
In which domains are message oriented middleware like AMQP useful?

What problem do MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) solve? Scalability? Integration? In which domain are they typically used and in which domains are they typically not used? For example, say, is Google using such solution for it's main search engine or to power GMail? What about big websites like Walmart, eBay, FedEx (pretty much a Jav...

erlang AMQP client library

Is there an Erlang AMQP client library that isn't tied to the hip with RabbitMQ ? I know about but I would like something more decoupled... pain when it comes to packaging this stuff for a Debian repository, installation etc... ...

Using RabbitMQ (Java client), is there a way to determine if network connection is closed during consume?

I'm using RabbitMQ on RHEL 5.3 using the Java client. I have 2 nodes (machines). Node1 is consuming messages from a queue on Node2 using the Java helper class QueueingConsumer. QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume("MyQueueOnNode2", noAck, consumer); while (true) { QueueingConsumer.Delivery...

What messaging technologies in windows-ce for guaranteed msg delivery?

We are building a windows-ce (6.0R3) based device that requires guaranteed and audit-ready message delivery (including store & forward) up to and down from the cloud. I have been looking for choices beyond: MSMQ a proprietary solution (what our prototype device is using) AMQP (I have not found any RabbitMQ clients for CE, by example) ...

AMQP '' reserved parameters

I am writing an AMQP Client Library in Erlang. For the '' method, there are 2 reserved parameters "documented" in AMQP 0.9.1 out of a total of 3. When I send the method in question without the "reserved parameters", I get "unable to decode method" in the error log. What should I be sending as value for those "reserved p...

Can somebody tell steps to use OpenAMQ C lib to connect to rabbitMQ server.

I am trying to use RabbitMQ in my C/C++ app, so far I have realized that using OpenAMQ's C Client is the only option, but OpenAMQ is AMQP 0-9 something and RabbitMQ server is 0-8. I have read somewhere that people were successful to do minor changes to RabbitMQ to make it work with OpenAMQ C lib.. can somebody experienced with this throw...

Flushing a queue using AMQP, Rabbit, and Ruby

I'm developing a system in Ruby that is going to make use of RabbitMQ to send messages to a queue as it does some work. I am using: Ruby 1.9.1 Stable RabbitMQ 1.7.2 AMQP gem v0.6.7 ( Most of the examples I have seen on this gem have their publish calls in an EM.add_periodic_timer block. This doesn't work...

ActiveMQ & Camel - How to create dependency in routing paths

I have a message routing to implement, which has routes that vary according to the message content. Some strands of the route are dependent on other. If for example I have Data_A which has Task_A and Task_B to be performed on it. Whereas Data_B has only Task_B to be performed on it. Here each Task has a queue served by consumers. If T...

Posting messages in two RabbitMQ queue, instead of one (using py-amqp)

I've got this strange problem using py-amqp and the Flopsy module. I have written a publisher that sends messages to a RabbitMQ server, and I wanted to be able to send it to a specified queue. On the Flopsy module that is not possible, so I tweaked it adding a parameter and a line to declare the queue on the init_ method of the Publisher...

Wait for a single RabbitMQ message with a timeout

I'd like to send a message to a RabbitMQ server and then wait for a reply message (on a "reply-to" queue). Of course, I don't want to wait forever in case the application processing these messages is down - there needs to be a timeout. It sounds like a very basic task, yet I can't find a way to do this. I've now run into this problem wit...

AMQP subscriber inside Rails app

Is it possible to start an AMQP subscriber with my Rails app? Possibly through an initializer or something. I'd like to have it running at the same time that can also interact with Rails models. Below is a pseudo-code example of what I mean. queue.subscribe do |msg,body| Foo.create(....) end ...

Is there an API for listing queues and exchanges on RabbitMQ?

I've looked quite a bit, but I haven't been able to find a good programmatic way to list the queues on a RabbitMQ server. This is important because I need to clean up my queues and exchanges when I'm done with them. I don't always have a good "done" event that can be used to trigger a cleanup, so I'd like to do it with more of a garbag...

Apache Camel ESB for C# and Java EDA

Hi We are looking at integrating some of our coarse grained business Services using an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) and the server side of these Services (REST) are implemented in both Java and .NET (C#). We originally thought of using RabbitMQ (and AMQP protocol) as a neutral and open means (with good client support in these two lan...

Ruby AMQP uninitialized constant error

Hi, I was trying out this code (got from an online article here: require 'rubygems' gem 'amqp' require 'mq' unless ARGV.length == 2 STDERR.puts "Usage: #{$0} " exit 1 end $channel, $nick = ARGV AMQP.start(:host => 'localhost') do $chat =...

Which one should I choose AMQP or XMPP for real-time browser-based game?

Hi, I'm choosing between AMQP (RabbitMQ) vs XMPP (eJabberd) for my browser-based flash-free javascript powered real-time turn-based game. I don't know much about AMQP and XMPP protocol. I would like to use PHP for user-authorization and some data store-retrieve with MySQL. As far as I found out, RabbitMQ has PHP clients but eJabberd not....

Java JMS Messaging

Hello, I have a working example of sending message to server and server receiving it via qpid messaging. Here is simple hello world to send to server : And here is server which receives requests and sends response(the current client doesn't receive response) : Here is my prope...

Check for messages apache Qpid

Is it possible to check for messages from Qpid queue from unix/windows console? Here is how I check via GUI : I can see all the info from Qpid JMX Management Console, is there a something close to this that I can use in console? ...

Comet for User based Notification over a Message Queue

We trying to build application that should use Comet (AJAX Push) to send notifications to individual users. Most notifications will have a fairly low timeout. As we are running RabbitMQ, it would be easiest to send messages through AMQP. I am wondering what the best way to address individual users is, so that both the Comet server and t...

py-amqp/flopsy: Waiting for a single AMQP message in Python

I have a similar question to this one: It's very easy in py-amqp/flopsy to say "I'm going to wait forever, and I want this callback to be called whenever a message comes in," but I can't find any way of saying "OK, I got the message I want now stop waiting." (Maybe a GOTO? Just kidding...) Is there an elegant way of doing this? ...

AMQP vs Websphere MQ

We're working on an application that supports AMQP for queuing. Some of our clients are using Websphere MQ. I'm just wondering at a high level how interchangeable these two protocols are in terms of functionality. I'm using celery, which should allow me to abstract out the lower-level stuff as long as I can write a Websphere MQ backen...