
Ankh cannot commit changes with Visual Studio 2010

Hi all, I am in a big trouble with the Ankh plug in for visual studio 2010. I use VS 2010 RC using Ankh 2.1.7756.392. And every time I try to commit changes I get the following error: SharpSvn.SvnException: Can't move '[solution path].svn\tmp\entries' to '[solution path].svn\entries': Cannot create a file when that file already exists....

Can I update a branch from the trunk without performing a merge?

I probably just haven't thought this through, or perhaps I'm simply unaware of an already existing option in Subversion (I'm certainly no expert). I'm just wondering, if I've created a branch to start working on some new feature, if there's an easier way to keep the branch up to date with the trunk's most recent revisions without having...

Google Code SVN Usage Advice

We have been using Google Code SVN to store a school project. As we were experimenting with different ideas, we created new Visual Studio Projects and stored them there. Now we want to merge all the different ideas into one final project. Here is the current layout of the repository: - svn - branches - Idea1 - Idea2 - tags -...

AnkhSVN: moving a project to another repo

My task is to move this VS solution and projects to another SVN server. I'm working with Visual Studio 2010 RC1 and AnkhSVN 2.1.7819.... Currently the files are all bound to a repo at C:\Repositories\foo. I'd like to move it to http://someSite/svn/foo The most obvious way, I found, was the Pending Changes - Source Files window (whi...

Versioned items causing obstructions in SVN

I'm using the VisualSVN server, with TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN in Visual Studio. I have a Trunk to which some devs on other teams are commiting various small changes on a regular basis. I have a Branch on which a fairly major new development is being built. As a regular weekly routine I've been merging the Trunk into this Branch. All s...

When you move files around in Visual Studio will Ankh SVN turn that into a SVN move?

I would like to move some files around in Visual Studio. But I see Ankh is treating that as new files and delete in the changes list. Is the equivalent to SVN move? I don't want to loose the history for those files. ...

how to handle solutions/versioning in subversion

We are using ankhsvn to check in our .net code, however I have two issues with our setup that I want to resolve. 1\ I thought a key reason to have a tool like svn is that you can rollback to an earlier version of your codebase. If developers are just checking in code, then how can you get version 1.1 (say the current production build), ...

VS2008 & AnkhSVN: Any way to get the "Show Changes" to ignore whitespace?

Title says it all: is there a way to configure AnkhSVN so the default "show changes", under the right-click context menu, ignores whitespace diffs? ...

Working with Subversion the same as with Visual Source Safe in Visual Studio

Hi, At work I just started using Subversion with AnkhSVN instead of Visual Source Safe. I managed to integrate it well enough but it doesn't seem the same. Using VSS the following would happen: A user check out a file by right clicking and selecting "check out" or by editing it. If another user tried to modify the same file he would ge...

Create new ASP.NET Website using Subversion and AnkhSVN

Hello! Im trying to create a new ASP.NET website and add it to my subversion repository but it does not work because subversion only add the C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\WebApplication1 folder and ignores the project files located in C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\WebSites folder. Why can't I add a ASP...

Can AnkhSVN be installed on an Express edition of Visual Studio?

Can AnkhSVN be installed on an Express edition of Visual Studio? ...

Visual Studio 2008 hangs selecting pending changes tab.

The project is using the ankhsvn plugin. Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be great. i already have the visual studio sp1 installed. Also, ankhsvn is the latest version. Thanks ...

AnkhSVN Commits Are Very Slow

Recently, I had to move my SVN repositories to a different server, but I am experiencing some performance problems since the move. I am using Visual Studio 2005, AnkhSVN 2.1.7819.411 and TortoiseSVN 1.6.6 on my workstation and VisualSVN Server on the server which runs Windows Server 2008. Whenever I try to commit a file or view the fi...

AnkhSVN: No Versioned Parent Directories when adding a Web Site

I've recently been trying out Ankhsvn and I quite like it, and more importantly, it generally likes me. But I've hit a problem adding existing VS projects to subversion using AnkhSVN. Most Windows and Web projects are added fine, but I have a problem when I try to a Websites (as opposed to Web Applications), and in these cases I get the...

AnkhSVN: Cannot checkout Subsolution due to existing "versioned" folder

Hello Everyone I am using Subversion since quite some time for Java-Development and I have setup a repository on my local NAS. Since I have a MSDN subscription via my company I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 to do a small project with .NET. According to some "best-practices" my project folder looks like the following. MySolutio...

How can I speed up Subversion checkins? (Using ANKH, latest, Visual Studio 2010)

I've started working on a new web project with some friends... we are using the latest Subversion server (installed last week), the latest version of ANKH. My web project is a whapping 1.5 megabytes (that's with all images, css files, dll's after compiling, pdb files... etc). Checking in even super small changes (literally adding the l...

Changing folder names in Visual Studio when using SVN

I am using VS2008/VS2010 with Resharper 5, TortoiseSVN, and AnkhSVN 2.1.8420.8. Most operations I do in Visual Studio are reflected fine in SVN, however, renaming folders in a project can cause problems when I try to submit my changes. Also all the namespaces in the C# source files under the renamed folder need to be upda...

SVN Repository folders don't match my solution folder structure in Visual Studio or folder structure on disk

I have a .NET solution which was badly organised, so I moved some projects around to appropriate folders. In the solution, I simply fixed the paths to the new locations, and everything is working in my working copy. I used AnkhSVN to commit the solution to the repository, which worked out fine as well. However, when I look in the repo ...

Can I set svn properties through ankhsvn?

I am using ankhsvn with VS2008. I am using a free repo hosting on the web. I am not using a svn client for this repo, but managing everything with ankhsvn (including adding solution file and project files to the new repo). I want to add the svn:needs-lock preperty to these files. I wonder if I can do this task using ankhsvn, or if I ne...

Add an existing ASP.NET Website to Subversion using AnkhSVN/Tortoise

How do you add a existing ASP.NET website to Subversion dealing with the problems that Subversion dosent support multiple folder structures in the repository: An default ASP.NET Website Solution folder structure look like this: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\WebSite1\ WebSite1.sln WebSite1....