
Complications with MultiHandleSlider - ASP.Net AJAX Control Toolkit

We are enhancing a web page that serves up a graphical chart. To serve this chart we have various filters on the page that the user can use to indicate the content they wish to retrieve. After getting too much clutter on the page we decided we would move the filters into a modalpopup panel that the Ajax Toolkit provides. To divide the...

How do I include a whole lot of Javascript files using a ToolkitScriptManager compositescript?

If you have too many javascript file includes with a compositescript in a script manager you get this error... "The resource URL cannot be longer than 1024 characters. If using a CompositeScriptReference, reduce the number of ScriptReferences it contains, or combine them into a single static file and set the Path property to the locatio...

How to hide color code from textbox used in ajax colorpickerextender at load time [Discussion]

Hi All, I am using ajax colorpickerextender control for color selection. For TargetControlID, I have used a textbox. It shows hexadecimal color code into that textbox. Using this post I have resolved this for colorselection change event. I am saving selected color into an xml file and reassigning it to the color control when form load...

Visual Web Developer Express 2010 doesn't save changes made to contents of Ajax Toolkit Tab Container in design view

When editing the contents of an AJAX Control Toolkit Tab Container in VWD Express 2010: Sometimes the changes are saved ok, sometimes extremely slowly & sometimes not at all. A "page changed" asterisk in the name tab of the page appears briefly, but then disappears again. Does anyone know anything about this, please? Thanks! Vlad ...

AJAXControlToolkit TabContainer - bug in dynamically adding/removing tabs?

I am using AjaxControlToolkit version 4.1.40412.0, .NET 4.0, VS2010 Using the TabContainer control I want to add/remove tabs dynamically, but it looks like all of my dynamic changes are not persistent. Here is my scenario: I start with a tabcontainer with 1 tabpanel (hardcoded, i.e. added at design time), then dynamically I add more tab...

Autocompleteextender - HTTP 403.9 - Access Forbidden: Too many users are connected Internet Information Services

I have two textbox in a page each uses ASP.Net Ajax Autocompleteextender control. asp:TextBox ID="txtLastName" runat="server" CssClass="PlainText" MaxLength="50" Ajax:autocompleteextender id="aceLastName" runat="server" targetcontrolid="txtLastName" servicepath="~/AjaxService/Predictive.svc" servicemethod="GetLastName" minim...

Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit'

I have this error on website today Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. There is not enough space on the disk. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070070) ...

jQuery Datepicker mimicking Ajax Toolkit Calendar

Does anyone know of a jQuery small calendar / datepicker widget that can directly mimic the calendar that comes with the AjaxControlToolkit? I've looked at the jQuery UI calendar and this plugin as well as a few less appealing options, but I have yet to find one that includes the "Today: (today's date)" button on the bottom that lets yo...

modal popup in asp.net

hi,i am using model popup in asp.net on this linkbutton <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CssClass="addProduct-disable" Enabled ="false" Text="Assign Filter Criteria" CausesValidation="true" ></asp:LinkButton> when i click a button in popup the event is getting fired but the asp panel and label are n...

How do I set up the Rating Control from the Ajax Control Toolkit?

I am trying to set up the Rating control from the Ajax Control Toolkit in a .NET 2010 app. I'm not trying to do anything fancy. Just configure it to the minimum. I an't seem to find any documentation on how to ge this to work. ...

How do you display value from database in AjaxControlToolkit Rating Control?

I am using the Rating Control in .NET 2010, but can't figure out how to save the value back to the db and, more importantly, how to display the proper amount of stars for a given record from the databse. Here is my markup: <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager runat="Server" EnablePartialRendering="true" ID="ScriptManager1" /> <ajaxToo...

ajax tool kit problem

i am using ajax tool kit version 3.5.40412.0 i am facing following problems i am having visual studio 2008 (2.0) i downloaded ajax tool kit version 3.5.40412.0 and integrated it's dll to my project My queries are as follows i want to use an update panel for which i need to put a script manager to my project but when i put it manually i...

Is there a way to add an images to the Ajax Control toolkit Editor control?

Is there a way to add an images to the Ajax Control toolkit Editor control? ...

How can I extend the Editor Control from the Ajax Control Toolkit, to allow images to be uploaded?

How can I extend the Editor Control from the Ajax Control Toolkit, to allow images to be uploaded? ...

AjaxControlToolkit TabContainer HeaderTemplate

Hi, I am trying to set a ITemPlate class to the HeaderTemplate of a specific TabPanel of TabContainer ( AjaxControlTollKit). However, the InstantiateIn method is not firing at all. Please note that in any tab there is NO gridview. Code extract: // In the SharePoint webpart class where tabs are getting created tbcDynamic.Tabs[0].Head...

Calendar extender wont pop up a calendar

I currently have two calendar extenders on my ASP page and for some reason when they are clicked they do not pop up correctly, I have the TargetControlId set to the appropriate text boxes and the PopupButtonId set to the correct images as well. Is there something else that needs to be set so that this works correctly? ...

How do I auto-select the text inside a textbox that is part of an AJAXContolToolkit Popup Control?

I've built an ASP User Control that implements the AJAX Control Toolkit PopupControlExtender. It pops up a div containing a text box, and an OK/Cancel button. The idea is that the user can click a "rename" icon, which displays the popup with a message saying "Please enter the new name" and a text box with the old name already populated ...

Problem with translating tooltips in HtmlEditor (AjaxControlToolkit)

public class CustomEditor : Editor { protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { Toolbar topToolbar = this.TopToolbar; Collection<AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ToolbarButton.CommonButton> buttons = topToolbar.Buttons; foreach (AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.ToolbarButton.CommonButton button in ...

How to avoid multiple error message while using ValidatorCalloutExtender with any Validation control?

when we use any validator over any control and add a ajax control (ValidatorCalloutExtender) over the validator then we need to give targetID as the ID of validator. In such situation we get same error message in the extender as well in validator. How to avoid this multiple error message. ...

Date from ajaxcontroltoolkit calendarextender

I have the date in format od MM/yyyy. I need to validate that this MM/YYYY is greater than or equal to present month and year.Any built in support function present or do I have to write a custom function to validate.If so how can this be done? ...