
uploadify | changing uploadifysettings on the fly

Hi guys, I am stuck. I am using uploadify to upload multiple files to my s3 server. I would like to put each file into a folder that has a unique identifier. What I was hoping to do was to use this syntax to accomplish that (note uuid is a jquery plugin to generate uuids): 'onComplete' : function(event,queueId,fileObj,response) { ...

AWS::S3::MissingAccessKey in Paperclip but I've defined both.

I'm on Heroku, and this is a portfolio thing which I'm putting up on github for potential employers to look at, so obviously I don't want to stick my keys in a S3.yml file. I've exported S3_KEY and S3_SECRET to my environment both on Heroku and my machine and ruby can access them. But when I try and upload, it gives me the following erro...

AWS S3/Ruby on Rails/ heroku: Security hole in my app

I have a route in my config which says that for a page, say /secure, there is a login required (done via authlogic). A before_filter in my controller takes care of that. That works fine, the page and its resources have restricted access - through the application. Trouble is, we are using Amazon S3 for storage on this app (based on refin...

rails PaperClip / S3 / ImageMagick

I'm using paperclip in my rails 3 app to upload photos, resize with ImageMagick and then post to S3. For the life of me, I can't figure out why this process is soooo slow on my localhost? Even without any resizing it's crazy slow... 30+ seconds for one photo? And my network & cpu aren't even working hard? Why? Updating with Model: c...

Image Crop Amazon S3 (works offline)

Hey guys, So im trying to get image cropping to work on Amazon S3, I have the following function def update_attributes(att) scaled_img = orig_img = scale = orig_img.columns.to_f / scaled_img.columns args = [ att[:x1], att[:y1], att[:...

PHP: Get image resource size in bytes?

I'm resizing images with php gd. The result is image resources that i want to upload to Amazon S3. It works great if i store the images on disk first but i would like to upload them directly from memory. That is possible if i just know the bytesize of the image. Is there some way of getting the size (in bytes) of an gd image resource? ...

Rails: How can I edit text files stored on Amazon S3?

I'm using paperclip to upload some text/csv files to an S3 bucket. I need to edit those files occasionally. How can I edit and re-save those? Before using S3, I was just using for saving the files, but that throws a "No such file or directory" error now. ...

How to proxy files from S3 through rails application to avoid leeching?

In order to avoid hot-linking, S3 bandwidth leeching, etc I would like to make my bucket private and serve the files through a Rails app. Concept in general sounds very easy, but I am not entirely sure which approach would be the best for the situation. I am using paperclip for general asset management. Is there any build-in way to achi...

Transfer files between Amazon EC2 and S3

I have log files generated by my application running on EC2. I want to first upload the log file to a bucket in S3. I then run a map reduce job and I want to then download the output file back to EC2. What is the best way for me to upload and download files from EC2 and S3? Is it possible to do automate the process using Shell script o...

How do I generate files and then zip/compress with Heroku?

I sort of want to do the reverse of this. Instead of unzipping and adding the collection files to S3 I want to On user's request: generate a bunch of xml files zip the xml files with some images (pre-existing images hosted on s3) download zip Does anybody know agood way of doing this? I think I could manage this no problem on a ...

Paperclip thumbnail regeneration timeout?

I'm trying to run the Paperclip thumbnail regeneration task using paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Photo but after sitting for ~5 minutes, I get a "rake aborted! Broken pipe" error. The images are stored on S3. Here is the full trace on the task: Shpigford:pugspot_v3 Shpigford$ rake paperclip:refresh:thumbnails CLASS=Photo --trace (...

Uploading to S3 on Heroku with Paperclip (delayed_job question)

I'm trying to upload to a portfolio app I've built, specifically trying to find where to hook delayed_job into the process. It all works otherwise. Right now it returns undefined method 'call' for #<Class:0xae68750> on app/controllers/portfolio_items_controller.rb:18:in 'create' so here's my model and that portion of the controller... an...

Error reprocessing in Paperclip 2.3.5

I updated from 2.3.3 to 2.3.5 for the string to array bug, and now when I try to call Model.image.reprocess! I get the following error. Is this something in my code or something in paperclip? Or maybe in the image I'm uploading? "\xFF" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 /home/brian/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0@sp/gems/paperclip-2.3.5/lib/paperclip/sto...

why width and height of image is not able to get in php

i am uploading image to s3 server and by php i am making a copy of that image on server , if i upload an image of 2.3 mb than the width of image is not coming but if i upload less size image like 26kb than it is showing the width of image so it is able to create the copy . here is my code of php : $s3 = new S3(awsAccessKey, awsSecretK...

Rails 2.3.10, Paperclip and s3 dead slow and would like to Ajax

I'm using Paperclip and s3 to upload a simple Image file on article. I've browse all these tutorials explaining on how to actually make a delayed job, for the images, but i feel that they're too old and perhaps there's an easier way to accomplish this. My question is, what's the "rails" (quick and easy) of accomplishing an flash/ajax upl...

How do you save images to Amazon S3 from android camera?

I am making and app on android that takes pictures using your camera, I then want to save this image to S3, but I am not sure how to do this. ...