $(this).not(".clicking").not(".selected").removeClass("active"); }); $("#menu").find("a").click(function(){ var $this = $(this); $("#ajaxP").fadeIn("fast"); $("#normalcontent")...
Hi, I have a ASP.NET 1.1 web application page which is built with .net framework 1.1 and in GridView the data is displayed. I want when they select multiple items then data is updated but without the complete postback of the page. Any help or suggestions please? ...
Hi, I am trying to use Jquerys getJSON method to return data server side to my browser, what happens is the url the getJSON method points to does get reached but upon the postback the result does not get returned to the browser for some odd reason. I wasen't sure if it was because I was using MVC 2.0 and jQuery 1.4.1 and it differs to t...
Hi, I am making a simple AJAX call to an external site. It works ok in IE, but in Firefox, not response text is returned. I think it might have something to do with the response being "chunked", but I'm not sure. Any ideas? Thanks. <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> function loadXMLDoc() { ...
I am new to ajax and using Django for web development. Now My Template contains : sample.html <html> <body> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> //Browser Support Code function ajaxFunction(){ var ajaxRequest; // The variable that makes Ajax possible! try{ // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safar...
Everybody hi. There is a problem with my own AJAX library, that I can't solve. I have some block (#ajax-loading), that has events: $('#ajax-loading') .bind('ajaxStart', function() { $('#ajax-loading').show(); }) .bind('ajaxStop', function() { $('#ajax-loading').fadeOut(150); }); For running AJAX I have special method: run: fu...
Hello . when I Implemented chatting Function , I use Ajax to send messages between file to another . so , it is working well on local host . but , when I upload it in to remote server it doesn't work. can U tell me ,why ? is an Ajax need Special configuration ? Ajax code : function Ajax_Send(GP,URL,PARAMETERS,RESPONSEFUNCT...
I have a form that when you submit it, it sends the data for validation to another php script via ajax. Validation errors are echo'd back in a div in my form. A success message also is returned if validation passes. The problem is that the form is still displayed after submit and successful validation. I want to hid the div after suc...
When doing an AJAX call, why do browser security rules state that you cannot make a request to a different domain? ...
In Drupal 6 - Our default select box is the "Ajax - autosuggest" variation. This shows up in Location and Views modules amoung other places. Is there a place where we can set this to the regular select-dropdown type of select box? ...
Do you know a parser which could operate on AJAX and has option to override method of connecting (I would like to use my own method to connect to pages). ...
I'm using the qTip jQuery plugin to generate a dynamic tooltip. I'm getting an error in my JS, and I'm unsure if its source is the JSON or the JS. The tooltip calls the following function: (sorry about all this code, but it's necessary) <cffunction name="fGameDetails" access="remote" returnType="any" returnformat="JSON" output="false" ...
I am doing a mysql database search and retrieving some results via ajax livesearch using the example on w3schools and i want to manipulate those results (drag and drop them) but im having a problem because the script loads before you enter the search and get the results so it does absolutely nothing no the search results. Any thoughts on...
I have a ascx page where I am using a hidden field to store the value of a the drop down box as it is generated using a google address finder. My problem is that when I try to store the value directly in the hidden field : hfDdlVerifyID.Value = ddlVerifySS.SelectedValue; in the event of a button click, the value is stored but on post...
Anyone know of a CODA like Slider that can call via AJAX contents and then slide the div which was loaded by the AJAX call? ...
I have an ajax-enabled WCF service that returns a set of JSON objects back to the browser. The service has a simple function that calls a business layer dll. This then returns the objects to the calling method. Below is the service implementation (minus the Imports statements): <ServiceContract(Namespace:="")> _ <AspNetCompatibilityR...
Say I need to use ajax to asynchronously ask the server for an xml file containing relevant data. What is the best practice on what this message should look like? Should it be a string like get_data or something similar? Should it be xml? I don't really need long polling since its a one-time (or close to it) request. Thanks. ...
Let's say I have a line of code that looks like this: setInterval(ajaxFunction,3000); where ajaxFunction is a function that calls a PHP script and returns something. If this request happens to take longer than 3 seconds, what happens? will It terminate the current request and start over, or will it start a 2nd request and have both run...