
Android App Static Storage

I am creating an Android application which will have some embedded music inside of it ( ~ 80 MB ). I was planning on putting it in the res/raw folder. Since android stores that all in it's internal memory, is this way too large? What are my options? I have come up with the following: Copy resources out of internal storage and onto the...

android code to play the video from the sd card

I need android code to display the video listing from the gallery or sdcard and play when click on that.can anybody help.Please. I have run the following code.but it shows the application has stopped unexpectedly public class StartActivity extends Activity { /** Called when the activity is first created. */ private final static Uri MED...

Restart Service for App on SD Card When SD Card Is Remounted

Due to overwhelming user complaints I have decided try allowing users of my Android application to move it to the SD card as per the official documentation. However, a core feature of my application requires a background service to be continuously running. When someone who has moved my app to their SD card mounts their SD card for what...

Where to put a file when reading from SD Card (Android Development)

If I am going to be reading files from the SD Card, where do I put them during development? Also, when I install the app, will it include these files and put them to the SD Card? ...

SDcard setup on android emulator

hi, i have a created an image for sdcard. It is showing me 120MB memory in emulator, but in the DDMS i can't find any folder in file explorer for sdcard and also when i am pushing any file to sdcard it it giving me "read-only file system" error.Can anyone tell me how to do a perfect setup of sdcard on emulator on windows. Thanks in adv...

Android 2.2 - How do I detect if I am installed on the SDCard or not?

I am writing an android app that stores a lot of media files. They are not the type (and are far too many) to clutter up the users notification or other media directories, but they also must be user-updatable, so I can't put them in the resources. I can use getExternalFilesDir to get a path on the sdcard, but I only want to do that if ...

mkdirs returns false for directory on sd card while the parent directory is writable

At some points while running my android application, I need to create a directory on the sd card, for a small number of users this fails and I can't figure out the reason for it... (I've found similar problems caused by the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission missing, it's there and it works for almost all users so I don't think this is r...