
Location of %allusersprofile% folder in Windows Vista?

What is the exact path to %allusersprofile% folder in Windows Vista? On some systems, I have seen the folder as 'c:\Users\All Users', on some it is mapped to 'C:\ProgramData', while on others it has been mapped to 'C:\Users\Public'. If you can provide link to microsoft documentation reference would be highly helpful (so far I have been...

Detecting if the user selected "All Users" or "Just Me" in a Custom Action

Hi, I'm trying to detect if the user has selected the "All Users" or the "Just Me" radio during the install of my program. I have a custom action setup that overrides several methods (OnCommit, OnBeforeInstall, etc.). Right now I'm trying to find out this information during OnCommit. I've read that the property I want to get at is the ...

Per-Machine install problem with User Profile.

When building my WXS data into an MSI I get the following error: ICE38: Component CreateFolder installs to user profile. It must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath, not a file. This is confusing me cause I have my project set to be a per-machine installation, so from my understanding it should install to the "C:\Users\All Us...