
How to fix "Error generating final archive: duplicate entry: AndroidManifest.xml"

I put two projects into Eclipse, called Project1 and Project2. Project1 is independent, but Project2 must be dependent to Project1. When I build the Project2, the error msg comes like this: Error generating final archive: duplicate entry: AndroidManifest.xml ...

2 fundamental questions for the Androgurus ...Can someone guide me

I have'nt plunged into Android Development as yet though Java Classes C++ all that is not new to me. Here are the questions folks. Appreciated any help on these : - If I need to develop test and deploy Android Apps do I NEED AN ANDROID Hardware device or is there a software Android Simulator like VMWARE or Virtual PC , where I can emu...

Android upgrading free app to paid app using sharedUserId

I have a paid app out in the market currently. Now I want to provide a free app for the users to try out first. I also want to be able to ensure that the data created by the users of the free app would be visible once they upgrade to the paid app. Having gone through the Android docs, it seems like using sharedUserId in Manifest would w...

android: how do i mark my app as debuggable?

I want to debug my app from my phone. how do i sign my app so i can do this? i dont know much about the manifest. ...

Why doesn't my android application show up in the launcher?

I'm developing an application for the Android platform targeted for api level 4 (Android 1.6) but I can't get it to show up on my phone and I can't figure out why. Here's my AndroidManifest.xml is there a problem in here? Or is there something else I should be looking at? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:an...

Register filetype with the browser?

In Android, I am trying to make it so that the user downloads a font from the browser, and I am able to view the font when downloaded. After multiple issues, I still have one lingering one: Registering the filetype with the browser. When trying to download with the Emulator (2.1-u1), I get "Cannot download. The content is not supported ...

Exception when creating an activity: Could not select item Parcel unable to marshal value

Hi, I am trying to call an Activity from another instance of the activity. The code is supposed to be a simple file browser (part of a larger application). I am using a ListActivity, and when an item (such as a folder) is selected, it is supposed to open it up in the new Activity. I have a feeling it is a problem with the AndroidManifes...

Android Application Icon Change

Hi, Is it possible to change the android application icon at run time? I've read through Changing the application icon text dynamically in Android and How can i change an application icon programmatically in Android?. All answered can't. I use Android 1.6. Is there any way? ...

Child Activity in Android

So I have two Activities. The main is called Main, and the child one is called Child. When a button is clicked in the main activity it triggers the following piece of code: Intent i = new Intent(Main.this, Child.class); Main.this.startActivity(i); That opens the Child activity. As soon as I call finish() or press the back button with...

Accessing android:installLocation manifest attribute

I'm trying to write an Android 2.2 app that will find installed apps that can be moved to the SD card. The permission to do this is encoded in the AndroidManifest.xml file as the root-level attribute "android:installLocation". PackageInfo seems to have an interface to everything but this attribute. I can open the installed apk and ext...

How to set maxSdkVersion for 1.5 apps

Hi everyone. I do have an app that should only be visible in the market for android 1.5 and 1.6 devices. So i thought i compile for sdk version 3 and set <uses-sdk minSdkVersion="3" maxSdkVersion="4" /> But it seems not to be so easy. I get an error saying error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'maxSdkVersion' in package '...

Error in AndroidManifest.xml

I have a problem in the manifest when i try to use this library ( <manifest xmlns:android="" package="com.hellogooglemaps" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name...

Android supports-screen is it resizeable or any density?

I have taken note of some recent (and not so recent) blog posts on and have been adding in things like uses-feature and supports-screen elements to my manifest. The problem is I don't really under stand the resizeable and any density tags in supports-screen. I am supplying HDPI (drawable-hdpi) images for a few ite...

Dynamic widget (screen) creation..

Hi All, I'm dealing with a problem you guys might not have faced earlier. I'm having a use-case in my Android application where the actual screen that i want to show to user is not stored in any layout file of my application. The layout of the of the screen is designed by server in this case, based on selection made by user on first sc...

Changing manifest meta-data from code

I have a app that uses ads. The ad id is set in the manifest id with a meta-data tag. I want to change this tag when i start the app in some cases (diferent id for some localisations) Can i do this in code? ...

Java.lang.SecurityException:SECURE PERMISSION in android?

Hi, Iam getting this error on my log 07-06 06:22:07.419: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2618): java.lang.SecurityException: SECURE PERMISSION: Neither user 10070 nor current process has android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. I used like this in activity file private static final String SECURE_SETTINGS = android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_S...

Why doesn't my BroadcastReceiver receive broadcasts from another app?

App A has this BroadcastReceiver in its manifest (within <application>): And this receiver: public class RemoteControl extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.w(TAG, "Look what I did!"); } } I'm trying to trigger this from App B: public void onClic...

Set PreferenceScreen type as "Select Contact"

I have a PreferenceActivity with a few EditText and CheckBox Preferences. I would like to add a preference of Contact so that when the button was pressed it would allow the selction of a Contact's number Is that possible using the PreferenceActivity functionality? TIA Pat Long ...

How do I clear all Activities from the stack?

I am having trouble popping all activities off the stack using Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP and android:launchMode="singleInstance". In my application activity A, launches activity B (via startActivity) which in turn launches activity C (via startActivity). On activity C the user presses a menu item to return to activity A. When the...

Writing to SD card

Hi, I am writing some files to SD card. My android version is 2.1. I am not setting any permission in the manifest file but it allows me to write to sd card. Please let me know why this behavior. only WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in manifest controls write to SD card or any other configuration i need to do. thanks Gururaja B O ...