
Problem trying to use an item from AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio 2008 - asking for ScriptObjectBuilder.cs

I am trying to use the AjaxControlToolkit in Visual Studio 2008. I download the current binary package 40412 for .NET 3.5 (and have also tried previous binary package 30930 for .NET 3.5). I extract the contents. I start a new web site. I add a new tab and point it at the extracted AjaxControlToolkit dll. I select an item [Editor] from t...

NumericUpDown removes zero for decimals

I have an AJAX NumericUpDown Control that takes a decimal. If I put in 1.30, it removes the zero. I do not want to remove the zero, it must remain at 1.30. A demo of this can be found here: http://www.asp.net/ajax/ajaxcontroltoolkit/Samples/NumericUpDown/NumericUpDown.aspx For example, enter 1.30 in the text box then tab out or click ...

Configuration problem with asp.net ajax control toolkit 3.5

Hello, I have the control toolkit installed properly (dll in the application's bin folder, able to add controls to toolbox in VS) My problem is that none of the controls work for me, I'm almost certain that I'm missing something in my setup. For example: Accordion Pane: Headers are rendered but the panes aren't clickable (and thus do...

Does AutoCompletionExtender Method of AJAX Control Toolkit has to be static?

Hi! I have web page which is using AjaxControlToolkit:AutoCompleteExtener on some TextBox. This extender requires service method, from which it will get data to display: [System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()] public static string[] GetCompletionList2(string prefixText, in...

C# Accordion Control Height problems when trying to load page with all panels collapsed

The .NET AJAX Control Toolkit's accordion control is killing me right now. I have an accordion control, with four hard coded panes, nothing dynamic here. The panes just have 'stubbed in' HTML for now. I want the accordion to load with ALL panes collapsed. So much searching found that setting the SelectedIndex property to "-1" AND settin...

AJAX ModalPopup update panel contents based on change in panel controls

I have an AJAX Modal Popup panel that contains a RadioButtonList, 2 labels and 2 DropDowns. I want to update the Labels and DropDowns when a radio button is selected. My attempt at this posts back which causes the ajax popup to disappear. aspx called on image click: <asp:Panel ID="pnlModalContainer" runat="server"> <asp:RadioButt...

ASP.NET TextBoxWatermarkExtender .

Hello everyone! I have to add to my textBox a WatermarkExtender from ajax control toolkit (it is already instaleed properly) . Problem is that when I try pull the TextBoxWatermarkExtender from the toolbox Visual studio 2010 dont alow's me to do that. this the source code of default.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" C...

conditional rendering of <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager> possible?

My site master page contains a single <ajaxToolkit:ToolkitScriptManager> declaration so that the few pages in my site that use an UpdatePanel need not include such a declaration. The downside to this approach is that a bunch of useless MS-Ajax JS is being emitted to the client even when it's not being used. Is there a way to interrogat...

AjaxControlToolkit CalendarExtender selected value is null

I try to get date from CalendarExtender in two ways: one with updatepanel and one without but it doesn't work. value of this two calendar extender are null. It's weird because I can select date from this extenders, and text of textboxes are set to selected date. How to fix it ? <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"> <ContentTemplate...

Ajax toolkit ModalPopupExtender drag&drop returns to original position

When I drag the popup over the page and release it, it's returned some times to it's original position. Depends where I drop it... Is it possible to freely move it over the page? ...

this._form is null error with ScriptManager and Ajax Control Toolkit

I'm using the Ajax Control Toolkit with .NET in VS2008 to put a Rating control on my page. I've got the scriptmanager on the page and the rating control works in Chrome and IE but not Firefox. In Firefox it gives me this error "this._form is null". I've got no other scripts included on the page. There are a couple included in the master ...

ModalPopupExtender with DOCTYPE HTML 4.1

The ModalPopupExtender works fine when I have DOCTYPE of XHTML 1.0 But when i use DOCTYPE of HTML 4.1, The popup is displayed on top left and is disabled. I found a solution to this problem at http://blog.rameshbhaskar.com/2008/03/03/fixing-modalpopupextender-doctype-problems/ but unfortunately this works with a very old version ...

Is it possible to trigger AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender animation from code behind?

I am using an AJAX CollapsiblePanelExtender for several sections of a form. I can collapse a panel programatically using the following 2 lines: ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.Collapsed = true; ajaxCollapsiblePanelExtender1.ClientState = "true"; However, the expand/collapse animation does not play as when the Expand/Coll...

asp.net ajax container takes eons to load

Hi, I'm using 2 asp.net ajax tab container for a mostly intranet used asp.net application in a single screen. Thing is, eventually it might have to be accesed through internet and it's taking 15-17 seconds to load and 35-40 seconds after a Response.Redirect() when it's accesed through internet. In intranet it works alright. I'm using...

Why tabcontainer(ajax control toolkit) and tab panel is not showing in chrome but working fine in IE8 anf FF3.6.9?

I am using a tab container and inside that different tab panel <cc1:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server" ActiveTabIndex="2" ForeColor="Blue" AutoPostBack="true" Width="100%" EnableViewState="True" OnActiveTabChanged="TabContainer1_Click"> <cc1:TabPanel ID="view1" runat="Server" HeaderT...

AjaxControlTookit Masked Edit

I'm trying to create an textbox with a date input mask, such as "dd/mm/yyyy". The mask should be displayed before the textbox gains focus and when the user enters the date, the mask should still be displayed but be automatic overwritten with the entered numbers. I tried looking at the Ajax control toolkit, which works fine except that I...

ASP.NET Ajax & ModalPopupExtender doesn't show up

Hello I'm not able to get my panel popup using ModalPopupExtender. Here's the code .modalBackground { background-color:#CCCCFF; filter:alpha(opacity=40); display:none; opacity:0.5; } .ModalWindow { border: solid1px#c0c0c0; background:#f0f0f0; padding: 0px 10px 10px 10px; position:absolute; top:-1000px; left:-1000; }...

Syncfusion and AjaxControlToolkit ScriptManager Error

I'm developing a web site using AjaxControlToolkit. To do so, i've to use ToolkitScriptManager that comes with it. It uses some different version of MicrosoftAjax.js. Now i'm trying to use a grid from Syncfusion Essencial Tools, but it doesn't work with the ToolkitScriptManager. The syncfusion lib works with the standard Microsoft's Scr...

How to use only part of the Ajax Toolkit's calendar extender control

I currently have two requirements of the AJAX Calendar Extender, one simple and one complex. I would like to solve the simple scenario, and if the complex scenario can't be feasibly solved, then the workaround that I have is acceptable. Simple Scenario: I really only want to show the Year/Month Selector of the calendar control When th...

div float:left style within an asp TabContainer

I am using ASP.NET Ajax control toolkit v3.5 TabContainer control. Anytime I use the style "float:left" my tab container "lets go" of the div's it contains and all my content appears outside/disconnected from the tab control (there's a black border around the tab area). Online, some people say setting "overflow:hidden" helps, but this ...