
javascript ok/cancel dialog box appear once per session

I am trying to get this to work in my iweb page hosted not on MobileMe. With the code below I continue to get the alert box on each refresh of the page instead of once per session. I am a total newbie here so be kind please. //Alert message once script- By JavaScript Kit //Credit notice must stay intact for use //Visit http://javascript...

Ajax function partially fails when alert removed

Hello. I have a problem in the following code: //quesry the db for image information function queryDB (parameters) { var parameters = "p="+parameters; alert ("hello"); if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else {// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new...

How can I use alerts like the volume alert in the iPhone in my apps?

Hi, What is the kind of alerts like the iPhone volume See picture: Thanks, ...

Alert Box Methods

I just need a little advice on what may be the best method for handling my situation. I'm in need of placing three buttons in the sidebar of the website I maintain. The website is massive and hard to handle. Currently, it's all HTML files (there are over 10,000 of them believe it or not). We're transitioning to a database website so I d...

RunStandardAlert never returns, buttons are non-responsive

I'm trying to create a simple dialog box from within a very simple application. It's the only UI in the application. But when I call RunStandardAlert, the buttons are non-responsive, and the function call never returns. I am not using Carbon or Cocoa anywhere else in the app. This is the code I am using, from the Carbon tutorial. I ...

I need to add an alert window to the submission of a form if it doesn't validate

I'm using jQuery validation on a form and the form is using a submitHandler to call a dialog window for verification of the form data. I've got a bunch of rules and messages set up for the fields for the validation. I would like to display an alert window when the user clicks the submit button and the form doesn't validate. The reason...

Can I prevent an alert() with a Google Chrome Extension

Can I create a Google chrome extension to prevent the page from doing an alert() ? ...

postback validation causes an alert dialog to be displayed

Hi, For some strange reason an alert dialog with the text title "Message From Web page" and message "-" displays when posting back a for with validation. There are no custom validation scripts that display an alert window. I am debgging javascript using IE development toolbar? Is it possible to break into the code that displays the alert...

Alert once (jQuery)

Is it possible to alert a user just once about something on his first visit? Can't use cookies because its a static site, only html and javascript are used. Thanks! ...

twitter like alert jquery in mvc

I googled for twitter like alert but all the articles were in php... Is there an mvc one out there? Here is the sample in php.. ...

application crashes on calling popViewController : error: alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex:

A description of the problem is as follows: I have a view, say, view A. To enter certain data, I have an alert,with a text field inside it, which pops up. Once the user enters data into the text field, i have an alertView:didDismissWithButtonIndex: function as follows : - (void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView:didDismissWithButtonInd...

How can I make sure a string is clean for insertion into javascript Alert('error message')

I am trying to display an error to the user of a web page using a javascript alert popup, I currently have the following code to clean the error string: errorMessage.Replace("'", "\'") But this is not sufficient as some illegal characters are not being removed, is there a static method somewhere in the framework that will format my st...

SyncML 1.2 DS Server Alert Notification

Hello, probably this is not the best place for this but I don't know where else to look for help. I'm trying to implement a service to start server initiated synchronizations by using SyncML 1.2 SAN specification but I'm having problems when sending, can't receive anything. Here is my encoding, in case you may detect a problem that I ca...

How can I automatically click cancel when an OK-Cancel alert pops up in the UIWebView?

I'm having a problem with my UIWebView for my iPhone App... I am getting an alert thrown up with OK-Cancel button options, and I don't want the user to see this... But the web page automatically pops up an alert. How can I programmatically detect the Alert was thrown up and how do I click the cancel button on the alert? Thanks, Matt ...

show datatable alert

dear all... i have a problem, after i'm click button show this alert: DataTables warning: Unable to re-initialise DataTable. Please use the API to make any configuration changes required. what the meaning of this alert??what must i do?i want after click button data grid can show data... ...

How to silent default juggernaut alert in firefox ?

Hi, I'm using the Juggernaut plugin in a rails application. I can't find how to disable the alert() when running my app in Firefox. Any Ideas ? ...

How do I combine alert popup in save as file function in

I'm tring to write a function that need to save a file (in csv) and has a condition. it's something like that: If the file is small then 1MB then I want to pop up an alert in javascript and then continue with the save as file commands. What I did was: if(...) { } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScriptBlock(...alert('aaa')...); } ...

Custom Alert dialog not centered vertically on Android

I made a custom alert dialog box to be displayed at the end of my game so that the player can enter its name to save it. The problem is when I call show() on the dialog appears but it's not vertically centered! It's a bit lower than it should and no matter what properties I set in the xml or when using setGravity(). I think it's the sam...

Overriding window.alert and passing multiple parameters.

I am trying to override the window.alert to pass multiple parameters. Please someone explain me why for/in inherits Array.prototype.tester's body into list? Thank you very much. Array.prototype.tester = function() { return 'tester'; } window.alert = function() { var args =; var list ...

Question about alert in webapp iphone

Hi, I write a webapp, I need to modify or catch automatic alert of safari such as "cannot open page. SAFARI cannot open the page because the address is invalid". is possible this?? Another question is: how to cache title of alert javascript? Best regards Samantha ...