
strange behavior using $('.ajax_form').ajaxForm();

It is my first time to apply jquery ajaxForm on a class like the following <form class="ajax_form"...><input type="text" name="q" /><input type="submit" /></form> <form class="ajax_form"...><input type="text" name="q" /><input type="submit" /></form> <script> $('.ajax_form').ajaxForm({ dataType: 'json', error: ajaxErrorHandler, s...

Don't submit form if nothing selected, using jQuery ajaxForm plugin

I'm using the jQuery Form plugin to do an 'ajax' submit of my form, which consists of about 4 radio selects. However, I want the form to not submit if none of the radio buttons have been selected. Here's my attempt so far, helped by so code I've found in another SO answer and the plugin docs: $(document).ready(function() { var option...

Trouble uploading a file in php.-

Well I'm having some really weird trouble, this is what happens: This is the environment: I have a modal panel that has to be able to hold several "steps", first you have to upload a file, then the file is processed and from this processing result, I have to generate some html to fill the next step. This is what I do: I'm uploading a ...

How do I submit a form using jquery (ajaxForm plugin) to an external site but not reload to a different page?

Hi, I'm trying to create a form that sends the customer's name and email address to icontact (an email list application). All the values are correct for icontact and if I submit the form as usual, icontact responds that it added the email address. The success message loads in a new page from icontact's website. What I'd like to accomp...

form object inside of ajaxForm error callback

I'm trying to access my form object inside of ajaxForm's error method: $('#foo').ajaxForm({ error: function(){ // where's my $('#foo') object? } }); error can take 3 params, but none of them are the form object, also this returns the url, but again no form. Any suggestions? ...

$('#my_form').ajaxForm opening PHP page instead of reloading content (Safari,Chrome)

Hi, My ajaxForm request is not working properly in Safari and Chrome. Instead of getting the response from php file it opens it as a new page. (Works fine in FF, IE, Opera): $('#my_form').ajaxForm({ success: finished }); function finished(responseText, statusText) { ... } Thanks for your help! ...

jQuery + Rails + ajaxForm + js.erb problem

I'm having an issue that is driving me nuts, and according to everything i have seen and read online, it should be working fine. I'm using jQuery with my Rails app instead of prototype and am using the ajaxForm plugin to submit some form data via ajax. The form data gets submitted fine, the corresponding controller action gets called f...

Helper usign ajax helper BeginForm

Can anyone say why the method BeginForm that I use in a custom helper is rendering this text beforing the first text box? System.Web.Mvc.Html.MvcForm It's also working! :) :( The code I use is the following: // The helper signature public static string Pagination(this HtmlHelper helper, int currentPage, int totalPages, string orderB...

not getting radio button values in jquery ajaxform

Hi, I have a form which is binded to a JQuery Form (AjaxForm) object. In the form I have some radio buttons: <input type="radio" id="dialog_stranka_dodajuredi_tip_fizicna" name="dialog_stranka_dodajuredi_tip" value="2" /> Selection 2 <input type="radio" id="dialog_stranka_dodajuredi_tip_pravna" name="dialog_stranka_dodajuredi_tip" val...

combining jquery validate and ajaxForm plugins

I had both the validation and the ajaxform working fine alone, but when I try to combine the form doesn't work properly. I am not that familiar with JQuery and so think the syntax is wrong somewhere. Can anyone spot what Im doing wrong? The form takes two attempts before it validates, and then the form sends but does not give any respon...

jQuery: Bind ajaxForm to a form on a page loaded via .load()

Hi, I'm using the ajaxForm plugin for jQuery to submit forms on my webapp. However, in one part of the app, I'm loading some content thathas a form on it via jQuery's .load() The problem lies in that I can't get ajaxForm to bind to the form loaded via ajax. I've tried this code to no avail: $('#viewRecordBtn').live('click', functio...

jQuery validate before ajaxForm

I am trying to use the "beforeSubmit" option in the jQuery ajaxForm plugin to validate the data, however the form will submit even if there are invalid form fields. Where have I gone wrong? thanks, $(document).ready(function() { function validator(){ $("#commentForm").validate(); } $('#commentForm').ajaxForm({ da...

jQuery ajaxForm "h is undefined" problem

I have a form that is brought up in a ajaxed modal which I am using for updating user details. When the modal loads I call a js function: teamCreate: function() { $j("#step1,form#createEditTeam").show(); $j("#step2").hide(); var options = { type: "get", dataType: 'json', beforeSubmit: before, // pre-submit callback succe...

jQuery sequence and function call problem

Hi everyone, I'm very new to jquery and programming in general but I'm still trying to achieve something here. I use Fullcalendar to allow the users of my web application to insert an event in the database. The click on a day, view changes to agendaDay, then on a time of the day, and a dialog popup opens with a form. I am trying to comb...

jQuery ajaxForm returning .json file

I've got a model creation form in rails which I also have returning JSON through ajax. My code so far look like: $('#new_stem').ajaxForm({ //#new_stem is my form dataType: 'json', success: formSuccess }); function formSuccess(stemObj) { //does stuff with stemObj } And I have a multipart form with a file uploader (but I'm not su...

Jquery Ajaxform with input type=file and multifile

Im using ajax form with multifile. However ajaxform just seems to quietly die and does not do anything if using multifile. Multifile is just a jquery plugin that builds a list of input type=file so that you can upload multiple files at once, before which you can add/delete your file upload list. I've looked at multifile and made one ...

Jquery AjaxForm returning False in OPERA in a https protocol

The error is shown only when i add a File input. I get a return of FALSE in the success event. happens only in Opera. Any idea where could be a problem ? http://jquery.malsup.com/form/ ...

AjaxForm and app engine blobstore

Hi, I'm having some difficulties with AjaxForm file upload and the app engine blobstore. I suspect the difficulty is because the blobstore upload handler (subclass of blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreUploadHandler) mandates a redirect response, rather than returning any content, but I'm not sure. I'm expecting to get an XML document to work ...

ajaxform does not fire

I am having some trouble with ajaxform - it does not see to fire. in the ajaxForm code below, the alert never shows up. I have added an iframe (my_frame) via a bookmarklet. That shows up fine. I want to do some stuff when the form is submitted. getScript succeeds (the form loaded alert is displayed). But the function never gets trigger...

How to make AjaxForm work with several forms loaded using jquery load()?

Hi there I have a page with a div that is dynamically filled using a paginator ;-) At page init I load the first 10 forms in it using jquery .load() method. What I'd like to do is to make all the forms dynamically updatable using AjaxForm plugin. I know about server side, let's call it update.asp. It works. But there are several ques...