
How we can send the Url Using Http Get Method in Android Android

How we can send the Url Using Http Get Method in Android Android ..I tried but it doesn't works.can u give me the code to send url via http get method.. ...

How to use viewGroup in android

How to use viewGroup in android ...

More than one EditText - not getting focus, no soft keyboard? (Android)

The home screen of my Android application has three EditText views, meant to be used as three different search functions, each with a "Search" button. The app works perfectly on the device (G1) when using the trackball: I can move between the EditTexts with the trackball, all the events fire as expected, I can enter text using the physi...

WebView data caching (Android)

I load HTML data into WebView with loadDataWithBaseURL Do it one more time Execute the following code and instead of going back to the 1st page - whole app exits. What am I doing wrong here? public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK && this.browser.canGoBack()) { th...


Sorry for being the 100000th person to ask the same question. But I guess my case is slightly distinctive. The application is that we'd like to have an Android phone client on 3g and a light python web service server. The phone would do most of the work and do a lot of uploading, pictures, GPS, etc etc. The server just has to respond w...

Android ListView: mouseover action

I am new to Android application Development. How can i identify the mouseover action for a list box? onmouseover of a particular cell I want to highlight that cell or change the background color. Please help me regarding this.... ...

How can I use MS Visual Studio for Android Development?

Can you use Visual Studio for Android Development? If so how would you set the android SDK instead of .NET framework and are there any special settings or configuration? ...

How to set Background color of expandable List in android

How to set Background color of expandable List in android ...

Parse local XML file in Android

How can I parse my local XML file located in my android project (inside res/XML folder) and want to get the values in that file. ...

Why am I getting a crash when exiting my Activity?

I am experiencing a crash in my app when I quit (via the back button) out of my Activity. So far as I can tell this is happening in the Android codebase and not mine, but I'm not completely convinced of that. Here's the stacktrace from adb: AndroidRuntime E Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception AndroidRuntim...

Problem with Bundle in android

Hi, I put a String value (Edittext input from user in my Search-Activity) in Bundle. Then I get the Bundle (Result-Activity) to check if the user left the Edittext with no value. But It's not work, my If statement have something wrong, it seems like nothing was checked. I debug and saw the code run "If" and then "Else". Can someone help ...

How to make a ListView transparent in Android?

How to make the ListView transparent in android? The background android screen image should be visible. ...

Push Notifications in Android Platform

I am looking to write an app which received pushed alerts from a server. I found a couple of methods to do this. SMS - Intercept the incoming SMS and initiate a pull from the server Poll the server periodically Each has its own limitations. SMS- no guarantee on arrival time. Poll may drain the battery. Do you have a better suggest...

android IM CLIENT not working on emulator

i am not able to test im client application on emulator...any help in this regard...? ...

Android Content Provider database leak issue

I am writing a content provider for this application and in my content provider I am opening a database connection, running a query and returning the cursor of results to the calling program. If I close this database connection in the provider, the cursor has no results. If I leave it open, I get "leak found" errors in my DDMS log. What ...

Android convertPointFromScreen

Is there an equivalent of the convertPointFromScreen method from the SwingUtilities class in the Anrdoid SDK ? ...

how voice recognition in android works?

Hi Friends, I want to know that how voice recognition in android works? Which library it uses for voice recognition? Does it perform voice recognition process on device/mobile it self or it sends all voice to google servers and receives text in responce? Thanks, Sunny. ...

Which window-toolkit to use for embedded linux?

Hi Friends, I am using embedded-linux for device which has Arch ARMv5 Speed 266MHZ, vfpu and 32bit bus, 32MB 133 Mhz DDR Ram. can you tell me which windowing system should I use, 1).QT for embedded linux 2). Android. 3). Other!! Well, I am using microwindows for last one year and not satisfied with it as it does not have BSP (Binary...

Android animated GIF (Cupcake)

I've used animated GIFs in Android pre cupcake however my old code no longer works. To be exact: Movie.decodeStream Always returns null... Does anyone have any workarounds/fixes to play animated GIFs? ...

removing parent icon in expandable list

1) I have made an customizable expandable List . 2) Where I can customize the child. 3) But in parent(Group ID) I want to change the default icon of the parent.which look like(>). 4)Can anyone help me? Thanks Raj ...