
ASP.NET MVC Pass object from Custom Action Filter to Action

If I create an object in a Custom Action Filter in ASP.NET MVC in public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.For<Person>(); criteria.Add("stuff"); // Now I need to access 'criteria' from the Action..... } is there any way I can access the ob...

Detecting if the user selected "All Users" or "Just Me" in a Custom Action

Hi, I'm trying to detect if the user has selected the "All Users" or the "Just Me" radio during the install of my program. I have a custom action setup that overrides several methods (OnCommit, OnBeforeInstall, etc.). Right now I'm trying to find out this information during OnCommit. I've read that the property I want to get at is the ...

How to create Custom action project with WIX 2.0

Hi, I have installed WIX 2.0 (and Votive). I need to create user defined custom actions using the Custom action project. I found the custom action project template in VS2008 when WIX 3.0 is installed. Now, i couldnt find any template in VS2005 with WIX 2.0. Can anyone plz let me know how can i create a custom action project( class with...

How do I create an empty custom table in Wix?

How do I get Wix to include a CustomTable with no rows in the final MSI? If I simply define the table like this <CustomTable Id="MyTable"> <Column Id="Id" Type="string" Category="Identifier" PrimaryKey="yes"/> <Column Id="Root" Type="string"/> <Column Id="Key" Type="string"/> <Column Id="Name" Type="string"/> </CustomTable> Wi...

WiX - Passing parameters to a CustomAction (DLL)

I've got a DLL from an old WiSE installer that i'm trying to get working in WiX, so i'm pretty sure the DLL works with MSI-based installers. Here is my definition: <Binary Id="SetupDLL" SourceFile="../Tools/Setup.dll" /> <CustomAction Id="ReadConfigFiles" BinaryKey="SetupDLL" DllEntry="readConfigFiles" /> and usage: <Publish Dialog=...

InstallShield-2009: Basic MSI: How to run a custom action after user cancels uninstall (rollback)

InstallShield-2009 Premier: Basic msi project: What to do when I want a custom action to run when user clicks cancel button during uninstall? I put a custom action (a C# exe which would just show a message box) with Action Type: Type: Launch an executable Location: Stored in the Binary table Action Parameters: Source: exe path T...

Wix C# Custom Action .Net 4 Error

I am trying to use my first custom action in Wix and I am receiving error 2896: Executing action CustomActionTest failed. I am using VS 2010, Wix 3.5, 64-bit Windows 7 Ultimate, .NET Framework 4 Here are what I think are the relevant sections: <Binary Id="JudgeEditionCA" SourceFile="..\JudgeEditionCA\bin\Debug\JudgeEdition.CA.dll" /> ...

WiX CustomAction Third Party Library Dependency

I implemented Custom Action DLL that needs to run when the product is being unistalled or reinstalled. Custom Action DLL (C++) references third party library which is a COM object that needs to be also registered. I have 2 questions: 1. How do I include third party library into installer package? I'd prefer if the file were not visibl...

Wix: Passing an object from one CustomAction method to another - Best Practice?

I am interested in the best practice of the following scenario. I have a CustomAction method that hits a web service and returns some information that I use to populate a combo box. Later in the install process in another CustomAction method, I need to access some of the meta data returned from that first web service call. In the first...

How to show CustomAction on a certain Custom List

Hi, How can I show a CustomAction for a List of "Custom List" type and it's Title is "Demo List"? Is this possible? if not is there any workaround to achieve what I want? ...

GetDirectories call in msi CustomAction throws security exception ONLY when All Users

I have a custom action that I'm using to deploy some files that sit next to the msi in the handoff package. My custom action is passed the msi path via the OriginalDatabase parameter and I'm checking to see if there is a folder next to it. Nothing too crazy but was a pain in the butt to figure out. Installing single or multiple users fr...