
Check if a server is available

Hi, I'm looking for a way to check if a server is still available. We have a offline application that saves data on the server, but if the serverconnection drops (it happens occasionally), we have to save the data to a local database instead of the online database. So we need a continues check to see if the server is still available. W...

Keeping session alive C#

I'm using HttpWebRequest to log on to a website and get the session cookie. My application scrapes certain pages, and eventually becomes idle, resulting in the session dying. What would be a good way to prevent this and -just being curious- how do web browsers do it? ...

How does object reference and cloning works in java

Below is the code ArrayList arList = someMethod();// returning ArrayList with customDO objects Now somewhere in different class I am getting data from this arList CustomDo custDO= (CustomDO)arList.get(0); Will the arList be alive as long as custDO is alive ? If yes, will below piece of code help CustomDO custDO = ((CustomDO)arList...