This worked in Ant 1.7.1 but no longer works in Ant 1.8.1. Is this a bug or is there a new and/or better way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
The Project consists of 2 components, each component has it's own build file and properties file, there is also a top level build file and properties file for common ant targets and properties. I...
If I understand correctly, the purpose of groovy and grails are to execute without (visible) compilation. However, I have inherited some old grails code that I can't build any more.
I can see the advantages of having a build.xml file for special purposes, but, considering that the programming nature of Grails is to run on the fly, does...
I have an relatively old Grails app that uses ant to build the application. In the test server it build without any problems, but when I try to run it on my PC, I get a consistent error:
Caused by: jar:file:/C:/ant/apache-ant-1.8.0/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml:37: Problem: failed to create task or type componentdef
I am pressmuming (without really knowing) that "gant" is superior to "ant", especially when building grails applications. I have some old, inherited, grails apps using ant. Is is possible or easy to convert existing build.xml files into gant build scripts?
In my build.xml, I want to do the equivalent of cmd1 | xargs cmd2 (and also store the list of files from cmd1 into the variable ${dependencies}), where cmd1 gives a newline-separated list of paths. I can't figure out how to do this in Ant.
<project default="main">
<target name="main">
<exec executable="echo"
This is a repeat of a question I posted on the Ant mailing list. However I haven't as yet had any replies.
I have an Antlib foo.xml that contains
<macrodef name="AwesomeTask" />
I have another Antlib bar.xml that uses foo.xml like so
<antlib xmlns:foo="">
<typedef uri="" resource="foo.xml" />