How do i run a specific target with the antrun-plugin from the command line?
mvn antrun:run doesn't make it run.
I just installed Eclipse for Java EE developers, Created a New Project by checking out files through SVN from a repository.
I was able to successfully generate an "exploded" web app folder through an ANT build.
How do I deploy this exploded folder (not .war file) to Tomcat? Any configuration that needs to be done?
I know we can call like this:
os.system("ant compile")
But how to know whether the ant task is successful or not?
And is there another way to invoke ant task?
I have the following code
package myPackage;
import org.neo4j.graphdb;
import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase;
public class dbServlet extends HttpServlet {
public void init() throws ServletException {
// Start up the database here
GraphDatabaseService graphDb = new...
I wrote two different custom Ant tasks. They are trying to share data through a static member in a base class. This is not working for me.
I assume I am using static members correctly within Java. I think this is a dynamic loading issue with the Java VM. However, I am a relative newbie with Java.
Since Ant custom tasks are mapped a...
I would like do not call some target in build.xml only in case if there is some variable on enrironment.
Following code does not work:
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="app.mode" value="${env.APP_MODE}"/>
<target name="someTarget" unless="${app.mode}">
<target name="all" description="Creates app">
In my ivy.xml file I have dependency statements like:
<dependency conf="*->*" org="gnu" name="gcc" rev="4.2.1" changing="false">
<artifact name="gcc" ext="tbz2" e:classifier="src"/>
'rev=' can be a fixed value or 'latest' or whatever.
In my build file I would like to get hold of the value of 'rev' to be uses in furt...
I need to run a java class actually a test case from ant script, is it possible to do so??
i am using ant script and running a junit, the problem i am facing is that i am unable to get the output on console, rather i get the output in a log file.
how can i achieve that..
i am using the following script.
<target name="validate_mapping" description="Testing the Hibernate ">
<path id="validator.classpath">
i need to add a folder in current classpath for ant script that i have written for running java files.
please help me.
Could anyone suggest the best Build Tools for use in the build process when building a blackberry application.
Is it just the creation of an ANT project, does that cope with signing etc?
Is there a better tool out there? I'd prefer a lightweight Windows solution.
I normally use Automated Build Studio -- it can build ANT and it can al...
Say that I need to do something like:
<copy todir="${DEPLOYMENT_DIR}" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="dir1" />
<fileset dir="dir2" />
<fileset dir="dir3" />
<equals arg1="${SPECIAL_BUILD}" arg2="true"/>
<fileset dir="dir7" />
<fileset dir="dir8" />
How do i modify ant war task so when everytime it is called, instead of building whole application, it builds only new files or modified files. I tried to use update, duplicate attributes and they do not seem helpful.
I'm having issues getting something which seems very basic running with Grails. I want to call grails commands from an Ant script - Grails provides a Grails task to achieve this. I have defined the Grails taskdef and classpaths as per the docs however, no matter what command I call I get the same error...
I want my batch file to stay open after processing is complete.
Here is my code:
set CLASSPATH=C:\XSLTANT\examples\word_transform\apache-ant-1.8.1\bin
ant >> transform.log
echo "See transform.log for results"
It closes instantly after it runs the ant build. Any ideas?
I'm trying to upgrade ant to 1.8.1 via macports.
When I run live-check I get this:
apache-ant seems to have been updated (port version: 1.7.1, new version: 1.8.1)
but when i run port install it installs 1.7.1 and when I run upgrade it does nothing
i have written one ant script, that internally runs one java code. Below is the java code and ant script :-
<junit printsummary="yes">
<formatter usefile="false" type="plain"/>
<test name="com.junit.test.TestSuite"/>
<path refid="validator.classpath" />
<path refid="lib.release.classpath" />
<path refid="lib.e...
My application has internationalization and the language code is in the first part of every path like "/en/dosomething" and "/de/dosomething"
How do i make a single access rule for the "dosomething" resource instead of 2 and still check for "en" and "de"?
How do i deploy/undeploy a war file on running Jboss server using ANT build ?
Hi All,
How can I unzip a specific folder with ANT?
Specifically I have downloaded which contains the folder "apache-tomcat-6.0.29". I want ANT to unzip everything under "apache-tomcat-6.0.29" but not include "apache-tomcat-6.0.29" in the top of hierarchy.
I've tried a bunch of things and I can't seem to ge...