
rails paperclip default image with S3

I'm trying to use the default_url in my application but I store the images using S3. I'm not sure what URL I need to put in there or if I have to create a fake image just to get everything up there. Since my images always render through S3, I don't know if it would work if I just put in some default images in my public folder. It doesn'...

Pure Javascript app + Amazon S3 ?

I'm looking to confirm or refute the following: For what I have read so far it is not possible to write a web application with only javascript -- no server side logic -- served from Amazon S3 that also store data only to S3 if you need to have multiple clients with private data per client. The issue I see is the Authorization header re...

Synchronizing S3 Folders/Buckets

I have an S3 Bucket that holds static content for all my clients in production. I also have a staging environment which I use for testing before I deploy to production. I also want the staging environment to point to S3 to test uploads and other functions. Problem is, I don't want the staging server to reference the same production s3...

using rails to upload things to s3 with fancyupload

Hi everyone. I've been trying to follow this tutorial to let my users upload a bunch of mp3s at once and see the progress. I implemented it pretty much more or lese exactly, but I removed some of the things from the policy file, so there's only [...

how to debug curl call to amazon s3 when it get stuck

I'm using the PHP S3 class and this backup script to backup ~500Mb file from Linux server to S3. The call to s3 gets stuck (never returns) and top shows httpd process which consumes 100% CPU and 1% memory. smaller files do get copied correctly. my question is how can I debug this (its basically a CURL call done by the S3 class) when not...

How do I add a Cache-Control HTTP header to images I upload to Amazon S3?

I think I'm probably just missing something in the docs here, but how do I specify that images I upload to S3 have a Cache-Control header when requested? This answer seems to suggest you can do it by adding metadata, but the example isn't too clear. Can anyone point me to a code sample or some documentation of how I would do this in C# ...

Is there anyway to place data transfer limits on Amazon S3 so I don't get charged beyond a certain amount?

I'm try to host videos on S3 and to put data transfer limits so I don't get charged for more than say 20GB, any way to do that? ...

Python zlib not decodable when returned by an http response

I'm using Amazon S3 to serve static files. When the Content-Type is just 'text/css' and I haven't compressed the file, it is returned ok. If I try to zlib.compress() the contents that will be returned and change Content-Encoding to 'gzip', the browser cannot decode the result. In Chrome, the error is Error 330 net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING...

Reading Hadoop Writable objects

Hi I have an application which stores Hadoop writable objects in a Amazon S3 bucket. How do i now read the object through a java application ? The problem i am facing is that the SequenceFileRecordReader is unable to read from the S3 bucket whereas it can read the same writable object from local disk. Any suggestions will be greatly app...

Writing single Hadoop map reduce output into multiple S3 objects

Hi I am implementing a Hadoop Map reduce job that needs to create output in multiple S3 objects. Hadoop itself creates only a single output file (an S3 object) but I need to partition the output into multiple files. How do I achieve this ? Any pointers will be much appreciated. thanks ...

What is the difference between Windows Azure and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud?

What is the difference between Windows Azure and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud? Should I go with Azure or EC2? ...

Securing ClickOnce hosting at Amazon S3

I am hosting my ClickOnce deployment with Amazon S3. How can I secure (or restrict) only to my users (network). I was looking to see if I can restrict by IP but Amazon does not provide that with S3. Any recommendations? My users are all on a Windows domain. ...

Amazon S3 FTP interface

I am wondering if anyone knows of an FTP interface to Amazon S3? I am looking for a self-hosted solution. I can do Windows or linux. FOSS is preferred, but will pay too. ...

How to restrict Amazon S3 API access?

Is there a way to create a different identity to (access key / secret key) to access Amazon S3 buckets via the REST API where I can restrict access (read only for example)? ...

Upload from Flex/flash player in the browser to S3

Hello, I've been messing with this all day and am about to throw myself out of the window. OK, not really. I want to upload directly to an S3 bucket. I know this can be done in AIR, but could someone advise me whether it is actually possible in flex in the browser, or will I have to use some code server side to get this going? Any poi...

How to disable cookies in Amazon S3

Hi there! I'm using Amazon S3 for my static files (pics, js and css). The S3 url is a subdomain of my main webapp ( Google's PageSpeed and Yahoo's YSlow warn to 'Use cookie-free domains' and '' is one such domains using cookies but not really needing to. How do I disable cookies in my Amazon S3 subdomai...

Uploading a HttpPostedFile to S3

Hi, I am helping out a local school out with some projects involving .Net and S3. Of which I am new to both. We want to upload a file via a flash upload form then via .Net to store it on Amazon S3. I have downloaded and gone through the examples but have got myself stuck at this point. public string postFile(HttpPostedFile file) { ...

How to use multiple S3 accounts with Paperclip and Rails

I'm fairly familiar with using Paperclip in my Rails apps and having attachments stored on S3. However, on my next project I'd like each user to use their own S3 account. Assuming I'm using restful_authentication or authlogic, what would be the best way to store each user's credentials and have Paperclip use them? ...

Amazon S3 for Software Delivery

Hello everyone, I hope someone can help me answer this dilimma I'm having. I am getting ready to release my new software and its associated content files. Since the File size for the Full version is Huge, I cant use normal software delivery methods. The main download is 450MB and then add-on packs at around 250MB for each add-on produ...

Moving Files To Amazon S3 While Keeping URLs

I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I currently have a website hosted in a shared hosting environment by a third party hosting provider. As such, I do not have root access to the IIS server that this website is on. I currently have a directory on the site, such as: The "myfiles" directory currently has a lot of files in ...