
User-Interface: Best way to toggle MDI frame's on-top status?

I maintain an MFC (VC6) MDI application that uses Frame Windows as views for a document. There is only one document at a time but there are several MDI-Frames each with a different view of the document data. Recently a request came up to be able to keep one of those frame windows on top of the others while being able to interact with th...

<div> layer on top of PDF.

So, the problem I face is like this: I have a layer, which it will be placed on top of a pdf on the page. The PDF is either using to embed, or iframe to include it. However, CSS style doesn't apply on PDF (because it is a plug-in? ). Therefore, even I put z-index:1000 for the , that layer still goes behind the PDF. any idea how to fix ...

Always-in-front dialogs

Is there a way to create a modeless dialog box in C++ MFC which always stays on top of the other windows in the application? I'm thinking sort of like the Find dialog in Visual Studio 2005 - where it stays on top, but you can still edit the underlying text. (If it makes any difference, it's not MDI; it's a dialog-based app) ...

How to make an MDI child window stay on top of its siblings?

This question is related to my previous one. I have an MFC (VC6) MDI Application which has several MDI child windows acting as different views for one document. Is it possible to set one of those frames to stay on top of the others? I have tried to call SetWindowPos( &GetParentFrame()->wndTopMost, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP...

Prevent Process 'A' from spawning Process 'B' which then shows up on top of what should be the "TopMost" Process 'C'

I have a windows form application which needs to be the TopMost. I've set my form to be the TopMost and my application works as I'd like it to except for in one case. There is a 3rd party application (referred to as player.exe) that displays SWF movie files on a portion of the screen that popup on top of my application. Using Process ...

Minimizable JFrame that stays on top of main application window.

My apps pops up a dialog. Users usually want to switch back and forth between this dialog and the application window for a period of time. I want this dialog to stay on top, so that it doesn't get hidden behind the main application window. But at the same time I want the dialog to have a minimize button so that it can get out of the way ...

How to make python window run as "Always On Top"?

I am running a little program in python that launches a small window that needs to stay on top of all the other windows. I believe this is OS specific, how is it done in GNU-Linux with GNOME? [Update - Solution for Windows] Lovely, I think I got it working. I am using Python 2.5.4 with Pygame 1.9.1 in Eclipse on Vista 64-bit. Thus, thi...

Really annoying bug with TopMost property in Windows Forms

Hi, I have this Windows Forms application where it sits in the notification area. Clicking on the icon brings it up front, clicking it again (or clicking on the app X icon) sends it back. This is the type of app that having the window always on top is important when it's displayed by clicking the icon (it's optional though). Right-clic...

How to keep window on top

I am wondering if there is an easy way to keep this popup window (span) JPicker (built on JQuery) on top of other modal windows or divs? Zindex, is there a way to make sure the zindex is always on top? Thanks ...

Javascript library to do autoscroll of a div fixed to left of page

I want a JS library which can allow me to build an attractive menu which is always visible to the user on the left side of the screen, approx. to the middle. ...

How to implement a window, or div, that can stay on top of any Chrome browser page, when invoked?

I want to implement an extension in Chrome that I'd display some text related to the current page being viewed. I have learned ways to code div to be part of an HTML page that is specifically designed to support such always on top popup (div), but I have no clue how to make a window/div or whatever text area to stay on top of any web p...