
Django - Loading templates from different project folder?

Issue: Beta site is pulling from primary site templates folder, below is a skeleton structure of the site folder structure - store is the hosted project dir for DOMAIN.com beta/store goes to beta.DOMAIN.com the site is hosted Dir Structure Project/ apache site.wsgi beta apache site.wsgi logs store [APP...

.htaccess rewrite and subdomains

I have a subdomain setup as onlinedev.domain.com I need to use htaccess to rewrite to domain.com/online_content, while still showing onlinedev.domain.com in the address bar (SSL is for onlinedev.domain.com). this is what I currently have that is very close: php_flag display_errors off RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ Rew...

Apache Rewrite and variable

Hi, I would like to rewrite: http://url.com/app%5Fname/action.do to http://url.com/context/action.do?value=1 My question is how to add the variable 'value' to the url for each rewrited URL (it's a hard coded value) ? #RewriteRule ^/app_name(.*) /context$1 Thanks! ...

How do I install the Apache FtpServer as a service within Windows 7 (64-bit)?

I tried everything I could think of, but I always get this error when I try to start the Apache FtpServer service. Windows could not start the Apache FtpServer on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code ...

SSL certificate installing

Hi ALL Apach2traid+ssl+cetificate: I am trying to make a secure web page for payment and this web page is for study purpose so i thought that i may take a trial veriSign certificate so after obtaining the certificate what should i do and do it work if i am using my website only as localhost finally i was told to mke a virtual server to ...

Subversion apache index.html

Seems like this should be a simple question: Where does apache keep the index.html file that is used when browsing the repository? ...

Compressing CSS and JS without mod_gzip and mod_deflate

I would like to compress the CSS and JS files on my server to minimise load times, problem. My hosting is with Streamline.net (big mistake, never go there) who will not activate mod_gzip and mod_deflate due to security issues. Does anyone have another way to compress these types of files (and image files too if poss) without going the ...

URL Rewrite Apache locating files

I have a url rewrite that looks like this: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^cancun/tours/$ location-tours-listings.php?locationName=Cancun RewriteRule ^cancun/tours$ location-tours-listings.php?locationName=Cancun Problem is that now the page can't find the relative URL's, such as CSS, images, etc... Is there a way to fix this with a co...

Rewrite To WordPress Page

I have an existing page of /programs/kids.php that I want to load a category page from WP. I want the .htaccess file in /programs to handle this rewriting for me. Something along the lines of: RewriteEngine on ReWrite kids2.php http://www.mysite.com/blog/cat/kids/ Any help would be awesome. ...

Flash Cross Domain Policy for Apache

Hi, I was looking around but couldn't find it where can I add the cross domain policy of Adobe in Apache server. Because without it, its not letting me access my XML on another server. Thanks ...

https in apache2traid

How do I configure apache to use https mode? In other words, what should I do to make a certain page use https instead of http? ...

PHP/MySQL/Apache/JS with Visual Studio 2010?

I'm working on a project that uses a PHP, MySQL, Apache, and runs on a Linux server. Is there any plugin so that I can use Visual Studio as my IDE? Preferably, it would be something free, unlike VS.PHP which apparently costs $100/year. And, I'm running the VS 2010 beta. ...

How to make read-only data accessible by diff requests while the server is running (apache, mod_python)

Hello, I am using Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.3.1 Python/2.5.2 and I would like to preload the data I work with. Currently I read the data from a file on disk every time I get a request, then parse it and store it in an object. The data file is relatively large and I would like to parse/preload it ahead of time. I was thinking...

.htaccess - route to selected desination but change browser url

Problem: I'd like to accept the original request. Say its, /IWantToGoHere/index.php but I want to return to the browser, /GoHere/index.php To be clear: I actually want to send the original request location down to the script requested, however, I want to return the user a browser URL to another destination. Code: RewriteEngine on Rewr...

Apache Alias problem, Snow Leopard

I`m using Snow Leopard for web development with PHP. I have a folder in my home directory which is used as the eclipse workspace for the project. I would like to use it as my deployment directory in Apache, so that any changes that i make will be instantly visible. For that purpose i created an Alias in httpd.conf as follow: Alias /mys...

Download PHP script instead of executing it

I have a downloads directory on a website where I store a bunch of different files for people to download (zip, exe, java, php, etc). The problem is that my website is written in PHP, so the web server, Apache, tries to execute the scripts instead of letting people download them. Without having access to Apache config (I'm on shared host...

Php accessing Home directories

I have a script and i d like to access to home directories of users in a Linux Environment. Web root : /var/www/html/ And there are user directories such as : /home/john /home/david etc. There are files in users home directories. The permissions of user homes belong to the users. eg: /home/david/file.txt user: david group: david Is i...

return 404 error on existing directory

Ok so i have a directory in my root folder called /pages in which i keep all my pages that i include thru index.php What I wonder is would could i somehow return a 404 error if someone requests it? i dont like snoopy people... ...

AJAX requests hang when served in quick succession

Hello all. On my laptop I have an app that makes 7 AJAX GET requests to a single PHP script at about the same time (millisecond difference). They all return successfully with the result I want. Then I moved this script to a server (Windows Server) running Apache and PHP. However, this process hangs when I make the same 7 AJAX requests....

How to Debug an Apache Module

I've been writing an Apache module recently. It's been interesting to work with the memory pool paradigm, but I'm clearly not doing something right. I've got a segfault, and I cannot seem to find it. My current debug cycle involves ap_rprintfs and a make script that rebuilds and reloads Apache. What kind of tools are available for work...