
Open soft keyboard for ListAdapter item with contains a view with a string.

I have a ListAdapter with in this case contains a single item. That item produces a view that has an EditText. When the view get displayed I want to open the soft keyboard to allow the user to edit the field. I tried to call in the getView() function of the adapter: View edittext = view.findViewById(; edittext.requestF...

Only show number buttons on Soft Keyboard in Android?

On the soft keyboard in Android you can set the soft keyboard to show the numbers instead of a-z keyboard using android:inputType="numberDecimal". However, what do I do if I only want to show the top number row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 and not the following rows starting with @ # $ % ...? Thanx for listening! ...

Show soft keyboard when Activity starts when no text field is present

I want to open soft keyboard while starting an activity. The activity contains nothing as its element. I just need to open soft keyboard on the launch. I've tried with <activity android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible|stateVisible|adjustResize" but it didn't work. Also tried with getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.L...

Android Soft Keyboard: How to manipulate views on keyboard on/off

Hi, I have a layout which has one large EditText view at the top + a bunch of buttons at the bottom. The EditText is made to shrink and expand when the ime is activated/deactivated by using adjust_resize. The buttons at the bottom are pushed up above the ime. I would like to hide these buttons when the ime displays, to provide enough s...

How can I capture when time changes in a TimePicker if the "Soft" Keyboard is being used?

Continuing with the question referred in the following link: [How can I capture when time changes in a TimePicker if the keyboard is being used?][1] [1]:"How can I capture when time changes in a TimePicker if th...

Android: Trigger the softkeaboard in custom edittext

Hi, I want to show the softkeyboard, but it does not work. Here is my code: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); myTextView myTextView = new myTextView(this); setContentView(myTextView); } public class myTextView extends EditText{ public boolean onTouchEvent(){ if(...

How to add preference of Custom Input method to Android Settings app?

Hello everyone! Recently I've started to develop Android Soft Keyboard and got some problem with preferences. How to add a preferences to Android setting app? I've searched almost all the source code of AnySoftKeyboard, but haven't found anything what would add them to Settings app. I'm placing a link to show what I meant: http://cod...

Android Softkeyboard

Hi everyone, I am trying to make a Android Softkeyboard. I want a pop-up of possible characters(completions) as keys to select as i click on a key. Say i press the key number 1 . As soon as i do that .is it possible to get a pop up of strip of keys to select and keys would be 11 12 13 14 15 16 . Now i would choose...

Custom SoftKeyBoard in Android?

Hi Folks, Does SoftKeyBoard support the Indian Languages(Hindi,Tamil,Telugu,etc) in Android? The packages Locale and UnicodeBlock are used for the Fonts. But how to integrate the Custom IME in it? the sample in the developer site is not enough. can you share some idea or tutorials? Any Guesses. Thanks in Advance. ...

How to use User dictionary?

Hi, Currently, I'm writing a soft keyboard app and it is using built-in dictionary. I want to enable user to add words to dictionary and get them while composing the text. I've found User dictionary in Settings->Language & keyboard. How to manage this dictionary through app? I want to add, delete and get words from User dictionary. ...

Half black screen shows when searching set up using soft keyboard android

I am doing searching application. I have my search EditText & search button on the TOP. On click of search button I started search & till result comes showing them loader bar. Also, I am searching on the Done button from the soft keyboard. My problem is after clicking on "Done" from the soft keyboard, the part of keyboard stays black co...

Fixing android softkeyboard issues

I have a ListAdapter that displays View with contains an Edittext. When that view is focused the softkeyboard pops up. However for some reason that causes the view to lose focus. Is there a way to avoid this behavior? ...

background layout moving when soft keyboard displayed - android

I've got an input popup that I'm displaying over my activities main view that has some edit boxes in it. When the popup is displayed the activities view stays dimmed in the background (like with an alert dialog). The issue I'm having is that when the keyboard comes up the popup is ok, but activities view in the background is shifting up...

android softkeyboard onTouch()

What is best way to implement custom SoftKeyboard, so it recognize where user push, and where user release, and then use both coordinates to determine character? E.g. if i push Q, then move finger to E, then release. Application should get 2 coordinates. Basically simple line. One way is to make it trough buttons and using onTouch(View...

runtime error on softkeyboard using LatinIME.git example

Hello! I need help from someone of professional android developers. I develop softkeyboard for android 2.2. I wanted to use LatinIME.git as example. An Eclipse project is correct and can be compiled, but after installing app and setting keyboard as input method on device(I use HTC Desire on 2.2) I have a runtime error: 10-13 16:31:03.8...

Android default LatinIME handling of hardware keyboard state

I'm trying to make a new Android input method based on the default LatinIME. I want to implement custom behavior that occurs when the hardware keyboard is open or closed. However, looking and searching through the source code for LatinIME I cannot find where the state of the hardware keyboard is checked. I expected it to be handled in ...

Android: soft keyboard efficient key press effect?

on softkeyboard, which one is better to give user a visual feedback during keypress: 1.redraw portion of button that was pressed to background canvas of main View to give pressed effect 2.each button has its own "pressed" View, and that View is set to visible (flashing) during keypress event (so no redraw needed but need more memory) I...

Display a numeric keypad on activity without an input area

I use the following code to pop up the soft input keyboard in my Activity InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); imm.getInputMethodList(); imm.toggleSoftInput(InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED, 0); This displays the alphabetic keyboard. But I want to display the numeric keyboar...

display soft keyboard with alternate keyset on screen while hardware keyboard is open

Is it possible to make it so when the hardware keyboard is open and an input field is selected to display an on screen keyboard made up of non standard characters? I've looked extensively at everything I could find about writing a custom IME but am still unclear as to whether this is possible on the platform. If I write a service could...

Android - Listen for key presses on Numeric keypad?

I use the following code to listen for the key presses of 0 - 9 from the soft input keyboard on Android: @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0) { return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } if(keyCode =...