
Tutorials for simple Android search & what's necessary

I have a ListView, as well as a refreshListFromDB(String searchKeywords) method which updates the adapter. I'd like to implement search, where pressing the search key on my device will pop up the standard search box (and on-screen keyboard if required), and pass the result (onKeyDown) to refreshListFromDB() - or is this considered bad U...

How to open email attachment in my app on android?

I want to open a specific type of file that my app can already send over email as an attachment. I need to be able to have the android email app choose my app to download or open that specific file type. I can't figure out how to set up an intent filter that would let me do that though. Anyone know how this is done? ...

What views can i use in an appWidget?

Hi! Can anyone tell me what views can I use in an appWidget? Thank you! ...

Android ListView Selector Color

Hi All, I have 2 questions regarding a ListView in Android: How can I get the color of the listview's focused row ? I tried to use the ListView.getSelector() method, which according to its documentation should give me what I'm looking for, but it's giving me a Drawable object which I don't know how to retrieve the color from (if possi...

Android power off

Hi all i just wanted to know if any one knows how i could power off android via java code ?. I have been looking for how to do this but i could not find an answer i hope you guys can help me out here ?. ...

Adding data to a database cursor

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way, but if so, please correct me. Here is the situation: I have a query which returns URI strings for ringtones stored in a database. I am trying to add a "column" to this cursor with the ringer "Title" (since this can change outside my program). I can successfully user RingtoneManager to get the tit...

Determine the type of a file

What is the best way to determine file type in android? I want to check if the given file is image or music file or video or smth else. Could you please give me a small code snippet? ...

Why does Android Eclipse constantly refresh external folders and take forver?

Just my a new Android phone and I've been tinkering with some basic apps. It's been driving my crazy that the Android plugin for Eclipse refreshes externals folders whenever I save ANYTHING. Normally I wouldn't mind but when it takes 10s to refresh I start to notice. I already searched and other people have this problem, but there are ...

Associating cursor data

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way, but if so, please correct me. Here is the situation: I have a query which returns URI strings for ringtones stored in a database. I have extended the SimpleCursorAdapter to override the getView() function to query the RingtoneManager for the TITLE of the associated ringer URI, however the getView...

Get absolute path and filename from VideoView object

Just started writing java / android and I am trying to use android.widget.VideoView. I set the video by using the setVideoPath('/path/filename') method, but can't seem to figure out how to get the path on an existing object? I'm using methods such as 'getDuration()', and 'getCurrentPosition()' and they work great.. but where is a getPa...

HTC Nexus emulator

Is there an emulator for the Nexus ? i want to test some of my android apps on it. ...

Web App GPS Polling

So it looks like mobile phones these days are capable of providing gps data ;) I'm building a django app with a mobile edition that I want to be location aware. My question is, how does one access GPS data? Is there a standard, or do you have to custom code for android/iphone/other. Ideally, I'd imagine it being provided in the HTTP r...

How to get an Android WakeLock to work?

My WakeLock isn't keeping my device awake. In OnCreate() I've got: PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE, "My Tag"); mWakeLock.acquire(); then: new CountDownTimer(1320000, 200) { public void onTick(lo...

Put widget on desktop automatically after installation

Hi, I have developed some widget and what I want to attain is to put it on desktop automatically after installation without doing it manually. Thanks in advance, kogut ...

how to connect android emulator to the internet

hi folks, basic question but i haven't been able to figure it out: how to I connect my android emulator to the internet, e.g. to use the browser? I've found lots of advice on what do to when your connected through a proxy, but that's not the case here, my machine (win7) is directly connected to the router... thanks for your help, ma...

Can I hook when user copy or paste on TextView?

When user copy or paste on TextView, Is there anyone explains me what happen on TextView. If some methods called while user click 'Copy' or 'Paste' in menus, I'd like to hook them and replace them with my own one. Here is what I want to do. 1. user copy or paste some string to my TextView. 2. some string copied and paste on my Textview....

Android Email application - Is it possible to get all the details which are configured in Email application

Is there any way to get in the code: Email id Password SMTP host SMTP port which the user used to setup his Email account with the Android built in Email application Required because, I am written a MailSender class using JavaMail API there I need to send the mail using the details what user configured in Built in Android Email applic...

Storing short strings and numeric values in resources in Android

I want to have some static numeric and text values as an application resource. For example my data is like this: Levels 5 First_Level 500 60 1 Second_Level 500 80 1 Third_Level 200 60 1 Fourth_Level 130 30 2 Final_Level 100 30 3 ... and another 300 lines... The format and order of the data is predefined and guaranteed to be valid. I ...

AIDL ServiceConnection.OnServiceDisconnected() not called

I'm doing an IPC between a client Activity and a Service using AIDL. ServiceConnection.onServiceConnected() seems to run when binding the Service with bindService(). However after unbindService() is called when releasing the Service, there's no indication ServiceConnection.onServiceDisconnected() is ever run. Can anybody provide any insi...

Sharing domain objects between activities

I have written my application logic in domain objects (to enable multiple user interfaces and porting to other platforms), and am now lookng at implementing Activities for the user interface. Considering that each activity needs to serialise its state, what is the best way to ensure my domain objects are only serialised once? ...